chapter 7 - dreamland

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Sorry about the tiny chapters. I now what I want to end up doing but have no idea how to get there so alot of these are gonna be very small.


Wade's Dream:

Everything is black. All my senses are scrambled. There is a terrible white noise playing through what I think is a speaker, but I can't be sure.

I try to stand up, only to realise I am strapped to a surgical table. I open my mouth to scream but no sound comes out.

Suddenly I am blinded by a bright light. The clinking of metal on metal drowns my head, making my hairs stand on end.

A low growl rips through the room.

I know that growl.

I have heard it too many times to not be afraid.

My body struggles against the restraints. The growl is getting closer. The clinking is now deafening banging.

I feel daggers pierce through my legs, being dragged up to my stomach. Now I yell. I scream in pure agony.

"Hey bubs."

Peter's dream:

I am locked in the same room I always am. It's the same thing over and over. But no many times I come back here and tell myself it's not real, the whitewashed walls and fluorescent lights still terrify me.

Like always I struggle against the metal restraints on the wall, but to no prevail.

I am left here, alone, to rot away.

Unlike reality no one comes to save me.

Unlike reality, I let Venom take over.

Unlike reality, I enjoy the feeling. The feeling of complete power. I makes my stomach churn to realise how much I love the feeling of installing fear into my enemies.

I tell myself it's not real.

You know this is real peter. I am real. You will never escape me.

Again I am sorry for the tiny chapter. They will get longer and make more sense I promise

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