Chapter S e v e n

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- Aleks -

"So he opened up to you?" The blonde man asked me as I nodded, looking over at James and the girl who was named Gracie.

"Really, I didn't even pry him open. He went ahead and did it for me..I was surprised." I could tell Seamus was just as surprised too. He smiled.

"That's good, Aleks. That's really good. It took him so long to open up with me. It took you what? A day!? That's great." He leaned against the table and I smiled to myself.

"Seamus, I might be rushing this a bit, but he's a really good guy. He's sweet and attractive. He's so gentle but..." I sighed happily. "I want him." I whispered as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Make a move. He might resist after awhile but he'll sink into you. If he hasn't already." He joked and I smiled a little bit.

"I almost made a move this morning but he pushed me off." I shrugged. "I'm not giving up on him."

"I'd hope not because well.." He pointed over to James and that's when I could've sworn my heart stopped.

James and Gracie were kissing. Not just pecking, they were making out. Full on. She was getting closer to him and he was pulling her closer. He was consuming her and jealousy was taking me over. I stood up and walked over. Seamus rushing ahead of me. He stopped them and I gripped James shoulder. I dragged him off to my car.

I knew he was going to yell at me or start getting on my ass but I didn't care. His lips should have never made contact with hers.

My thoughts made me act. I heard James voice and as we stopped at a red light, I moved over in my seat and grapped his face, pulling it closer to mine. My lips were against his as he didn't move. I could tell he was frozen. I left him in his seat shocked as we drove the rest of the way home.

When we got home I went to the kitchen and popped open a can of beer. I'm not a big fan of beer but hey, whatever.

I heard footsteps come in and he stood in front of me.

"What was that?" His face was bright red and he wasn't even looking at me. I sat my can down next to me and turned his face towards mine.

"Why don't you look at me when you ask questions?" My voice was soft and he finally looked at me. "It was a kiss. You let her kiss you so why not me?" I let go of his face and crossed my arms.

"Well..I.." His voice trailed off. "I never had a first kiss. So I wanted one."

"So you let a complete stranger kiss you?"

He threw his hands up in the air. "I was curious! Am I not allowed to be curious? What was I suppose to do?"

I grinned, and stepped forward. My confidence is overtaking me and I have a feeling I need to step back but I just can't. James started to back up until his back hit the counter. I put my hands on either side of him and leaned in close to his ear. "You're suppose to come to me." I nipped his ear which caused him to shudder underneath me.

"Aleksandr," He breathed as he put his hands on my forearms. "we are friends...we don't do this."

"James, don't you get it already?" I pulled back a little bit. "I want to make you mine. I want to mark every inch of your body with my touch. I want your lips to be only touched by mine. I know you don't want me now but one day, you will..." I put my hand against his cheek and carressed it. "But for now, you don't need feelings for me." I leaned in close and my lips met his once more.

James -

"I want to make you mine. I want to mark every inch of your body with my touch. I want your lips to be only touched by mine. I know you don't want me now but one day, you will..." He put his hand against my cheek and carressed it. "But for now, you don't need feelings for me." He leaned in and then warmth met my own lips. My cheeks heated up. You could literally bake an oven on them. 

I gripped his forearm and his arms slide down my sides and across my back. He pulled me closer and gripped me by my sides, pulling me up onto the counter. Before I knew it, we were kissing passionately. My lips were slightly opened allowing him to explore the inside of my mouth. To be honest, everything was happening in the heat of the moment. Our chests were pressed against each other and the sounds of our breaths were filling the room. 

He pulled slightly away from my lips and kissed my jawline and down my neck. He nipped and sucked at my neck. His tongue playing some type of roll within this. I gripped the back of his shirt and a noise came out of my mouth like I have never heard. "A-Aleksandr.." I breathed as he pulled away for a moment and smiled at me. 

"Your face is as red as a tomato." He grinned as he quick kissed my lips. "I think I'm a much better kisser than Gracie." He removed his arms from around my waist and rubbed my hand. 

"I..." I squirmed my way off the counter and rubbed the back of my neck. "Aleksandr..." I whispered as I looked at him. "C-Cuddle me...that's what I want for you forcing that kiss on me..."

He walked closer and grabbed my hand. "I'll do anything you want me to."

With that, we walked up stairs and stripped down into nothing but our boxers. I crawled in bed first and faced the wall. Aleks crawled in next to me and snaked his arms around my waist, drawing me in closer to him. He kissed my back and I felt him smile. "Goodnight, James..." He whispered as his warmth engulfed me.

I'm starting to like Aleksandr. I'm starting to want his touch more and more. Especially after today. I knew that there was something inside me that wanted him but I'm holding him back. Maybe I should let him run free. 

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