Chapter O n e

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- James POV -

I wasn't excited for school. I didn't talk to many people. I had few friends because, everyone was so scared to approach me. They were scared because, I would never say anything if anyone approached me. I'd stand there, turn red, and mumble under my breath. The only two people who were able to bust through my walls were my closest friends, Jordan Matthewson and Seamus O'Doherty.

They saved me from myself...I was so alone the first year I came here. I would look out the window when in the car and wonder if I'd die if I just opened the door and jumped out. If I didn't die, I would most definitely be in the hospital. Would anyone be resting by my bedside when I wake up? Only Seamus and Jordan. They forced themselves into my life and it was exactly what I needed.

A hand touched my shoulder gently as I flipped around and pushed my back against the lockers. I was always so jumpy.

"Ay, Wilson, calm down. It's just me." My Irish friend said as I sighed of relief. I pushed my glasses up further on my face.

"Sorry, just...jumpy." I chuckled softly as I rubbed my beard.

"Have you heard about the new kid? Or...somewhat new kid..." I looked at him, confused.

"Somewhat new kid? Can you even be a somewhat new kid?" I questioned him and he chuckled, reaching his arm around me, and pulling me closer.

"He was in jail for about two year. They finally let him back but he had to agree to get good grades in school. I actually saw him this morning. He is dressed in mainly black and he smokes cigarettes, if not other things. He's already swimming in a pool of friends."

I wish I could do that. Walk into school and have friends group around me. That would be great. If I wasn't so shy.

"I can show you him if you'd like?" Seamus asked me and I furiously shook my head.

"'ll be fine." I smiles shyly as the two of us reached my first class. Seamus peeked his head in and then chuckled.

"Looks like I wouldn't need to." I felt my eyes grow wide as I peeked in through the door. There he was. He had hair that was sort of shaggy. He had his sleeves rolled up which revealed a sleeve tattoo. I couldn't make out the designs from here bu--oh uh, he sees me. I hid behind the door and Seamus started to laugh at me.

"It's not funny...he's in my class!" I was panicking and Seamus grinned.

"Why is this such a problem? Just ignore him like you do everybody else."

I sighed and just shrugged him off as I stepped into the classroom. The male was staring at me when I walked in and followed me all the way to my seat. I sat down and began to get my supplies out. Before I knew it, hands were on my desk and someone was in the desk before me. I slowly looked up seeing the mystery man. His eyes were staring at me and he had a smirk on his face.

I need to get the hell away from this guy.

- Aleks POV -

Getting out of jail was weird. I was stuck behind bars while the world around me continued to grow and advance. So when I got out it was weird to see new fashion trends and hear the new sayings around me. When I walked into school, my old friends came back and surrounded me. The newbies did as well. It was like nothing ever changed.

I saw the nerds. Jordan was outside with his girlfriend. I saw Seamus walk by. I was familiar with them. I had bullied Jordan in the past but I let that go. He might've been a nerd but he was still a good guy.

I had dressed in my casual black clothes. Nothing special. My hair was cut short on the sides and longer at the top. I would've tried to grow facial hair if it wasn't so damn patchy.

I walked into the classroom and found my groupies. I saw down and we started to goof off.

"So, are you single, Aleks?" A female with a very exposed chest asked me as she leaned over on the desk. Her blonde hair fell over her shoulder as she grinned at me.

I chucked a little bit. "Why, yes I am." I smiled as she scooted closer. Little did she know, I had experimented with men in jail. I ended up loving the touch a man would give me or that I would give him. To be honest, I was always the one who received, I never gave...I always wanted to give it to someone. But it had to be the right guy.

As I was about to open my mouth, the blonde spoke once more. "Oh, look who it is. Little Jamsie." She grinned as I turned around. I saw Seamus in the door way and a man slightly taller than him. He had a full beard and seemed to be rather perfect. That was his appearence though...I had no idea what his personality was like. The male shyed away from the door when eye contact was made. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Jamsie? Is that his name?" I questioned as the jock next to me laughed a bit.

"Nah, his name is James Wilson. He is so fucking shy. He doesn't talk to anyone. If you approach him, he'll turn red and walk away as fast as he possibly can."

Aleks, this is a new challenge for you. Go get Jamsie to talk to you. RIGHT NOW, SOLDIER.

"Well, looks like I'll have to work some magic on this kid." I grinned as I turned back around and watched him walk in and take a seat. He started getting his everyday essentials out. I stood up from my desk and walked over. Sitting backwards on my chair, I put my hands on his desk. He shyly looked up and just as they said - his face turned into a tomato. I couldn't help but smile.

"Hello, Jamsie." I spoke as he shifted uncomfortable in his seat. He pulled the sleeves on his cookie monster hoodie down. "You don't have to be so shy. I'm not going to hurt you." He opened his mouth, his voice was low but I got him to speak.

"It's James...not Jamsie..." He corrected me and I put my hand on my cheek.

"I know. James Wilson. The boy who doesn't speak. The boy who turns into a tomato if you approach him. The bo--"

"I know. I'm the guy who is a loner..."

"Obviously, you aren't a loner if you're hanging with Seamus. If you are hanging with Seamus then you are hanging with Jordan." I leaned in closer as the boy tried his best to stay as far away from me as possible. "You must've moved here within the last two years. I would've remembered you."

"I've never talked to someone this much before..." I heard him whisper. I don't think he meant for me to hear him. My eyes gazed up to the curly locks. James opened his mouth but closed it right when my hand came to his head and plopped right ontop. I started to play with his curls. "I...I..." He trailed off as he looked away.

"I tend to invade peoples space. I love your hair. It fits you very's also very soft." The bell rang but I ignored. I continued touching his hair until James swatted my hand away.

"The class is starting...please go away." I frowned when he didn't look at me but I shrugged.

"I'll be back, sweetcheeks." I winked as I walked back to my desk and sat down. I looked at James occasionally. I'll bust through those walls eventually.

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