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we've fought way more than one hundred valg soldiers and survived aelin thought to herself as she pulled a knife free we'll be okay.

the soldiers now charged forward from the hill top and a wall of wind was enclosed around the city as rowan fought to keep the citizens of terrasen protected.

as much as aelin wanted to fight, she knew that she shouldn't. all of her friends and court could handle this perfectly fine without her intervention.

her priority was keeping herself and her unborn child protected.

soon enough, the others from inside the castle ran forward. dorian and manon had headed to ardlan a week ago to sort out the witch problem and should be back soon.

but lysandra and aedion headed into the fray, cutting down and ripping apart valg soldiers one after another.

not soon after, lorcan ran from the gates and into the battle as well. with one last look. behind him to make sure that aelin was okay, rowan shifted and flew right into the heart of the fight.

"well that leaves two" fenrys muttered as they sat on the bench at the front of the castle. they were way too casual and carefree for the middle of attack.

fenrys rested his sword on his knee, deeming that his protection duties for the queen were no longer needed as the others were swiftly winning.

the wolf shifter leaned back and kicked his legs to and fro. a few seconds later, his eyes lit up as he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a paper bag.

"chocolate?" he offered, extending the sweets towards the queen that was seated next to him.

aelin giggled and plunged her fingers in, returning with a handful of goodies.

"hell yes" she whispered.

fenrys grabbed his sword as the pair heard footsteps approaching, but relaxed as they realised it was just rowan in his fae form.

"enjoy yourselves?" he asked with a mildly annoyed face. aelin cringed. black blood dropped from his hair and down his face and the rest of his body was splattered in three same substance.

"you smell very bad" fenrys muttered its a distorted voice when he pinched his nose with his fingers.

the warrior looked murderous. "no shit."

"c'mon lets go get a bath" aelin said, trying and failing to stand up. a string of curses were let loose from her mouth as well as many insults to rowan for making her pregnant in the first place.

fenrys just chuckled and stood up. he grabbed aelin's arms and pulled her to her feet too in which she waddled off down the halls and into her room.

some of the words that were still falling past her lips made the workers in the castle stop and stare. no doubt thinking that their queen has such an atrocious vocabulary.

"good look" the white wolf mumbled as rowan followed after her in silence.


when they finally reached the bathroom, rowan pulled his pants off and his shirt over his head. he stepped into the warm water that aelin had heated up and began to scrub at the black blood.

"i wonder why they attacked today" the queen mumbled as she squirted shampoo into her hands and began rubbing it through her mate's hair.

"i think it might just be to unnerve us. our spies have said that morath has no were near been rebuilt yet so it was most likely a one off".

aelin hummed her agreement and began to rinse the foam off of his head with a jug of water. the pair sat in a relaxing silence as they cleaned but the queen soon voiced her annoyance as her stomach began to cramp.

at the sudden silence, rowan turned around, water sloshing over the edge of the tub "aelin?"

she groaned in response, a hand pressed against her side and her face scrunched in pain.

"what's wrong?". rowan hopped out of the bath and dried off speedily, pulling on a pair of trousers and a top. it was no doubt a record time in which someone could get ready, but something was wrong.

very wrong.

"fire heart?" he helped her stand up, but she staggered a step as another wave of pain washed over her.

aelin didn't really remember the next few moments; she didn't remember the healer rush in and lay her on the bed, glowing hands running over her as they looked for the problem.

all she remembered was the throbbing in her head and the blackness that encased her as she drifted out of consciousness.


"urgh" she groaned, as she sat up. rowan was out of his seat in an instant, passing her a glass of water and some medicine that would clear her foggy head.

"what happened" the queen rasped. her throat was so sore and dry, but the liquid that she gulped down helped significantly.

"the healer checked you over," he started "the baby is okay, don't worry". she physically and mentally relaxed at that.

"she caught traces of a substance in your body. it turns out that the valg that tackled me had released some sort of gas that you inhaled"

"what kind?" the woman prompted. she pressed a hand against her bump and rubbed circles onto it gently. she could feel the baby kick in response which made a little smile grace her lips.

"we don't know. but it was made by erawan and had one intended purpose," the silver haired fae ran a hand through his hair exasperatedly "to kill the baby."

"what?" she whispered, voice breaking. if it was to herself or any of her friends, aelin would be hunting down the person as they spoke.

but this time, the thought made her heart completely and utterly break.

how could someone do such a thing?

"fireheart, our baby is okay. they're healthy" he whispered, getting up from his chair and sitting next to her on the bed.

"turns out they have magic of their own. they were coocooned in it, almost. the gas didn't stand a chance of getting past".

the queen smiled at that. "such a little fighter, just like her mother"

"i hope they don't turn out like their mother; i hardly have my sanity around one, let alone two" rowan laughed, earning a smack on the chest.

rowan put his large hand atop of hers and kissed his mate softly. "everything will be okay" he whispered over her lips.

aelin wished that she could believe him.


[ a/n: if anyone has any ideas or things they want me to add in this book, please let me know!! ]

i don't want to finish it so early so please say your suggestions on the comments <3

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