Making A Woman Speechless

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Brantley's POV

Tugging the pillow off my head, I blinked rapidly against the sunlight streaming in the room pulling a groan out of me. Reaching my hand out, I felt cool sheets where there should have been a warm woman still sleeping peacefully. I shook my head rolling my eyes as I kicked the covers off standing up stretching my arms over my head padding over to my bag pulling on a pair of shorts. Last thing I needed was for that demented dog to actually take a bite out of my ass. The evil thought of bribing Reign with unlimited treats and turning her loose on Cole's bus was kind of appealing though. Bet Jason could help me with that.

I padded towards the kitchen following my nose casting a weary eye around for the hell hound. True to her nickname, Reign met me at the doorway of the kitchen ears raised with her lip have raised in a snarl. I mimicked her doing the same before snapping my fingers. To my actual surprise she walked over sitting down bumping my hand with her head wanting to be petted. I scratched her ears getting a content doggy smile in return. Well wonders would never cease it seems. Quiet humming pulled me away from Reign as I focused in on the woman plating up breakfast barefoot and in nothing but my t-shirt. Carhartt never looked so good let me tell you.

"Why are you out of bed?" I murmured slipping my arms around Kaydence burying my face into her neck kissing the soft skin. A laugh racked her slim frame making me smile. I loved seeing her like this. So damn carefree and happy. She turned her head kissing me softly before arching an eyebrow at me as my stomach rumbled.

"I knew if I was hungry you were too," she chuckled handing me a plate smacking my shoulder when wrinkled my nose at the pile of fruit along with eggs and bacon. Leave it up to her to still sneak the healthy stuff in. She went to hip check me out of the way, but I grabbed her with one hand while sitting my plate down. Using both hands I boosted her up onto the countertop hearing a surprised gasp before I captured her swollen lips with mine. Kaydence wrapped her arms around my neck burrowing closer. I had just slipped my hands underneath the hem of my shirt when a voice startled both of us.

"Well, well," they said making me whip my head around and Kaydence grumble as Kerri pushed her sunglasses up keeping her curly brown hair out of her face. She gave us both a wink. "I see that things are going well but I wouldn't have barged in unless it was important."

"What now?" Kaydence sighed resting her chin on my shoulder as I turned around putting my back against her resting my hand on her knee. I bit back a chuckle at how natural it had become to us and knew that Kerri noticed. I didn't put anything past that mastermind. Kerri motioned towards the table. I turned helping Kaydence down the grabbing my plate sitting down. Kay followed suit after offering Kerria a cup of coffee. Plucking a strawberry off her plate, Kaydence took a bite motioning at her manager to get it over with. "It must not be good if you are here with your game face on."

"Do I need to call Aaron?" I asked in between bites of crispy bacon. My free hand settled on Kaydence's knee under the table. If he had been calling me I knew my phone was upstairs. Kerri shook her head.

"No," she said snagging a piece of bacon off of Kaydence's plate with a snicker. "These is on the down low for the moment. I'm hoping that sobriety speaks clearer this morning than drunken jackass did last night."

"Cole," Kaydence snapped rolling her eyes as Kerri nodded for conformation. "What has happened?"

"Well Luke and Caroline called me on their way home last night to give me a heads up," she explained as we both nodded. "I was able to head off the few videos that were trying to make their rounds on social media. Nice punch by the way BG." I snickered earning me a slight tug on my ear from Kaydence. "But then the drunken ass woke me up at two a.m. saying he was going live on social media today to air his laundry."

"Do what?" Kaydence asked choking on the sip of coffee she had just taken. I could see the horns that normally supported her halo ninety percent of the time starting to show. "Excuse me Kerri....but what the fuck is he talking about."

"Well according to him," Kerri said biting her lip studying both us before sighing. "He is going to come out that you two dated in the past. You were too busy for him because of your career. That he was trying to win you back when BG stepped in his way not giving him a fair shot. Threatened me incoherently that he would blab it was all a set up from the get go between you two."

"I' shoot him," Kaydence growled slamming her cup down on the table. And there was that fiery temper coming to light. This is why I questioned Cole's sanity. He wanted to go toe to toe with a woman who wouldn't take his shit let alone had already broken her heart in the past. He needed his head examined. Then throw in that he would surely have Caroline, Brittany, and Miranda coming after him over this. Yep, he needed to check himself into the psych ward. I laid my hand over hers trying to calm her down but the flush on her tan skin had everything to do with her temper. Kerri winced at a particularly harsh string of curse words coming from Kaydence. "His fans will mourn him, but he won't be missed. Why I ought to...."

"What do you suggest BG just short of murder?" Kerri asked pinching the bridge of her nose as I laid a hand over Kaydence's mouth trying to get her to calm down. If she bit me however all bets were going to be off. "Kay, you need to calm down and think rationally. Going after him is the attention he wants from you. Pit both of your fans against each other. Not how this needs to play out."

"Kerri is right darlin," I said kissing the top of Kaydence's head removing my head glaring at her to wipe the glare off her face at me. I studied her for a moment then looked over at Kerri. "Handle it how you think is going to be best for her career. Yea, this started out as an agreement but I can safely safe we are in a relationship now that is not one once of Cole's fucking business and if I need to remind him of that again I will. I punched him last night for challenging me and disrespecting her. Not because I was pissed he dated her in the past. Talk to Aaron as far as what needs to come from me. But Kerri, do what you need to when it comes to protecting the woman that I love okay." Kaydence gasped at the words out of my mouth hers literally dropping open as I stood up leaning down to kiss her cheek. Kerri blinked rapidly before a grin spread across her lips. "I'm going to grab a shower while you two talk. Just let me know what I need to do."

With crickets looming in the kitchen, I turned around heading upstairs knowing that I had just shocked that sassy woman speechless, but I meant the words. It came out before I realized it though I knew I meant every word of it.

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