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rhsyand/inner circle pov

all of them sat round the kitchen table, saying nothing. the white wolf was currently resting on their living room floor, the baby pressed against his soft fur and sleeping soundly.

"what are we going to do?" cassian asked at last, leaning back with a sigh and clutching his mug of tea in his palms.

rhsyand loosed a breath as feyre placed her hand on his thigh in comfort.

"aelin trusted us look after her child, so we will do just that." he said at last.

the shadows that were dancing around azriel ceased as he whispered "what if she doesn't come back?"

"if that happens, then we will buy this fenrys a house in velaris and watch over him as he raises their child."

feyre looked away, tears gleaming in her eyes. she thought back to the horrors of their own war; of how she was terrified that they wouldn't survive. she couldn't imagine how rowan and aelin must be feeling - they may never see their baby again.

"she'll come back" mor muttered at last "you saw how she fought. she's strong; she can do it."

due to their silence, they easily heard the feet pad towards them and stop in the entrance to the kitchen.

a golden haired, stunning man now stood in the doorway, clutching a snoozing baby to his chest protectively. he stared down everyone in the room and snarled in warning.

any other time, cassian would've probably given him a cocky grin, but he knew that he shouldn't mess with the fae male at this moment in time.

not when he knew that the wolf shifter would do anything to protect aelin's child.

"we need some food" he said at last. his deep, rich voice filled the room and attacked the silence. rhsyand nodded and stood up slowly as fenrys watched his every move.

the high lord knew it would be a while before he trusted him, despite the queen of terrasen's parting words.

"we have some milk that i can warm up" rhysand pulled a carton from the fridge and set it on the counter "and.."

he rummaged about a bit before pulling out a slab of meat, frozen and uncooked.

"it'll take a while to cook but i can make it wo-"

fenrys shook his head and thanked the high lord, taking the raw steak from his hands and setting it down softly.

slowly, the fae surveyed the room before his gaze landed on mor. everyone stiffened and azriel casually slid a hand to his sword as the shifter stepped forward.

ever so carefully, he lifted up aura and handed him to the blonde, fierce, woman who grabbed her gently with a soft smile.

the baby woke up as she was moved and stared into the morrigan's eyes with warmth. she wrapped a small hand around mor's pinky and let out a squeal of happiness.

deeming that answer enough, fenrys glared at the woman once in warning, before turning away and changing into his animal form.

the inner circle looked towards him with curiously, obviously wondering why fenrys had chosen to let mor hold her and no one else.

call it instinct, but fenrys knew that this woman would fight until the death for aura. he could trust her.

amren smiled in wicked delight and feyre cringed as the large wolf grabbed the slab of meat in his teeth and tore into it like a feral animal.

his canines sunk in and blood dripped from his maw, staining the white fur crimson.

that's a sight to see, rhsyand laughed into his mate's mind. she voiced her agreement as fenrys shifted again, blood now staining his human skin.

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