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as soon as they landed in the mountains, what aelin saw was enough to send her raging.

of course the others (feyre, mor, azriel, cassian and rhys) were angry - beyond angry - but they had common sense. aelin did not.

and she also didn't really grasp the idea of thinking things through before she did something.

"you're useless!" a man with membranous wings shouted. a woman was cowering on the floor in front of him as he raised a hand repeatedly and smacked her across the face.

no one seemed to do anything, but they did look guilty when they realised that their high lord stood amongst them.

"what the hell!" mor shouted, stepping forward to intervene. but aelin was already on it.

with no restraint, she ran as fast as she could and leapt through the air grabbing her target and tackling him to the ground.

the man that was beating the poor lady now lay underneath aelin as she pulled her fist up and repeatedly slammed it into his jaw. this held the attention of the others.

feyre and mor were now crouched next to the girl who had bruises covering her face; they were quickly healing the wounds.

caissian, azriel and rhysand stood back. they would let aelin handle this one. after all, she was perfectly capeable at fighting-

it was as if his words had summoned bad luck. the illyrian warrior was no longer laid on the floor - instead, he had thrown a blast of his power onto the girl which sent her flying back.

she hit the side of a run down building with a sickening crack. the high lord began to step forward to see if she was alright - or to intervene with the warrior that was now stalking towards her.

however, rowan put a hand on his shoulder as if to say she can handle it. the fae nodded at his mate when she looked up and smirked.

they were silently communicating, rhsyand realised. just like him and feyre could talk through the mating bond.

"bastard." the queen spat a mouthful of blood onto the floor and stood up swiftly. she brushed the dirt off of her black suit and took a step.

she didn't seem phased that the man now had a large sword in his hand, wielding it with the intent to kill.

instead, she look towards rowan once more and tilted her head to the side. they were silently communicating again.

after a few seconds, the fae warrior pulled his own sword from its holder across his back. this time, the illyrian warrior had the right idea to actually look a bit unnerved.

but his arrogance was returned as rowan threw the blade through the air and into the awaiting hands of the queen of terrasen.

"you think you can win against me?" he scowled "you're just a pathetic little girl".

and with that, she charged forward. earlier, rhysand had realised the ruby at the hilt of the sword seemed dull - like it was missing something.

realisation crept over him. it was her that it was missing. because now, the ruby glowed like a flame so bright that it shone onto the snow under their feet.

before any one could step in, the illyrian warrior was now laid on the ground. it was over within seconds.

how they did not realise that aelin had lifted her sword to his throat and slit his neck, they could not understand.

"well that is certainly a sight to see" cassian murmured. warm blood now melted the frost and snowflakes surrounding his body.

"you bitch!" another man shouted from the crowd that had gathered around to watch the fight.

he ran forward, sword above his head and metal clashed against metal. other illyrian warriors seemed to want to join in the fight as they charged forward towards the woman.

their pride had been hurt, rhsyand thought. a woman had walked into their camp and killed one of their own. they would want their revenge.

"don't kill them!" the high lord shouted, stepping forward. if the girl had heard him or not, she gave no indication.

aelin ducked underneath the outstretched arm of a warrior and sprung up behind him, kicking his back. she plunged the blade through his shoulder and he dropped to the floor when it was taken out.

she wasn't killing them then, rhys thought; she could have easily gone for the heart and not the shoulder.

good. he couldn't be dealing with the strained relationship with kier that their murder would bring on.

eventually, more and more bodies piled up - but not dead. just wounded. some had deep slashes along their stomachs, other had been impaled through their legs and various other places that would not kill them.

just seriously injure.

"i really like you" cassian grinned enthusiastically.

the queen was now in the middle of the ring of bodies that she had made, all of them groaning and covering their wounds.

blood was splattered up her neck and on her face, also matted into the ends of her hair.

she launched her sword to her mate who grabbed it from the sky, wiping it down on a cloth and re-sheathing in down his back.

feyre's mouth was agape as she stared at the golden haired woman before her. she also seemed slightly disturbed.

even though feyre had killed before, she definitely didn't enjoy it. this woman seemed to be smiling about what she had done, a mad thrill gleaming in her eyes.

"i may be a queen," she mumbled to the high lady after noticing her stare "but i was an assassain long before".

"how are you not bothered by it - the killing, i mean?" feyre whispered as she stared at the healers now rushing forward.

even though she didn't murder these illryians, she easily could have. but the blood and gore still didn't seem to affect her in the slightest.

"when you do something for so long, you learn to enjoy it" she shrugged "i killed my first person when i was eight."

"eight!" cassian exclaimed. he did not shy away from death, not after growing up in these camps, but still. it was such a young age to do something like that.

"my master was not a very kind person. he taught me everything i know".

"and what is your master doing now?" feyre questioned.

"he's dead."

the high lady didn't seem surprised "you killed him?"

"no," the queen of terrasen laughed, but it didn't hold any humour "my friend did. i just planned it and helped her".

nobody really new how to reply; they all just stood there and watched their surroundings. the various healers had now moved the injured into their tents.

rhsyand knew that he would have to discuss the matter at hand with kier later. after all, she did go up against fifteen illyrian warriors and not only survive, but bring them down.

it was going to be a long meeting, but for now-

"let's get cleaned up"


[ a/n : next chapter, aelin finds out some very exciting, life changing news! ]

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