9. Caleb's Wrath

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Caleb POV

"What is with all the slamming of doors and yelling and anger?" Eric asked and that was a good question.

"I don't know, I'll go find out." I said and opened our door, we're still at New Moon since it's late and we have plans for breakfast in the morning with everyone before Kody and Patrick go to Paris.

These two young men did such an incredible job the past two days. It was so easy to see Kodys passion for the arts with how much detail he put into the photos and his vision was clear of how he wanted things to go. I'm happy he made his dreams come true.

"What the hell happened?!" I heard Patrick ask from Kodys room. I'm guessing Kody replied because for a human, Patrick growled a little.

"He really did that?! I'll kill that little bastard! And Ethan, I'm sorry about that Kody, are you alright?" What the hell is going on? I guess they were signing because I didn't hear anything else for a few minutes.

"I'm going to go find Liam and explain what happened, just sit and try to relax, it'll be ok Kody." Patrick said so I made sure to hide so he didn't see me when he walked out of the room. A few minutes passed and I heard groaning and I felt anger and pain fill the air. A little while later my parents ran into the room and I overheard everything and I wanted to kill my brother and Zac.

As I approached the suite, Raja pushed his way through and he was pissed. When we got to the door we heard yelling and shouting and he kicked the doors in letting our anger fill the room and everyone began gasping for air.

"You listen and maybe I won't kill you. Brother or Alpha, I don't quite give a shit." Raja growled out, grabbing him by his neck.

"Kody came here on business, turns out you're mates. You have a mate still learning the ways of werewolves and you're supposed to be the teacher and yet he's the one schooling you and turning you into a mindless puppy dog. You mated right after a rejection... how cold is your heart right now Ethan because right now I don't even know who the hell you are right now. Where the hell is your head other than stuck up your ass or giving this rogue some head. You had a deep burning hatred for rogues and you're letting him run you around like you don't know how to act. Where's the big bad alpha who bathes in the blood of rogues? Now I thought you'd be mature about the situation. Kody told you his terms and you broke that agreement, he trusted you. We all did. I never once thought I could be this disappointed in someone and I have several kids and never once did they have this much of an issue with their mates because guess what Ethan... I taught them the value of family, love, and maturity. The funny thing is, I taught you those same values. What makes it even worse is you're a damn Marine... you're taught certain values and follow rules. Without that your whole system goes to shit." I was breathing heavy and he was about to pass out so I let him go.

"Now, I won't kill your precious mate... I value your life too much to lose you by killing him. I will however prove to you your little precious mate isn't so precious."

I walked over to the battered and bruised little shit grabbing him before he could escape and linked to him letting his memories play like a projector screening a movie and played every last memory he has up to now. By now everyone was in the room.

"Now you see your little shit of a mate isn't so precious. He's a conniving, manipulative, spoiled brat who'll do anything to keep you from doing what you have to."

He took a sledgehammer to all of Kody's equipment. Called Ethan's base faking his death among other things big and small.

He left the room tearing up and I wanted to comfort him so badly but he had to know the truth of how Zac was acting.

Dad and pop looked at me looking at the little bastard in my grip still.

"Now you, you deserve to pay for what you did so since I can't kill you even though that is what I want to do to you, you will be put in the cells for a month. During that time, you will be let out to work outside to pay my parents back for them replacing Kody's equipment that you destroyed and once every penny worth of work is done, you will be let out, not until so a month should be long enough. You will be fed once a day and given water once a day. I thought being here long enough would have at least shown you how mates are, how a pack works and how we treat one another. What you did to Kody, not only destroying his stuff but acting petty with Ethan, not letting Ethan go see Kody, to talk to him because you wanted his attention and kissing Ethan while looking to see if Kody was watching is all children shit Zac. You have been here over three months now, it's time for you to grow up and act like the Lunos you are meant to be. You were fine before Kody got here and found out he's also a mate to Ethan. As we all have told you, there isn't anything anyone can do about that. Well maybe there is, you. You got your wish, Ethan is all yours but I promise you, he won't be as happy as he was since he met Kody, it will feel like a part of him is missing all the time and nothing you do will ever fill that void. Now do you want to go to the cells on your own or do I need to have someone tie you up and take you?"

"He's not going to the cells! I'm the Alpha so he stays here!" Ethan decided to grow some balls I see.

"Fine, you can go with him." I said and linked some warriors and knocked Ethan and Zac out so Ethan doesn't put up a fight.

"Do you know what you're doing kiddo?" Dad asked once the warriors came and got Ethan and Zac.

"Trying to make my brother see the error of his ways, him and Zac. Poor Kody did nothing wrong to deserve what is happening dad. I wish someone would have done this with Adin when they rejected me to make them see the consequences of their actions and maybe it wouldn't have taken almost nine and a half years for us to be together. I know how it feels, I don't wish that on anyone, especially my brother and his mate. It doesn't even seem like the rejection affected Ethan, only Kody which is strange. He just went and fucked his mate like they didn't even just rip their bond apart. He isn't the man I thought he was." I sighed and felt my heart break at that thought. My sweet baby Ethan isn't himself and that kills me. I hate having to be so tough on him but he needs to learn, one way or the other.

"Well we should get going to that shop to get the equipment Kody needs and take it to him before it gets any later. I also want to check on him, he looked so broken and lifeless when they left." Dad said sadly and I hugged him.

"Alright, I'll stay awake until you guys get back. I love you." I said to them and all my parents left.

I cleaned up the room and looked around for anything out of place before I left the room and sat on the couch to gather my thoughts. I hope and pray things work out but at this point, I don't think Kody will ever come back or even contact any of us unless it's about the photos on his harddrive and when he's done with them. Hopefully our tech guys can retrieve the ones on his harddrive.

"We're back." Dad said when they appeared in the living room.

"How is Kody?" I asked.

"Patrick said he cried for a couple of hours and finally went to sleep. Poor man, I feel horrible his visit here wasn't a pleasant one. He seems so polite and very kind. Where did we go wrong in raising Ethan?" Dad asked as he sat down beside pop.

"Nowhere, we all were raised by you and we turned out fine. He's just blinded by his mate. I saw Ethan watching Kody and saw he wanted to talk to him but Zac noticed as well and basically forced Ethan to follow him or do what he wanted. I waited to see if Ethan would tell Zac to let him go see Kody but he didn't and maybe if I would have said something sooner, this wouldn't have happened." I felt like if I said something to Ethan maybe Kody would still be here and they would still be mates.

"It's not your fault son. No one knew this was going to happen, not in the way it did either. I can't believe Kody actually broke Zac's nose. I would have done a lot worse to him if it were me." Pop said and I chuckled and dad swatted his knee but also smiled.

"It's late, let's go get some sleep." Dad said so we all went to our rooms, to end this horrible evening.

I hope Kody will be alright and find the happiness he so rightfully deserves.

Rogue In Civilization...Book 3 Of The Silver Moon Shifter Series Where stories live. Discover now