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"it's fine. they helped me" the girl, aelin, whispered into his ear. the male backed down slightly, but still stayed alert.

tears continued to run down her face as she squeezed her mate tighter and tighter. as if she would never leave him again.

"what happened?" aelin pulled away from his embrace. together, they sat down on the sofa and settled next to each other. "one moment i was in the c-coffin and then next.." she trailed off.

everyone else in the room, including rhsyand, sat down to listen to his story. they were just as curious to find out how they landed in prythian.

"i was looking through a book of wyrdmarks," he started, but noticed the high lord's confusion "they're symbols that do particular things when you draw them with your blood".

"and?" aelin prompted.

"and i found one that would transport you from where you was. the only thing i didn't realise was that it would not bring you back to me but take you some place random".

"so that's how you ended up falling from our sky" cassian mumbled.

"and when you didn't return to me, i drew the same wyrdmark and stepped through the portal, leading me to you. here".

the girl nodded. she was still broken but now that her mate was here, hopefully she would start to get better.

"wait," she suddenly shot up "fenrys - fenrys was there with me. s-she made him watch".

rowan's face crumpled and by the look on aelin's, rhsyand could tell that this fenrys was important in their lives.

"she killed his brother" was all the golden haired woman whispered.


rhysand couldn't imagine what fenrys would be going through; the pain he would be feeling that his brother had died. rhsyand would be distraught if the same fate was brought upon azriel or cassian.

"do any of you fight? train?" aelin asked out of the blue.

"we all do. well, not amren" mor smiled in the silver eyed fae's direction. she simply scowled and flicked her hand dismissively as she strode off into the kitchen.

"i would like to train with someone tomorrow morning".

everyone in the room looked at each other with wariness. this woman had been through hell and back and had only just healed. why would she want to fight?

but rowan sat back with a mask of indifference as he watched his wife carefully, eyebrows crinkled together in deep thought.

"why do you want to train so soon, fireheart?"

fireheart? why did he call her that, rhsyand thought.

she looked up at him, smiling softly.
"because we are at war. no matter what happened to me, we will always be at war. and fenrys needs my help, so i will train for him if not for the fate of terrassen".

"terrasen?" azriel questioned, shadows crowding around his face.

"it is a country in my world. i am the queen of terrasen".

queen. this woman was a queen, rhysand thought. and yet someone thought that they should torture and torment her.

she really had been through a lot and there was so much more to come. he had been through major wars himself and so he understood her need to get back on track.

he just hoped she was a good fighter against cassian or azriel, because now that she had explained her why of wanting to fight, they would not hold back.

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