Chapter 6

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Two days earlier, Izzie Stevens's ranch in Kansas

That day was a life-changing one, but when he woke up, Alex was not yet aware of the impact it would have on his future. Just as he always did in the morning, he woke up at dawn and went for a long run around the farm where he had been living for a few months now, with Izzie and their two children.

After his run, he decided to wake up his children to get them ready for school. Even though he had only known his children for a few weeks, he cherished these moments of simple happiness above all else. Every morning, eating breakfast with them allowed him to start the day on a high note.

Once he had driven the children to school, he went back to the ranch, installed himself in the office and started looking for a professional opportunity on the Internet. Since he had left Seattle, he had not been able to find a job, so he spent all his days watching television and taking care of the children.

Then, he spent the rest of the morning in cleaning and tidying up the farm. Then, in an attempt to overcome the circle of boredom in which he was trapped, he decided to organize the desk drawers and sort the papers that were in there. The office was extremely messy, and Alex figured Izzie would be happy if he fixed this mess.

So he took out all the sheets, put them on the floor and began to make several piles: a first one dedicated to the children, a second one dedicated to the family finances, a third one dedicated to the farm and a fourth one for Izzie's work.

After half an hour of sorting through the sheets, he discovered a letter from the Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital that had been written a year earlier. Attracted by his curiosity and a great desire to know why the hospital had written a letter to one of its former employees, he decided to open up the envelope and read the letter:

Dear Miss Stevens,

Ten years ago, this hospital received samples of fertilized gametes collected from you. To this day, you have never wished to retrieve and use those samples.

We would like to inform you that unless we receive a reply from you within the next six months, we will proceed with the destruction of these samples.

Waiting for your response, we send you our warmest greetings,

Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital Gynecology Laboratory

After reading this letter, Alex remained taken aback. If what was in the letter was true, then Izzie had lied to him and her story about the children being born from these samples was false. He had to be sure, so he decided to call the number that was on the letter and contact the hospital laboratory.

"Grey Sloan hospital laboratory, who's calling?" A young receptionist said.

"My name's Alex Karev. I'd like some information about some sampled gametes that I did with my ex-wife, Isobel Stevens. I'd like to know if you still have those samples in the lab or if they've been used?"

"Normally, if these samples have been used, you should have received either a request for authorization since they are samples of your genes, or a notification."

"I have never received anything."

"Do you want me to check anyway to see if we still have those samples?"

"That would be very nice of you."

"By any chance, do you happen to know the sample references?"

"No, I don't."

"Give me a few moments to check this out and I'll get back to you."

For a few minutes, the silence increased Alex's fear of what he would find out and what the receptionist would reveal to him.

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