Chapter Two: A Very Fun Coffee Date

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Uma did not expect her night to end like that.

She had worked all day at her family's shop and restaurant and working with customers and her regulars was always fun but after a few too many hours sharing her energy with so many people she was ready to rest at home in front of her TV and stare endlessly until she fell asleep.

She was walking to the parking garage ready to sit in her car and blast the air conditioning when she noticed someone calling out to her she had been so in her own head about finding her car... she thought she left it at level three somewhere... when she heard a purple haired woman calling out to her.

They looked about the same age but Uma knew better than to underestimate someone by their looks. There were too many types of people alive and undead that used glamour to hide their true age, form, and power.

The first thing that had let her know Mal was different was that she wasn't breathing, did Mal realize she wasn't breathing? But still walking with the more confidence than Uma could even think of mustering up? Then as they got closer Mal's power began to slip around her shoulders and warm her body up. Master Vampires or vampires who had just been alive for hundreds of years could radiate their power out towards others. They could use it scare someone off, for dominance over the room, or to touch someone without touching them. Mal was using it for touching her, trying to relax Uma into being more friendly.

There were some vampires in Auradon who were into some deeply shady shit and Uma wanted no part in that and knew how to defend herself against some of the strongest vampires. Harry, her best friend, let her know very early on into their friendship how to defend herself from vampires.

Uma always had some type of sliver on her, today, it was on her favorite blue jacket. If ever needed she would use the water in the air as a handle and stab any vampire she needed too. Which is why she felt comfortable enough to walk along side Mal and laugh with her about names.

She knew who Mal was of course. She was the fucking Dragon of Auradon for gods sake! Maleficent owned HALF the town! Uma played along with Mal's idea of calling herself Bertha and walking with her. Mal was obviously looking for someone to drink or someone to fuck.

Uma wasn't going to fuck her but having a little fun with having Mal wouldn't kill her.

When Mal finally pulled Uma to the wall of the staircase and Mal had turned her vampire gaze on Uma it finally clicked what she wanted.

Uma couldn't be green eyed into submission though. Uma chooses who she gives her submission too. She knew it probably had something to do with her being a practicing witch but she liked to believe it was just her willpower.

"Wanna go get coffee?" Uma had asked because Mal was looking at her in so much shock when she tasted her blood.

Harry had told her her blood was different and it had to do with her parents. All magic came from demons and if her blood was altered like he tasted it to be she had to be the daughter of a demon. Which parent he couldn't say.

Only really old demons could reproduce, which meant her father had to be one of the most powerful beings in all of the realms. He didn't stick around long for Uma to ever meet him but every demon she came across was loyal enough to her to keep her safe but even more loyal to her father to never tell her who he was.

Uma didn't mind though she enjoyed figuring out the magic thing on her own before Harry, her vampire best friend had come into her life and then with him.

"So, how the hell do you know about vampires? Witches tend to mind their own business than bother with the likes of us." Mal says. The two had just sat down at a local twenty four hour diner, there were a few other groups of people in the establishment but nothing crazy for two in the morning on a weekend.

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