18. I Am Chase Walker

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Chase POV

Well hello there, I'm Chase Walker, pleased to make your acquaintance ladies and gentlemen. Let me tell you a little bit about myself before we get into the nitty gritty.

I am a nurse obviously since you met me last chapter with the hot sexy mouth watering tall dark and handsome, Kody. I have been a nurse since I was twenty-two, three somewhere around there. I'm now twenty-six and a half, that half is important even as an adult, right?

I graduated college and my life in the US was anything but peaches and cream so I decided to move across the pond to the beautiful city of Paris France. Best. Decision. Ever!

The people are beautiful, the sites are beautiful, and the food is magnifique. I swear I gained like twenty pounds on the food alone but I'm not complaining, I got a bigger ass because of it.

Now the reason I moved across the pond is well my family, mainly the men in my family, are hunters!

Gasp I know!

Now before you go and crucify me and curse me out and think I'm this horrible person, let me explain something.

See I wanted nothing to do with that lifestyle, I don't see the purpose of hunting and killing creatures just because we don't understand them.

We are all here for a reason but my older brother Brent, has a totally different opinion about them. He is the most ruthless out of everyone in the family. He may be ruthless to the supernaturals but if anyone human or otherwise hurts me or does anything bad to me, he wouldn't think twice before putting a bullet through their heart, trust me.

He's done it.

And so one night I caught my dad and Brent torturing a poor creature and I knew this lifestyle wasn't for me if it meant killing ruthlessly and without reasonable cause so I became a nurse.

After that, I moved far away because I didn't want to hurt anyone, I became a nurse for crying out loud! I help people, not kill them. When Brent found out I wanted to become a nurse and help people, he supported me but when I told him I wanted nothing to do with our lifestyle, he didn't support that, at all.

He was all like you can't go against the family code and blah blah blah. Family code of killing? No thank you. So that's why my life growing up wasn't all peaches and cream.

I did have good parents above the hunting crap, they made sure I had everything I could ever want or need. They were there for anything school wise, mended my broken hearts from when boys would hurt me, took us on vacations each summer which now I know was them actually hunting but made sure we kids were busied with other things. They of course did things with us so I was none the wiser of their life at a young age.

So as I grew up and got smarter and did some investigating of my own (sneaking into their room, the attic and basement) to dig through stuff and find out what they truly did and when I found out, I confronted them. I didn't care if they would get angry. I wanted to know why they were killing things, big animals to small ones that couldn't hurt a fly.

"Because they turn into a human and it's unnatural." Is the answer they gave and that was that. The next day dad took me out to teach me how to shoot guns, bows and throw knives. I enjoyed learning how to hunt, I didn't want to kill the innocent creatures, I just wanted to spend more time with my dad. Brent even took me out to train me and I was shocked to learn he already knew about what our parents did, he's three years older so it makes sense he would have known.

As soon as I graduated college, I left because dad wanted to take me out on a hunt but I flat out refused. I told him I became a nurse to help people, not become a killer like him so needless to say, I haven't spoken to him, mom even Brent since I left. I miss my family, especially my brother. We were closer than close my whole life so to not have him in my life hurts.

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