Chapter Ten: A Thrilling Conclusion

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Uma was close to death and she knew it.

While she had been unconscious Audrey drained her blood, her demon tainted blood. Audrey had plans to sell it on the vampire black market and if Audrey told anyone who her supplier was... vampires would come after her. So even if Audrey didn't kill her now Uma would no longer be safe in the undead world.

Audrey had royally screwed her.

Uma didn't believe she was making it out of this alive, but she knew Mal was coming for her. Mal said she would protect her and Uma believed her. She didn't blame Maleficent for any of this it was clear Audrey was deranged from something Mal did in the past. Audrey hadn't moved on.

This... this is what Harry was talking about when he was talking about vampires being devoted lovers. Audrey was raging about a love she had over two hundred years ago and had never recovered. She was ready to kill Uma when it was just a possibility that she could mean something to Mal.

Audrey wanted Mal to feel the hopelessness she felt.

And well, Uma couldn't have that.

So she had her own plan. She couldn't save herself. Not yet she was still too weak to really think about that, but Mal was coming for her and she was going to use the last of her strength to power her up. The last thing she could do before she died.

She would help Mal avenge her death, Uma had said to hell with anyone who would stop her from figuring out her relationship with Mal and here this woman was in front of her and there wasn't much she could do. She couldn't even spit at her feet her mouth was so dry.

It had been two days since she last saw Mal and Audrey would show up to her cell, give her a couple drops of her blood, and leave again. Sometimes she would say something like "maybe Maleficent doesn't care about you as much as i thought she did." Or wonder out loud why it was taking so long, but Uma knew why.

Mal was getting ready to kick her ass. And as Uma waited for Mal to enter stage left she felt the power in her returning, she could feel it on her fingertips growing as she waited. She was going to give Mal every single touch of power within her to murder the bitch that was planning on killing Uma.

Fair was fair in love and war.


Maleficent doesn't want to call Vlad but she does, he's the only vampire she knows with the same abilities as her own, and he is an ally.

She just kind of hates him.

Mal was a century older than Vlad but his pyrokientic skills came to the surface many years before hers and it gave Mal a chip on her shoulder but she wasn't doing this for stroke Vlad's already huge ego, she was doing it for Uma. Evie was on the other side of the house calling in her greatest fighters while Mal talked herself into making this phone call.

Years ago when Vlad and Mal went their separate ways after Tenoch, his sire killed himself they had promised to come to each other's aid whenever called upon, the only fire users in the known existence.

"Well what do you know, Maleficent is still alive after all," Vlad said his Transylvanian accent familiar and gruff in Mal's ears.

"I need some help," Mal tells him

Vlad huffs "I'm doing well, how are you?"


He must hear it, the stress in her voice because he stops in his tracks.

Vlad the impaler was a cruel man because he had to be, he hardened himself after years of torture and war - but Mal didn't have that same upbringing with her he was curt and since she never betrayed him never cruel.

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