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Nearly 100 years ago, a nuclear apocalypse took place on Earth with irreversible consequences for humanity. The bombing swept away all signs of life from the surface of the blue planet, and the deadly radiation killed those who miraculously managed to survive. The only survivors are the inhabitants of the twelve space stations in orbit of the Earth, which when merged formed the Ark. There are strict rules: for every crime, regardless of its type, there is a death penalty, unless offender is under 18 years old. After many years there is a shortage of resources on the Ark, so desperate inhabitants decide to send a group of juvenile offenders to Earth for colonization. The teenagers must join forces in order to survive on a planet that has terrifying secrets...
Allaia Kane wasn't even supposed to be born. Having more than one baby on the Ark was strictly forbidden due to the need to decrease the birthrate. Breaking the law meant facing the consequence of being executed. And Alle was lucky enough to be a second child. She spent her entire life in a cell, paying for the crime she didn't commit. Was it unfair? Of course, but the Ark wasn't capable of showing mercy; even towards an innocent child. Allaia's mere existence was the reason why she was forced to basically live in anticipation for death, as if she was the worst convict. There seemed to be no way out.
Until one day.
The Ark decided to send a group of underage criminals to the ground in order to test if the Earth was survivable again. And Allaia was chosen to be one of them. She's been dreaming about experiencing freedom all her life; she was so desperate to taste it, but what if the sweet liberty will turn out to be terribly bitter?