Chapter 9

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Four months later,

Just like she did every morning, Jo woke up at dawn so that she had time to work on her study before going to the practice. She settled down in front of the ocean and began to read scientific studies.

Over the past few months, she had made real progress in this study and felt that she was getting closer to what she had been looking for so long. Through that study, she was given a wonderful opportunity to collaborate with high-level scientists in different countries around the world.

Thanks to it, she was totally fulfilled in her life. For one of the first times in her life, she felt that she had a truly crucial role to play in the running of the universe and that she belonged in that role.

The only thing that made her a bit sad was that her relationship with Avery had been on the rocks for a few weeks. Indeed, the young researcher felt neglected since Jo could not devote all her free time to her now that she was living with Alex.

As a result, Jo had preferred to distance herself from the young woman to avoid filling her mind with the bad vibes caused by Avery's frustration, which only served to amplify the tensions in their relationship. It had been almost a week since the two young women had seen each other.

That morning, while Jo was working, she received a text message from her girlfriend offering to have breakfast together. Jo accepted her girlfriend's offer, left a note on the counter to let Alex know she was leaving, and headed to a downtown fancy french café.

As soon as she arrived in the café, she saw directly where her girlfriend was sitting so she sat down next to her. Jo kissed her to show her that although they couldn't see each other often, the young surgeon was completely involved in their relationship.

"It is good to see you." Jo started. "I've really missed you these past few weeks. How have you been?"

"I'm doing pretty good," Avery replied, not looking away from his coffee, "I've missed you too."

"I'm sorry I haven't given you a lot of answers in the last few days: I've had a lot of work and I must admit that when I came home after my consultations, I had no inclination to come out to see you."

"Besides, you don't even want me to come visit you at your house."

"You know there's no way you're coming. You know very well the situation, you know very well how fragile and complicated this is and you know that it is not a choice against you but a choice to protect him."

"Of course, you always have to protect Alex. But you never think about protecting me or protecting us as a couple."

"Will you please," Jo asked, and was beginning to get annoyed by the way the discussion was going, "stop blaming me for the choices I've made these past few weeks? This is far too complicated for me to put up with you blaming me for not hurting Alex, just so that we can see each other more regularly."

"What I blame you for is not giving me more space in your life."

"I'm giving you as much space in my life as I can give you. I already have a lot of things to deal with in my life: I have my study, I have the clinic, etc..."

"And you have Alex."

"Stop saying things like that right now. Of course yes, the situation is complicated, but I'm in a relationship with you, not Alex."

"Sometimes I wonder. I feel like our relationship isn't your priority and you're not fighting so we can build something together."

"Of course I don't have a lot of time for us lately, but I swear I'm totally involved. I want to build something serious and lasting with you."

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