Chapter 2

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Venus p.o.v.

It was time for us to get a good night sleep. I was thinking about what Gears said to Eclipse and I in the noon. We got under the blanket and Eclipse saw me in deep thought. "Everything okay Venus?" He ask me I sighed "I was thinking about what Gears said to us in the noon" Eclipse blushed "You having kids?" I nodded "But you know that we can't" I said I looked down "I'm sorry" "Hey it's okay" he said cheering me up. Eclipse thought about something for a moment and said "Why don't we adopt a kid?" "What do you mean?" I said in confusion. "I mean we can adopt a kid. Plus we know how to take care a kid thanks to our nieces and nephews". I smiled and said "Are you sure? Are we ready to have a kid?" He grabbed my hand "I'm ready when you are". I gave him a hugged "yes I'm ready". He hugged back. "We should discussed this with the others but for now let's get some rest" I nodded in agreement.

The Next Day, At the orphanage

Brownie p.o.v.
I was sitting on my bed until I heard a knocked on my door. "Come in" I said. It was the owner who took care of us along with her friends. Her name is Serena. She is a white cat with purple eyes. "Hi Brownie, how was your morning?" She ask politely "It's good" I said. She sat next to me on my bed. "Brownie some couple are coming by and they wanted to find a kid" I knew where she going. "They wanted to interview some kids and take them home for a few months" I signed "But Serena, I can't...they probably won't like me..." I said "Don't say that to yourself, you should at least give them a chance" I sighed once again. "alright" "okay they will be here in 2 hours okay?" I nodded. She then left the room. I stared up at the ceiling. I never got an interview with any of the couples because well I wasn't there. I always stayed up in my room. Serena is right I should at least give this couple a chance. After all she wanted me to live happily with my new life she was always there for me when I needed her. My Mom and Dad would wanted me to live happily too. I waited in my room waiting for the couple to arrive.

Third p.o.v.

Eclipse and Venus arrived at the orphanage, they'd knocked on the door. A white cat open the door. "Oh you must be the Eclipse and Venus, is that right?" She ask the couple. "Yes, what's your name?" Ask Venus "Oh my name is Serena. Please come in". They walked inside of the orphanage. "I hope that we aren't disturbing anything" said Venus. Serena shook her head no. "No you didn't disturb anything. Please take a seat while I'll go do something" said Serena. Eclipse and Venus took a seat and wait for Serena to come back.

Serena came into Brownie room. He was waiting on his bed like he always does. "are you ready?" She said him. Brownie nodded and followed Serena behind. He was nervous. He never done this before. " Eclipse, Venus meet Brownie the cat" Serena step aside to revealed Brownie to them. Both Eclipse and Brownie eyes went wide. Brownie put his hoodie over his head. Venus walk towards Brownie. "Hi Brownie, my name is Venus. I loved your green eyes" Brownie look up at Venus. He gave her a gentle smiled "It's nice to meet you". Serena noticed Eclipse just standing there in shock. "Eclipse is there something wrong?" "No nothing is wrong" it was now Eclipse turned to walk towards Brownie. "Nice to meet you I'm Eclipse". Brownie gave him a small smiled. "Brownie would it be alright for Eclipse and Venus take you and to get to know you better" ask Serena. Brownie turned to Serena and nodded. "Okay pack the things you need okay" Brownie nodded and went to his room.

When Brownie went to his room. Eclipse ask Serena about his parents. Serena expression turned to sadness. "But why would you like to know?" She ask "Because I have met Brownie before, he told me that his parents were in a store" said Eclipse. "Well what truly happened to Brownie parents was...they..." Serena sighed "they died in a car accident" Venus covered her lips and Eclipse stand there in shock. "It has been four months since that happened..." Serena finished "I'm sorry...for him..." Said Venus "Please take care of Brownie. Show him your loved to him. But it may take some time, in do time he will love you" said Serena.

Soon Brownie got all of his things. Brownie and Serena gave each other a hug and a goodbye. Brownie follow Eclipse and Venus to their house. Once they got inside Brownie was scared after the accident with Xion. The brown cat hide behind Venus. Gadget was the first one who walked up to them "Welcome back Brother, Venus" he the saw Brownie. Gadget kneel down his level. "Hi there my name is Gadget, what's your name?" The cat walked slowly to Gadget and said "B-Brownie..." "What a cute name you have" "Thank you" replied Brownie. "you know my son and daughter would love to play with you" suggest Gadget. Brownie shook his head no. Venus kneel down "Hey it's okay. Would you please try at least" she said. Brownie thought about it. Until some one familiar walked up to him. "oh it's you" Brownie looked up to see that same girl since that day he pushed her. Brownie took a step back from Xion. "Did I do something wrong?" Ask Xion "I'm sorry" mumble Brownie. Luckily Xion was able to hear what Brownie said. "It's alright. I forgive you" she said with a smile. He smiled back. "I never smiled this much" thought Brownie. "Would you like to play with me and my cousin?" Ask Xion. Brownie looked at Eclipse and Venus then back at Xion "Sure!". Gadget, Venus, and Eclipse watched they leave to play with the other kids.

Brownie p.o.v.

I followed Xion to see some kids at my school. They were playing with something that I'm not familiar with. "Guys! We company!" Said Xion. The kids turned around and saw me. I was nervous. What were they gonna say to me but they introduce themselves to me and I introduce me to them. I saw something flying towards me one of them has three eyes and the color they have is a orange colors. Another one came by and it was one eye and green color. I stared at them confused. What are these things. "Do you know what those are?" Ask Sapphire. I shook my head no. "They are Wisp" "They are Aunt Venus family" said Gears. "What do they do?" I ask "They have a special ability but our Dads won't let us use them" she said while a cube blue color came by her. I looked at the Wisp. "Aunt Venus let us keep one Wisp because they like us" said Gears. One Wisp was laying on top of Gears head. "I name this one Cube" Said Sapphire petting Cube. "And I name mine Void" said Gears pointing up at Void laying on his head. I smiled a bit. "It's looks like those Wisp likes you too" said Gears. And he was right these two the orange and green one like me. But why? I haven't even known them yet. I petting the green one carefully. It was enjoying it. The orange one got a bit jealous so I let the orange one to seem a bit fair. "Hello there" I said to them. They gave me a happy look. Both the orange and the green landed on my head. Sapphire giggled. "This reminds us of how we met our wisp, right Gears" he nodded. The rest of us played with the wisp and I was having fun. Not just by myself but with others. Soon one of the parents called us for dinner.

While we are sitting at the table. I got to know more about this family. I saw how the parents love their kids it reminds me of my parents on how they loved me "Brownie are you alright?" Ask Venus I looked at her and said "I'm alright, thanks" I said. She smiled at me and said "I saw you played with the Wisp, did you have fun?" I nodded with a smiled. "I'm glad, they told me that they have fun with you" she said "They also want you to give them their own names". I saw the orange and green come towards me. "A name? Okay but I'm not good at names" I thought of one for a moment but I've got nothing. "I'm sorry but I can't think of names right now" I said "They said that's alright, just take your time" said Venus "Maybe you'll find one in the morning" said Eclipse. "Yeah"

To Be Continued...

(This drawing belong to me)

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(This drawing belong to me)

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