Chapter 16 - planning, planning and more planning

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Sorry for the wait! I have been super busy lately. I hope to get two chapters up at once.


Tony's POV:

This past year has been a lot. Peter got kidnapped and tortured, helped his insane boyfriend kill his father and then got engaged to said insane boyfriend - well fiance. I am never going to get used to that. This very moment the two of them are planning their wedding. That is not something I want to think about.

I don't want my little boy growing up so fast. It seems like only yesterday that he was a tiny toddler willing to be adopted. Now he is 19 and getting married. Why am I not opposed? I should be right? they are still kids and they are planning a fucking wedding!

A squeal breaks me from my thoughts. Wade has pinned Peter down on the sofa, saying something about rainbows. Peter was laughing his head off.

That's why. How can I be opposed to their wedding when I see how genuinely happy they make each other.

"Wade! Let me go!" Peter giggles, trying to wriggle from Wade's grasp.

"Not until you say we can have them."

"Wade we are not wearing rainbow coloured suits on our wedding day! I just won't allow it."

"Welp looks like you are stuck here." Peter reaches us and kisses Wade's nose, distracting Wade enough for Peter to flip them over. I can't help but laugh at Wade's shocked expression.

"You should have seen that coming." Pietro called from the kitchen, having witnessed the whole ordeal.

Wade mumbled something inaudible, probably about the rainbow suits. whatever he said made Peter flush and swat his arm. Okay, maybe it wasn't about the suits. Peter composes himself ignoring Wade's cheeky grin. I shoot him a glare, causing that idiotic smirk to falter slightly, before dropping all together. I nod my head in triumph and leave the room, heading towards my lab.

I need a break from all that cuteness.

Peter's POV:

I don't notice when Dad leaves. I am too caught up in wedding planning to notice much around me at the moment. Wade pretty much agrees with everything I say, expect for the suits and the seating arrangements. Those we still cant decide on. But we still have two months until the special day. Plenty of time to figure it out...

(Two months later)

"WADE!" I yell through the tower, having Jarvis connect my voice to all the speakers. Within seconds Wade appears in front of me. He is sweaty so I assume he was in the training room. "Wade the wedding is in two days and we still don't have suits to wear. Or the seating arrangements done." I say exasperated, flailing my arms around to show my frustration.

"Relax. You get looking for suits since you keep turning down my amazing ideas," I roll my eyes at that. Glittery rainbow tuxes or neon jumpsuits are not suitable for weddings. "I will tackle the seating arrangements. Okay?"

"Fine." We split of. I head over to my laptop and start tapping away trying to find outfits. Wade goes over to the bed and brings out a binder from the bedside table. In it is all our planning so far. He takes out a large piece of paper which maps out the venue. he starts scribbling down names on the tables.

After two hours of searching I finally find suits perfect for Wade and I. Mine is fully black, which I will wear with a white shirt and a blue bow tie. Wade's is somewhere between a red and a black. The fabric is slightly velvety, the collars a smooth black. With it comes a sleek black tie. 

"Perfect!" I whisper just as Wade yells, "Finally!"

We turn to look at each other and burst out laughing. I guess we have both finished. A huge weight lifts of my shoulders. We are finally ready.

I can relax!

This was more a filler chapter allowing a time skip. The next one will be the day of the wedding! Bye xx

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