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"aelin?" aedion's voice broke as she stepped through the portal. at his outburst of her name, lysandra turned towards were the queen of terrasen stood.

"hello, cousin" she smiled "lysandra".

the pair let out a broken sob as they ran towards her and grabbed her into a bone wrenching hug. eventually they pulled away to begin speaking.

"you have a lot to tell us" aedion whispered, tears gleaming on his face. the last time that he had seen her was on the shore of ellywe when maeve had captured her at last.

and so she told them. she explained about the wrydmark and how she had ended up in another world. she told them about her new friends and then how rowan appeared also.

but she didn't tell them about her pregnancy, although she would come to that soon. eventually, in about a week of so, the other fae in her life would be able to scent it on her.

"we have some news" lysandra said as they all gathered around the oak table. aelin noticed how rowan stiffened; he did not know what they were about to say either.

however, her cousin and friend smiled, the queen's heart sagging in relief.

"dorian retrieved the third wyrdkey and completely destroyed morath. the whole mountain and surrounding area is gone".

aelin was at loss for words and the silence of the fae warrior at her side told her that he feeling the same, too.

"erawan's forces will be held away for about a year until he can gather his army again," lysandra was beaming "it means that we have time to gather our own army and time to enjoy ourselves".

aelin turned to rowan, tears gleamed in her eyes. anyone in the room would have thought she was extremely happy at the news (which she was, of course), but it was more about the why.

we can have the child safely. aelin looked into rowan's eyes that were lined with emotion.

we have all the time we need. more than that, actually.

and for once, things seemed to be headed in the right direction. maybe the gods were on her side.

"i need you to send message to our friends" aelin finally tore her gaze away from her mate "i have some big news i want to share".


it was a few days later and lysandra had done as she asked. the first to turn up where lorcan and elide. why lysandra thought that lorcan was her friend, she didn't know. she barely tolerated him.

but, he was a package deal with wife, she supposed.

"hello lord lorcan lochan" aelin bowed mockingly. the scowl on his face was enough to send someone running, but the queen of terrasen just laughed.

lorcan stepped forward threateningly and it was at that point that aelin cringed. she knew that fae were territorial, but when their mate was pregnant?

it was a whole lot worse.

rowan let out the most vicious growl she had ever heard in her life. even lorcan stopped in his tracks to stare at the silver haired male before him.

his canines were bared as he snarled and his eyes were glazed with predatory instincts.

"it's okay, rowan". lorcan looked at the pair with confusion, but then he sniffed. she must be giving off the scent already because the male's eyes widened and he stepped away.

madja did say she was about a month along already.

he wouldn't mess with rowan when aelin was pregnant. it would be game over.

"what is it?" elide asked, but the black haired fae just shook his head and pulled her towards the sofa.

eventually, the others turned up including yrene, chaol, dorian and manon.

"are you ready to tell them, fireheart?" rowan asked, clenching his mate's hand warmly.

when she turned around, the queen chuckled at what she saw. two manons now stood staring at each other - one with blood lust in their eyes. she could tell that it was her that was the real one.

"how do you even live with these?" one of the manons asked, looking down at her boobs and poking them harshly. "they just get in the way when you walk".

"i'll give you three seconds to go back to normal" the original manon snarled as, who aelin assumed was dorian, looked down the t-shirt to get an eyeful of what was underneath.

with a laugh, the figure transformed and dorian was now stood in place. he smiled at the witch and laid back down onto the sofa, legs thrown over the arm.

"so, what is it you want to tell us?" aedion drawled from near the fireplace. everyone look at rowan and aelin in question.

"well, it's good news," she stared "and even better that erawan's forces have been held off by a year because i'm pregnant".

there was utter silence except from a choking sound made by dorian. he was sat up now, eyes wide and mouth agape.

"omg!" lysandra squealed from the corner, jumping up and pulling the queen into an excited hug. elide did the same.

"i wouldn't get up if i were you" lorcan mumbled, pointing to rowan who now stared down every male in the room "i nearly got my head bitten off earlier".

dorian coughed as rowan's attention lingered in him. the look in his eyes was absolutely feral - one vicious move from anyone in the room and they knew that they would have the air choked out of them before they could take another step.

"congratulations aelin" the king of ardlan said as he averted his gaze from the fae warrior. she smiled happily.

"i think you should name the child dorian," he laughed when aelin's attention turned to him at last "it is such a good name".

she scowled, eyebrows bunching together. "i'm not naming my child dorian, dorian."

"how about lysandra?"

the queen and her mate ignored their friend's suggestions, but warmth still lingered in her heart.

a year; that's what they had. a year to have fun - to have more moments like this.

she really hoped they wouldn't encounter any problems in the meantime.


[ a/n : i might start writing a feyre & rhysand fic were they have a kid too. would anyone read that? ]

- it will include funny/cute moments with the inner circle and will probs have some drama with tamlin as well.

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