Chapter 8

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Brownie p.o.v.

I have woken from my sleep and I started my morning off with the last look at my room. This is my finale day here before I go back to the orphanage. I had so much fun here, I've made so many different mobians. I didn't want to leave, I want to stay here, I want to stay here with Eclipse and Venus but I wasn't sure if they want me as their son, would they? I sighed to myself before I heard a knock on my door. I opened my door to see Eclipse and Venus I gave them a smiled. "Good morning Brownie" they said to me "Good morning" I said to them. We walked down the hall I was about to go to the dinning room until Venus said "Brownie why don't you go outside?" I gave her a confused look. I didn't ask any questions, so I walked outside to see a party that was going on. Everything got all set up, was this all for me?

I looked at Eclipse and Venus and pointed at me. They nodded. "why?" I asked them. Eclipse kneeled down to my height. "Because this is your last day with us, and we thought we could throw you a goodbye party" I tried to hide my frown "Oh thank you" I said to them.

"Hey Brownie, wanna play with us?" Ask Luna. I gave her a nod and went to hang out with them. I join them in a game of hide and seek. Of course they knew that today was my last day, they want to make every moment count. I'm really happy that they are doing this to me. While we were hiding I tried my best to not cry, I want to make a enjoyful day as possible.

Eclipse p.o.v.

Venus and I saw Brownie playing with our nieces and nephews. We both smiled that soon we will tell Brownie that he will be adopted by us. It was possible because we had to sign some papers, not only that but Venus and I were aliens. It was complicated but we made it through. We are going to tell him once that everyone is here. We also told the orphanage that we are going to adopt Brownie, everyone was happy including Serena, she was waiting for this moment to come, so we invited her but Brownie doesn't know. I hold hand with Venus and look at her. "It's almost time to tell him" Venus nodded while tearing up. Nobody knows this excerpt for Shadow and Serena. I can't wait to announce it to everyone.

It been about 4 hours since we started this party for Brownie. It wasn't noon yet. Serena should be coming by now.

"Hi Eclipse"

I turned to see Venus with Serena. "I'm glad that you showed up today" I said to her. She gave me a smiled "I wouldn't wanna miss this". Serena looked over to see Brownie playing with the kids. "I see that Brownie change a lot hasn't he" "Yes he has. He made a lot of friends with our nieces and nephews not only that but our friends kids" said Venus "I'm very proud of Brownie, I can see he going to be so happy that your going to adopt him" said Serena. I nodded at her words.

I then saw Shadow walking towards us. "It's time" he said. Everyone is here including Serena to see this moment. She was waiting for this moment just like the other kids in the orphanage, waiting for them to be adopted. I gave Serena a nod to go find Brownie. Venus and I hearts started to get nervous.

Third p.o.v.

Serena walked towards Brownie and the kids. "Hi Brownie" she said to him. Brownie turned to Serena with a widen eyes. "Serena!" He said and gave her a hug. She hugged the 7 year old brown cat back. Then they broke the hug and Brownie introduce her to his friends. She kept smiled at this. Tears started to form into her eyes. "Serena? Is everything okay?" Brownie said in worried. Serena wipe her tears away. "I'm fine Brownie, I'm just so happy for you. You've made great friends here, you meet new Mobians, you've have grown" Brownie smiled at her words but then frowns. "Are you going to take me back to the orphanage?" He said with a sad tone. I shook my head no "Not yet but I want you to sit over there" Serena said while pointing at the direction. Brownie nod and took a seat where Serena told him.

Shadow got everyone attention. Brownie got confused by this. ' What's going on?' he thought. Eclipse and Venus walked towards Brownie, their hearts was pounding of nervous. Before Brownie could say anything Venus started to talk "Brownie, we want to tell you something but first you'll have to listen" Brownie nodded.  "Brownie, you are a wonderful child to have, you've made a lot of friends along the way that cared deeply about you" she said. Now it was Brownie heart started to pounding. Venus started to tear up "Before we thought of adopting a kid way before, we couldn't have a child because of me. Then Eclipse found an idea to have a child even though it's not ours but we will loved it no matter what" Brownie started to have tears in his eyes. Everyone at that party started to tear up as well, they knew what was going on. It was Eclipse turn. "When I first met you at the park I knew there was something wrong with you. Then when we came to the orphanage and saw you, I finally knew why there was something wrong" Eclipse couldn't find the right words to say but continue. "After these couples of weeks, spending time with you. I felt like something connection with us. Everyone in this party that you see today, they cared about you like we do. So we want to ask you this question" Brownie became more nervous. Eclipse and Venus were holding hands and look each other, then nodded. They turned to Brownie and ask him. "Brownie we want to adopt you, we want you to be our son" they said through tears. Brownie broke down in tears and leap, and hugged them. Brownie nodded while wiping his tears. Eclipse and Venus cried and hugged their new son Brownie.

Everyone clap and cheered for their new member of their family. Blue and Stripes flew in through this and gave Brownie and hug. Serena smiled and teared through all of it. She couldn't be more happier, she seen these moments many times but nothing like this. She walked up to them and said "congratulations Brownie" he looked up at Serena and gave her a hug. "Thanks for no giving up on me" said Brownie. "Your welcome" replied Serena.

Soon Maria took a picture of Eclipse, Venus, Blue, Stripes and their son Brownie. Today was the greatest day of their lives, that they won't forget.

10 years later

After those many years, there is a tall Brown cat that was known for Brownie. Brownie was writing in his journal about his adventure that his cousin did yesterday. He then remembered something special today, the day that he was adopted by Eclipse and Venus. He couldn't be more happier than this. Blue and Stripes were flowing above his journal. "It's been 10 years hasn't it, since I got adopted" said Brownie. The wisp nodded. He smiled and looked down at two photo.

"Brownie! You coming?!"

Brownie heard his Mom calling him. He closed his journal and put it inside his packback. "Ready for another adventure?" He ask his wisp. They nodded with excitement. Brownie then look at the two photo one more time. He smiled and went off to see his parents were waiting for him. "Sorry that I was late" he said "Come, today is special day" said Eclipse. Brownie nodded and whisper "yeah special". The family walk away but there were two mobians that were watching them leave.

"Look how big he's gotten" said a cat another cat nodded. "That's our son" "Venus, Eclipse. Thank you for taking care of our baby boy" they said

"We love you Brownie"

The End

(This drawing belong to me)

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(This drawing belong to me)

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