Chapter Five: A Show Off

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Mal might have been boosting just a little... okay, maybe a lot. No one had ever been as interesting to Mal as Uma has been for the past four days. The Dragon made sure to spend a few days not rushing to see Uma again and still could not hold out any longer than a week. She kept thinking about her eyes, her smile, her blood, and her bloodline.

It wasn't really a big deal when demon and supernatural creatures had children if they stayed hidden, in fact, it was much easier for demon kin since they were mostly witches and if they never made the change to vampire - they were not trapped under the vampire council's laws against being a magic user.

The Law Guardian's had once been a good thing once. The highest reigning law makers over Cain's children - that use to keep vampires safe but as time went on it became more about killing anyone who was different. Anyone who used magic, anyone who stepped out of line. Maleficent wasn't above the law, but simply chose to ignore it. Who was going to tell on her?

She could think of one person... but pushed her face from her mind. She could talk that over with Evie after Uma visited her castle.

"Wait, you want us to fly there?" Uma gasps, even taking a step back from Mal in surprise. They were still in Mal's garden her people were close by watching, listening, but not interfering. She had told them briefly that she would be visiting today with a magic powerful magic user and not to step in even if something goes wrong without Mal's permission. She didn't think Uma would harm her but she had to be sure testing her by inviting her to her castle was the best way to know for sure.

"I didn't bring a car service, Uma," Mal says smirking at her.

"I don't really like being in the air, I was in a plane once and no one told me they were loud and I got a really bad headache and there was so much noise and" Uma stops abruptly and shakes her head as if remembering being on a plane gave her another sensory overload, Mal watches, gives her time to process and finally Uma sighs and looks back at her "Can we just wait for a car service? Please?"

"Flying with me will be different, I promise you," Mal says and reaches a hand out to Uma she keeps her expression neutral as if Uma decided to turn her down it wouldn't bother her as much as she knew it would. This was about building trust, getting to know each other, Mal could do this. "Do you trust me?"

Uma raises her eyebrows incredulously and surprisingly scoffs at Mal and rolls her eyes, but she places her warm hand in Mal's "Okay Aladdin,"

Mal... did not understand that reference, but she knew there was one in there. She would let it go for now, and tell Evie about it after she flew Uma home.

Mal pulls Uma close to her body, so close she wraps her arm around Uma's waist and keeps her other hand wrapped in Uma's. It was smaller than her's and Mal gave it a squeeze. "There's going to be a lot of noise when we take off, we will be moving pretty fast, and it's going to scare you. When we reach enough altitude I will slow down and it'll be like floating with a nice breeze. You have nothing to fear, I will not drop you or let you come to harm. Do you understand?"

Mal needs verbal conformation, Uma thoughts are just straight red question marks bouncing through her head and her eyes are doing that thing where she's looking at Mal like she's the dumbest creature she ever met, but her scent is waves of fear and excitement. Mal doesn't really know which one to believe.

"Uma, look at me." Mal says firmly, but smoothly she pushes her long blue hair from her face and behind her ear so she can have a better look at her dark brown eyes "Is this okay?"

Uma's breath catches, Mal can decide from what, from how close they are, her fear, or how Mal is looking at her. Uma begins to smile though and presses her body even closer to Mal's. "Yes," she says finally, "This is fine, I... consent to this,"

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