Chapter T w o

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- James POV -

I rushed out of the classroom so fast. I couldn't handle it. My heart was pounding and my anxiety levels went through the roof. I never tried to talk to someone. I never talked to anyone that much before, besides Seamus and Jordan. I hoped that I wouldn't see him the rest of the day. I don't think my mind or my heart can take it. 

 The rest of the day went on until Lunch arrived. I was at the table with Seamus and Jordan. 

"I hope Monica has this lunch..."

"Oh, yeah...then we can see you two make out all the time. Great." Seamus sarcastic tone rang through his words as he looked over at me. He shoved a pretzel into his mouth. "So, how was class with you know who?" He grinned as I gave him a look.

"He came up and started to talk to me...I think he was flirting?" I explained as Jordan started to elbow me and wink. 

"You got yourself a man." I felt my cheeks go red again. 

"I...I don't want a guy...I don't want to date in general...I'm fine alone." 

"You aren't." Seamus simply said as I looked up. He knew me better than anyone. He knew the thoughts that clouded my mind when alone. He knew I wasn't safe alone.

A new presence had arrived at the table and I heard Seamus start to snort. I looked up only to see the man from earlier. I swallowed hard as my heart began to race once more. God, I'm going to have a heart attack...

"I never told you my name." He whispered as he sat down and scooted close to me. Jordan and Seamus began to whisper. "It's Aleksandr Marchant. Aleks with a k. I prefer Aleks."

Aleksandr Marchant...Interesting. "Can...I call you Aleksandr?" I asked as he smiled at me. His eyes squinting slightly. 

"Of course. Only you can call me Aleksandr." I couldn't believe it but I smiled a little. Just a little. When I realized it, I made it go back down. I was still lighten up inside. "I like your smile. You should smile more often."

"Thanks..." I whispered as a piece of paper was slide over to me. 

"Call me. Tonight. If I don't hear from you, you'll never get rid of me tomorrow." He winks at me and gets up and walks away. Seamus gives me a look and grins.

"Call him. Right when you get home. CALL HIM" He yells at me and I frown. I take the paper and stuff it into my pocket. 

"Does this mean things are going to happen? I...I don't even know if I like guys or girls. I don't know if I even want to date anyone!" I shouted as Seamus motioned for me to calm down. Jordan put his hand on my arm gently and smiled.

"You must experiment, dear James. Mr. Aleksandr could be your experimenting buddy!" I blinked and then laughed. 

" are funny." I continued laughing until I noticed Jordan wasn't.

"James, he's right you know." Seamus remarked as he popped a grape into his mouth, turning his head. His blonde locks falling over his face. He moved them out of his eyes and grinned at me. "It seems Aleks is interested in you. You should go for it." 

"I can't. I won't. I don't need a boyfriend! I don't need anymore friends! I am fine on my own."

"But you better call him or he won't leave you alone tomorrow."

I glared at Seamus and sighed. "I...will call him. ONLY because he won't leave me alone." With that, I walked off and finished the rest of my day. 

- Aleks POV -

After giving James my note, I walked off and enjoyed the rest of my day. I had a feeling he'd call me. I bribed this chick named Mandy to over hear their conversation. Apparently, they told James he should experiment and I could be his buddy. James, of course, became upset and said he didn't need to experiment, or need a boyfriend. Oh, how wrong he was. 

The end of the day came fast. I was at home before I knew it. Of course neither of my parents were home. They always tried to stay out as long as they could. They didn't want to deal with me. I guess I understood. If I was a parent and I had a kid like myself well...I wouldn't want to deal with him either. 

I sat on my bed and stared across the room at my blue and black lava lamp. Watching the balls of...what the hell were those things made out of? Fuck, I don't know but it looked like sticky goo. It was fascinated how it heated up and launched bubbles to the top...they'd cool down and come right back down. Damn, I wish I lived during the 1960's. 

I laid back into my bed, and kicked my shoes off. I stared at the ceiling and put my arms behind my head. God, I was so fucking bored. I took my phone out and stared at it. I was waiting for him to call me. I felt like he was going to call me. Maybe I was being too cocky. I couldn't help it though. I always get what I want...and what I want is James. 

To be honest, I'm not sure why I'm so targeted on James. He just seems to be so sweet and innocent. I don't know him but I feel like he's a good person. I just hope if we do become friends and his hardass lets me in, I won't destroy him.

It was two hours later that my phone finally went off. I smiled as I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked as the other line took a deep breath in and out.

"H...Hey?" It was definitely James.

"JAMES!" I rang out. Before it could be sent to the other end, he had hung up on me. I frowned and took the phone away from my ear. "What the hell!?" 

It was another two minutes before the call was made again and I answered.

"Why did you hang up on me!?" I questioned, my tone of voice very unpleased. 

"I...I'm not good with people...or talking on the phone. I'm sorry..."

He sounded so sad. I sat up on my bed and rubbed the back of my neck.

"It's cool. I get it. Talking on the phone is hard for some people."

"Uh...yeah..." He trailed off. "Look, so I called you, can I please hang up?" 

"No! We have to talk, become friends, James! We'd be the best friends."

"I...don't want to be friends with you. I don't want anything to do with you...I am fine alone."

"James, just give me a chance. You could be a good influence on me. I just got out of jail and I need to be better when it comes to my could help me." I lied to him and I feel bad. It's the only way.

I heard another long sigh on the other end. "Fine." Was all he said. 

"GREAT! Do you want to hang out tomorrow?"

"No....but....I have to don't I?"

I laughed a little bit. "Yes you do, James. We can walk to my house after school." 

"I guess...I'll see you tomorrow..." With that a click.

I knew James wasn't excited. I knew he didn't want to come but I had big plans for tomorrow. I was going to make him open up to me and I was going to become his best friend. 

God...I became soft for this guy. 

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