Chapter 10- They are so complicating...- Vishnal

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The world enveloped in darkness, the night sky was but a black veil over the small town and the luminous moon gleamed in the night sky, it was one long day today. I sat by Frey's side the whole day and I still stood now, she was as stubborn as ever murmuring to her self- unaccepting the meal that Clorica has made.

"Can I sleep now?!" Frey cried under the blankets, she was by no doubt avoiding her meal.

"Frey," I whispered, I subconsciously whisper when talking to someone sick because I just feel that they are frail and delicate and would break if I talked even slightly louder like a glass, "Why don't you want to eat? Do you not like Dylas's cooking?"

Yes- it was a lie- of course Clorica made that meal but there might be a slim chance she would eat it if I said Dylas made it. She finally turned around and asked quite loudly, "Did Dylas say anything when he gave his food to you?" Her eyes peeked out of the blanket, her messy emerald hair unbrushed slightly peek out of the blanket.

Say something? Um? What would he say? I hesitated for a moment- I mean sure I lied but if Dylas would say something what would he say- oh gosh...

"Oh yes- don't tell me you forgot Vishnal? He was apologizing for some reason and told you to get well soon- he was quite embarrassed too."

The small, quiet voice came from the rooms entrance, it was Clorica she was smiling- She was playing along too trying to convince Frey to eat her meal and it did work, She quickly started gulping down her milk porridge, taking her pills afterwards and once she finished she went under her tunnel of blankets and murmured , "Good night..." as a yawn escaped her.

I looked at Clorica and whispered, "Why don't you rest? I will take care of Frey for the night."

"No it's ok I slept all day, I don't mind doing it for you Vishnal after all you worked all day- why not go to bed?"

" But it's a butlers job-"

"Yeah yeah- you look exhausted go to bed Vishnal- I know you planned on looking at the princess's sleeping face and adore it but I won't let you go along your plan. Sorry Vishnal!" Giggled Clorica, teasing my duties.

"But- no I wasn't! I was just trying to be gentleman-"

"Go to sleep Vishnal and you can repay me tomorrow." Yawned Clorica, it was contagious, sure I needed some sleep but I didn't think it was gentleman of me to leave such a lady in that state but she did insist on doing so.

I left and walked back to our room bidding good night to the great lady Ventuswill. The room was quite empty, Volkanon wasn't here after all, neither was Clorica. I went to my partition, lit a candle in the dark night, changed quickly into my pajamas and layed in my bed awake pondering about the thoughts of today, Dolce... she looked upset for some reason when leaving Frey's room and Frey was in a bad mood- oh gosh I hope they didn't end up in a fight...

"Hmm... Vishnal you still awake?" Clorica questioned, when coming in the room, she must have noticed the dim glow of the candle.

I turned to look around, "What about the princess?" I yawned.

"She is asleep don't worry about her, I just decided to keep my jacket here and take off my tie so I could relax a bit. I will take some water and stuff for the night and thats all." She stated, taking off her jacket slowly starting to do the tasks she stated, she was walking to her room or her division of this room to place it there.

"Hey Clorica..." I turned to look at her walking, she then stood there ready to listen to what I was about to say, "What do you do when two girls fight?"

"Hmm... Nothing- I would let them be- getting involved makes more problems," She said walking up to my bed, holding her folded jacket, "Why do you ask?"

"Uh... I just say Dolce and Frey quite upset and just assumed they were in a fight." I hesitated unsure whether my choice of telling her was truly the right choice.

"Oh... Yeah I actually listened to it but don't worry it was just an argument- or so. Nothing serious to get involved in." Clorica spoke in her quiet and girly voice, she definetly would understand after listening to them so I had no doubt that whatever Clorica was saying is the truth.

"I wasn't supposed to listen so I won't give details." She spoke, "But I am a girl so you should trust me when I say this."

I trust Clorica but that issue is not the only reason I am still awake,

"The princess also confuses me- she changed her mood so quickly. I am worried about her... is she truly ok? Will she be ok?" I said still laying in my bed looking at the ceiling, I will never understand girls like her.

Clorica took a step closer to me every second until she actually sat on my bed me she lifted her finger to my chin to turn my face to face her. The dim candle on my bedside table revealed features of her. Her pleseant demeanour wasn't there this time, her violet glowering eyes shone in the dark night, she bit her lip in annoyance, her braided lilac hair was as messy as ever- it was the only thing which remained the same. Her voice held annoyance but it still faintly had a quiet and girly sense to it,

"Vishnal, I know you are worried about the princess and her sudden mood change but that is a girls thing- we all have two personalities in one person- I don't think you should even worry because I am worried about you then. Stop thinking about others it worries me."

Stunned, I didn't know what to say I have never experienced a girl with such an expression to speak face to face in annoyance, the words just fumbled out of my mouth, I was clueless of what I was saying, I closed my eyes unsure of what else I should do to prevent eye contact , "But it's my job to - umm...- protect t-the prrincess. Th- that me- means I- I a-am not a g-good butle-er."

She lifted her finger to my lips to hush me, it worked, I was under her control at that moment, "Vishnal, you idiot. You worry too much. Go to bed... good night." I felt nothing but silence for a slight moment but then her lips gently touched my cheeks and when I opened my eyes she just disappeared leaving behind the scent of a garden of roses in my bed-... wait lips touching cheeks? Doesn't that mean- Did Clorica just kiss me!?

No it can't be. Wait she just did- what? Why? No she must just be sleepy and mistaken me to be some of her siblings and is just homesick- yeah that sounds like Clorica... but she did say 'Vishnal' -oh boy this night will be longer than the day.

Clorica is as confusing as the princess- no even more- really how can I ever understand girls?

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