Chapter 9- How ironic... Like Dolly and Frey! - Pico

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Dolly walked out of the door and I walked beside her- I was in the room but invisible after all where can I go while Milady is busy talking. The conversation was interesting- I have never seen Dylas that lovey- dovey with Frey- I stood beside them when I heard,

“Thank you Dylas… Sorry for acting like a child and worrying you.”

“After you recover lets go and have some fun ok?”

“Of course.”

Oh that was too romantic to be real! I had to hold in a giggle- it was the most difficult task I have ever done. Who even speaks like that nowadays? It sounds so cheesy as if it was from those romance novels! The conversation between Frey and Dolce was weird to be honest- in that time I was glad to be invisible. It really does give me the shivers….

“I know right… It just sprayed out of my mouth…” Milady said reading my thoughts too.

Well you can’t help it if you had amnesia as a child… You have experience after all. The truth is that Dolly believes those dreams that Frey talk about link with Frey’s past but Frey doesn’t think so… She once dreamt about her past- but it was only a fragment… So that is why Dolly believes some forgotten memories come from dreams.

“That’s true, amnesia is surely amazing, I can’t help but admire something so unusual.” she looked at me with a slight smile. We paused for a moment walking towards the center of the grounds outside the castle, the sun shone bright in the light blue sky- time told us that it was 3 pm in the afternoon.

“Hey where did you place the bouquet of flowers you were carrying to Frey’s room, Pico?” Milady asked stopping in place, “ I was so busy helping Nancy I completely forgot about that.”

“No worries, I placed it in a vase on her bed side table with water when you were with Nancy checking on Frey. Just rely on the beautiful PICO!”I giggled creating a lively mood after that solemn mood in Frey’s room. She smiled and murmured, “Oh Pico!”

“Dolly where are we going?” I really didn’t know ever since we walked out of Freys room we just walked until we reached outside the castle.

“I need to help Nancy…” She placed a finger to her cheeks, thinking stopping in place, “I promised her to.”


“Doctor Jones is out so we really need to help her.”

I sighed, Nancy needs help and Milady somehow enjoys selling stuff- it’s too repetitive for me.

“I will go to Kiel’s house.” I told her sighing, “Can we do something fun before that?”

“Well yeah- I am tired from all that crops and stuff- she has such a big farm how does she do all that in one day?” Dolly smiled her petite cute smile filled with admiration.

“She is- after all- a princess! You can’t help but admire her! So does that mean…?”

“Yeah lets go have something to snack on. What about our picnic basket?” She held the basket in the, which I ignored for the whole day. How did I ignore that? I guess that ruckus made me forget about it- oh well!

 “Yeah!” I cheered, “What about Mr. Fluffrocious? I will go get him!”

I ran to the barn to pick up Mr. Fluffrocious to drag along. He was quite happy; I guess this is his first trip as our pet. Milady waited at the gate to the exit of town. We walked around Selphia Plain until we found a suitable place. We sat playing with our wooly for a while and finally gave up and Dolly ate some lunch. Nancy’s food was delicious- according to Milady- I can’t really eat since I am actually a ghost but no matter how many times I tell Nancy that she will never listen.  She packed three lunches but I am a ghost! Well whatever it looks good- I can’t eat but I can observe maybe. We lied on the grass on a while observing the lush green trees in the beautiful hot summer season.

“Dolly…” I looked at her, “How did you feel when you had amnesia? have you ever wondered about your past?”

“Umm… Amnesia huh?” Dolce sat up, “That is quite sudden but I did feel confused, I felt as if it was my duty to find the truth, who were my parents? How did they raise me? Why did they never look for me? I wondered quite heavily at night. All these sleepless nights I thought… I just thought about my parents.”

We sat in silence as Dolce stroked the sleeping wooly that came to lie on her lap while we started out chat…

“I wonder…” I thought out loud, “ Does Frey think the same?”

“Frey- is in a similar position but quite different… For some reason I think that dream was not a dream I don’t think it's a dream that will happen in the future.”

“So those dreams…” I started.

“Yes it was a part of her past….” She continued, “She finally remembered something but won’t ever handle it and won’t believe it.”

“What was Frey’s past anyways?” I asked the stupid question.

“I don’t know- but Frey is lying to both her ‘Dally’ and I she clearly stated she had dreams so she dreamt another dreams but she won’t tell us because-“

“You guys won’t worry.”

“Exactly- what is that person even thinking?  I tried to make her understand but she won’t- I tried to help her but she doesn’t accept it. WHY IS SHE SO STUBBORN?”  This was the first I saw Dolce so confused and in rage, she placed the wooly to the side and dug her head in her knees. I could understand why she is confused but isn’t Milady as stubborn as Frey?

We sat in silence for a while entwined in our own thoughts. Frey may be a self-dependent princess trying to keep her cool looks but really she could depend on us from time to time and she tells Venti to do so but she doesn’t do so herself- how ironic!

“Shall we get going?” Dolly stood at last wiping her clothes from dust- there was no other answer than yes she was already packing away the plates. We started to walk I started to recall the conversation from the beginning until I remembered,

“Milady…” I stood in silence for a moment, “Do you still worry about your past and your parents?”

“No- not anymore, not when I have Nancy and Jones, I have a future ahead with my new parents.”

“But- they aren’t actually your parents?”

“I may not admit it but around you Pico I could admit now -aren’t I a lucky girl for having more than 2 parents? They may not acknowledge me, as one of them, but aren’t I like a daughter to them? Aren’t we like their daughters?” Dolly sparkled in my outfit; she looked beautiful and her smile was different than those courteous and petite smiles this one shone through her brightly like a star- this one was more of true happiness. She definitely was a lucky one to have a lot of parents, but what if she never had parents before she had amnesia? Oh well! That means she has 4 parents according to her memory.,.Still too many.

Memories are a weird thing- once they go you truly become nothing but sand in the wind but once you gain them it becomes a beautiful beach. Some memories can create dark sandy caves in the beautiful beach. How ironic for one thing to be exciting, beautiful and cheerful yet confusing, sorrowful and petrifying. It truly is a tricky little thing… like Dolly and Frey! But… they aren’t sorrowful but just petrifying and confusing…

“Who is the petrifying one sorry?” Dolce asked enraged, oh no… What a beautiful curse we are stuck with! 

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