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aelin was glad that her and feyre walked back in silence. it was as if the high lady could hear the thoughts running through her head.

how could they fight in this war with a child? would erawan even hold off his army before she had the chance to give birth?

when they walked through the front door, the queen of terrasen simply walked up the stairs with a slight nod towards feyre. that was all she could manage.

"what happened?" she could hear rhysand ask. feyre didn't reply and she knew it was because they were communicating silently.

she didn't care if anyone knew. they were no threat to her in this world. she just needed to tell rowan first.

"where did you go?" he asked, sitting up in the bed. he had woken up earlier, aelin could tell, due to the clean face and slightly brushed brushed hair.

although, at the moment, he was still bare chested and digging into a bowl of porridge that was now placed on the bedside table as he noticed her worry.

"what's wrong, fireheart?" his brows pinched together.

still, she didn't have the words. so as the first tear slipped from her eyes, she let the wall crumble and the river explode.

rowan was up in an instant, kneeling on the bed and wrapping his strong arms around her lovingly as she sobbed.

he was naked, but she didn't care - she had seen him like that plenty of times.

her mate rubbed her back as her tears slowed to a stop. she knew that he was ready to listen as soon as she would utter the first breath.

i am aelin ashryver whitehorn galathgnius and i will not be afraid.

"rowan, i-" she closed her eyes,  inhaled deeply and then letting out the air "i'm pregnant."

rowan seemed to still. every inch of him didn't move as he comprehended the new knowledge.

but his arms still stayed strong around her in comfort.

after a few beats of silence, he let out a shaky breath. she knew that this was hard for him - even though he had gotten over lyria's death, there was still that deeply routed fear of losing aelin whilst she was with child.

he just didn't realise that the fear would be ready to strike upon him so soon. this was just so soon.

"i-i know there is the war and everything. i don't know what to do, rowan." she pulled away and looked into his eyes which gleaned slightly with tears.

her voice was small and scared as she spoke. "please say something"

the tone snapped him out of his memories and deep thoughts. she must have believed that he didn't want a child. his silence must have conveyed that message.

"fire heart," he began "i know that this is bad timing but we will make the most of it. i am so happy that you've given me this".

the fae wiped a tear from her cheek.

"i love you so, so much. everything will be okay, i promise". the pair squeezed each other tighter, and rowan pulled back so that he was laid on the mattress with aelin on top.

she pulled the thin sheet over her legs and up to her stomach, covering his lower half in case anyone walked in.

"i love you too" she whispered, leaning down and brushing a soft kiss onto his mouth. the queen leaned down further and pressed her lips to his neck as he arched it back, running his hands down her back.

suddenly, the door clicked and opened. cassian stood in the door way, his frame almost being too big to fit as he stared at both of them.

good thinking with that blanket, she thought.

"hey how come you have fangs and we don-" he stopped as he noticed aelin's head in rowan's neck. both had stilled on what they were doing, but i was awkward nonetheless.

cassian coughed "rhysand wants to see you before you go".

when the door shut again, the queen finally lifted her head and laughed softly. with detests from rowan, she climbed off of him and padded along the cold wooden floor and to the living room.

"so, what other cool tricks can you do?" cassian asked, completely ignoring the fact that he caught the pair making out a few seconds ago.

she leaned in the door way and smiled at the illyrian warrior. rowan was now behind her (fully clothed), creeping up with expert stealth and resting his hands on her shoulders.

with a blink of an eye, a golden light surrounded aelin and when it vanished, her elongated canines and pointed ears had disappeared. she was human again.

"you can change into a human?" feyre frowned "we can't switch forms."

"wait until you can see what rowan changes into" she smiled, stepping aside so that her mate had enough space. cassian was practically beaming with excitement.

once more, a flash of gold light illuminated the surrounding area and where the silver haired male stood, a bird now flapped its wings to stay in the air.

the general's eyes were wide with surprise. even azriel, who hardly showed emotion, had an expression of awe on his face.

as rowan was focused on rhysand and his friends infront of her, she snuck up behind him with expert precision and grabbed him, holding his wings against his body.

she laughed as he struggled and let out a squawk, switching back to his fae form a few seconds later. he was scowling.

"you could've pulled out my feathers!" he gasped, but aelin just laughed harder.

"why don't you cry about it?"

rhsyand chuckled at that and in return, rowan turned and scowled at him also.

however, a silence soon washed over them.

"i guess it's time to go now" the queen whispered softly. she hadn't been here long, but she still felt safe and loved. she could tell that this household held many happy memories and were extremely close.

she had always craved for something like that.

"we'll come back and see you," she drew her sword and cut her palm, beginning to draw a wrydmark with her blood "and we will bring out friends next time".

rowan chuckled and nodded "i think manon and amren will get a long well".

and with that, they stepped through the dark portal and into the awaiting arms of terrassen.

aelin could finally see her family again.

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