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with the slight help of her mate, aelin walked out of the room and down the halls, aiming for the main living room. every maid, worker and citizen that they passed bowed deeply at the waist and whispered their blessings and prayers to the new heir of terrasen.

eventually, they reached the opulent sitting area where all of their friends were sprawled about, chatting with one another softly. other than lorcan, of course. the miserable bastard just sat next to elide in solemn silence.

"ehem" aelin coughed, successfully gathering their attention. elide and lysandra were the first to stand up, walking over to aelin and smiling at the baby girl.

"she looks so much like you." the shifter whispered, tears forming in her eyes. a second later, manon stalked over which made rowan stiffen, ready to fight if need be. but aelin knew she would not harm aura.

instead, the silver haired woman pressed a soft kiss to her temple and muttered a witch's prayer for strength and power. moments later, she turned around and nestled back into the comfort of the sofa next to dorian.

it was unusual for her to display such gentle behaviour but the queen of terrasen knew that witches protected and admired their offspring above all else.

everyone else congratulated the pair for the birth but to dorian, aedion, gavriel and chaol's dismay, rowan stared them all down aggressively. it would be a while before he felt comfortable with a male touching aura. however, lorcan looked like he was happy he had an excuse to not to go near them.

on the other hand, fenrys jumped up and squealed. a 130 year old plus fae, feared across lands, squealed at the sight of their newborn. rowan bared has teeth and growled, but the wolf shifter jut brushed him off and scooped aura out of aelin's arms.

"little baby!" he sang, pressing a finger to her button nose with a 'boop'. aura just stared at him and aelin could have sworn that she rolled her eyes as if to say 'seriously. this mighty warrior is giggling?'

an icy blast of wind, curtesy of rowan, swirled it's way around the room and lorcan laughed. he probably wanted to see a fight.

"no more hugs from uncle fenrys," the wolf shifter said, still in a high pitched voice "lets go back to your daddy before he guts me." despite his large hands that seemed to swallow her whole, he lifted her gently and passed her to rowan.

the magic running rampage through the room ceased as rowan pressed aura against his chest, wrapping an arm around her protectively. aelin guided him down to the nearest sofa and leaned back into it with exhaustion. she really needed a nap.

dorian took one look at the fae warrior's face next to him and stood up, moving to sit at the other side of manon. now that the witch - a female - was in the middle, her mate relaxed. aelin leaned her head onto his shoulder and looked at her child lovingly.

"coward" she mumbled to dorian, who gave her a vulgar gesture in return.

it scared her, to be honest. it scared her of how she could love something so, so much. she would gladly endure the torture maeve had done to her for the rest of eternity if it meant keeping her safe. she would live out the rest of her life in endovier if it was promised that no harm would head her way.

rowan looked at her as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. the amount of love that filled his eyes when he gazed down upon aura told her that he would do the same.

"by the wryd" aedion exclaimed, cursing as he stood up and got a better view out of the window.

"what is i-" aelin began with curiosity, but her heart stopped in her chest as she saw what he had just witnessed. rowan looked down at her with his eyebrows creased as he ran a hand through his hair. for the first time, she had seen him truly scared.

because a hundred thousand valg soldiers marched across the field with erawan at the heart.


everyone stood up and sprung into action, fastening on armour and sharpening their blades. they had about half an hour before erawan reached the gates. the kahgnate army and their ruks that were spread about the city were no doubt getting prepared as well.

"where will we take her?" rowan asked with panic. everyone in the room listened intently so that they could head their to protect aura if need be.

"the less people that know, the better" aelin said as she grabbed her baby from rowan's arms and gestured to him "come with me and fenrys, you too". she knew her friends wouldn't be annoyed that she didn't tell them. they understood the dangers of vital knowledge like that.

her, fenrys and her mate rushed out of the room and ran past the panicking citizens that dwelled in the castle, kicking open the door to small supply closet and closing it firmly behind her.

"rowan, draw the wyrd mark to prythian" she whispered. he understood what her plan was in an instant and got to work, cutting his flesh and drawing with his blood. fenrys stared at her, waiting for an explanation.

"when i was saved from maeve, i was transported to another world. there was a group of people that i met - you can trust them and i want you to stay there with aura" she described.

fenrys nodded as the portal opened, preparing himself to step through. soon enough, they reached the other side and found themselves stood in the kitchen of rhysand's town house. there they all were - dotted about the counters and some lounging in the dining chairs.

"aelin?" feyre gasped, standing up from her seat. she smiled at the baby now in her arms, but her expression soon turned serious when she noticed the frightful emotions that passed through the queen's eyes.

"please," she begged "please look after her. the war is here and she is not safe. this is the only place i could think of where erawan cannot get her"

rhsyand nodded and began to speak "of course, aelin. i will protect her with my life."

"fenrys," aelin whispered, tears now streaming down her face. she continued to talk as they all made their way into the living room "please look after her. if-" her voice broke "if we do not come back, assume the worst. stay here with her but tell her about me, okay?"

fenrys choked back a cry as he patted rowan on the shoulder and embraced aelin in a tight hug.

the inner circle gasped as the fae transformed into a white wolf the size of a horse with a flash of golden light, trodding over got the sofa, laying down on the floor and resting his fluffy back against it.

aelin and rowan kissed aura goodbye as the queen off terrasen laid their child (who was swaddled in blankets) against fenrys' chest. the wolf curled around her and rest his head against his paws, growling at azriel who stepped too close.

"you can trust them" she whispered, grabbing rowan's hand with a cry and stepping back through the portal; there was no time to spare.

aelin sent a prayer to every god she knew, asking that she would win the war and return to her child. but deep down she knew the chances of survival were slim.


[ a/n : this chapter was low-key said :( how will fenrys react to the inner circle and vise versa? ]

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