Chapter 1

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Third p.o.v.

It was a lovely afternoon at the house where a family is living. Some kids are at school learning things while two kids are playing together. An alien uncle was watching them to make sure that they are being careful. There was another alien but she was in the kitchen making something for her niece and nephew. "Gears, Xion, your lunch is ready" said Venus handing the kids their lunch. Gears and Xion stop playing and began eating their food. "Thanks Aunt Venus" said Gears munching on his sandwich. "Your very welcome dear nephew" she replied. "Uncle do you know when Mommy and Daddy are coming back?" Ask Xion while hugging her doll Ralsei from Deltarune. Of course Eclipse knows if Xion hugged her doll tightly that means she is worried. "Don't worry Xion they'll be back soon with Ventus. They're just picking them up from school" Eclipse gave her a pat on the head. Gears then thought for a moment. His Aunt's and Uncles all have kids together but not Venus and Eclipse. "Gears? Is there something on your mind?" Ask Venus "Yeah, are you guys gonna have a baby?". Both Eclipse and Venus cheeks went bright red. "o-oh um..." "Hey! After lunch why don't we play something!" Said Eclipse trying to change the subject. Gears and Xion looked at each other and nodded. Eclipse and Venus sign. You see Venus kind can't get babies because they are a very different species. Of course Venus and Eclipse are sad about it but they still have their niece and nephew but they still do wish that they could have a child.

At school

Class was almost over. The kids were getting their things ready and to go home. "I can't wait to tell Gears what I did at school" said Sapphire grabbing her backpack. "I wonder what have Xion and Gears have been doing?" Said Ventus "Probably having fun" said Luna. Axel then saw a Brown cat all by himself sitting alone at a table. "What is it brother?" Ask Luna "It just that cat is all alone. Has he always been by himself?" Said Axel. "Well we don't know because this is our first day at school" said Ventus. Sapphire smiled and said "Why don't we introduce ourselves to him" "That's a great idea Sapphire" said Luna clapping her hands.

The kids walk over to the brown cat. "Hi there!" Said Luna. The brown cat look at the group and pulled his hoodie down. "Hey it's okay we aren't here to hurt you" said Luna "We were wondering if you want to hang out with us sometime" said Ventus. The brown cat hasn't replied yet. "Are you okay?" Ask Axel. All of the sudden the brown cat runs off. "I wonder what's that about?" Wondering Axel. The others nodded in agreement.

"Axel, Luna, Sapphire, Ventus your parents are here to pick you up" said their teacher. The kids ran to their parents and hugged them. "How was your first day at school?" Ask Shadow "It's was great!" Shouted Luna. "Why don't we all go out to get some ice cream" suggest Gadget. The kids loved that idea. "But what about Xion and Gears? Aren't they gonna get ice cream too?" ask Ventus "Of course they are, we just gotta to tell Eclipse and Venus to meet us up at the park" said Lili. They all walked out of the school and called Eclipse to tell them to meet them at the park for some ice cream.

At The Park

Soon the family got their children some ide cream to celebrate their kids first day at school. The kids also tell the younger kids about what was like at school. After that they finished their ice cream they played on the playground. Their Parents were watching them and chatting. Xion just went down the slide and then saw a Brown cat on the bench sitting all by himself. Xion of course walked up to the cat while holding Ralsei. Gears saw Xion walking up to a cat, he decided to follow her.

"Hi! My name is Xion! What's your name?" Ask Xion with a smiled. The cat look at her then at the ground. "Are you okay? You seem sad?" The cat didn't reply. "Hey do you want to hug my Ralsei doll? My brother made it for me on my birthday" again no reply from the cat. "Xion? What are you doing?" Ask Gears finally caught up to her. "I was just want to see what he is doing all myself, he seems lonely" said Xion to Gears. He look at the cat then back at Xion. "Your right, um excuse but we were wondering if you want to play with us and our cousin" said Gears to the cat. The cat turned his head to not see them. Xion and Gears glance at each other and look back at the brown cat. "would you like introduce yourself to us so we can know your name?" He didn't reply "Maybe he can't talk?" Suggest Xion. Both don't know what to do or what to say to him. Xion then gently touch the cat hand. "Are you lost? Or do you ne-" "Don't touch me!" Shouted the cat while pushing Xion to the ground. "Xion!" Shouted Gears, he help his cousin off the floor. The brown cat eyes went wide. Gears look at the cat "Why did you do that for? We just want to help" "I...I..." Those are the only words that came out of his mouth. He then ran off. Gears look at Xion to see if she has any wounds. She got some.  They went back to their parents, aunt's and uncles. "Xion what happened?" Ask Lili as she pick up her daughter. Xion was in tears and didn't say anything. "Gears do you know what happened?" Ask Silver. Gears nodded and explain to them of what happened to Xion.

Eclipse p.o.v.

Somebody hurt my niece. I didn't like it. After what Gears told us I did saw someone look at us. It was hiding behind a bush. "what is it Eclipse?" Said Venus. "I'll be right back".

I went to see the Mobian behind the wall. It turn out it was a brown cat. "Are you the one that hurt my niece?" I ask. He said something but I didn't hear him "Kid, can you please speak up" I said "I'm sorry! I never meant to hurt her!" He shouted. The cat started to cry "I'm really sorry...I truly am..." He said while rubbing his arm. I kneel down his level "It's okay, just don't do it next time okay?" He nodded "What's your name?" I ask "Brownie" he replied. I looked around, I didn't see his parents anywhere. I looked back at him. "Where are your parents?" He went silent then said "They're at the store that is across from here" "Do you want me to walked you there?" I said. He shook his head no "I'll be fine but can you tell the girl that I said sorry" "of course, please be careful" I said. He nodded and walk across to get to the store. I eventually went back to the other and saw Ventus hugging his little sister. "There you are,we were wondering where you went" said Maria "I went to see the Mobian" he turned his head towards Xion. "How's Xion?" I asked "I'm fine Uncle Eclipse" she replied. I smiled and pick her up. "Good. Also Xion he told me that he is very sorry for what he did to you". Xion smiled and said "Well when I met him again I forgive him" she said. We eventually started to walked home but I couldn't help to feel like something is wrong with Brownie.

Brownie p.o.v.

I saw the Alien live the park with his family and friends. I seriously didn't mean to hurt her. I eventually leave the store and went to the orphanage. I walk in and saw some kids playing with each other. I went to my room, I didn't like to play with other kids because I wanted to be alone. I wasn't always like this, I love to hangout with kids and played with them and talk with them. But now I don't want to that anymore. You see my parents died in a car accident and I was the only one to survived. After that I was sent to the orphanage where a bunch of kids invited me to play with them but I was decided not too. I was laying on my bed looking up at the ceiling. I've been in this orphanage for 4 months. Nobody wants me for the way I am. I don't think that anyone cares about me. Soon I stared to closed my eyes and fallen asleep hopefully something amazing will happen to me someday.

To Be Continued...

(This drawing belong to me)

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(This drawing belong to me)

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