Author's Note

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So my descendants readers might be a little confused on why and how Hades/The Warden are the same person and how they are now Uma's dad. In "Wicked Bite" written by Jeanine Frost, Aken The Warden is father to Veritas and Asheal because I wanted Uma to also be the daughter of the warden, (and because, this is a mix of Night Huntress and Descendants) I figured the God of the underworld and the Warden would be the best mix.

So no, Hades is not Maleficent's father in this version of the story. Her parents won't ever be mentioned in this version of Descendants X Night Huntress.

I left a few things a little blurry and not super cleared up because, well.... I want to make a sequel.

So... should I write Book 2?

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