• TWO •

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Cassandra touched down on the floor of the ship, her parachute trailing behind her. She unclipped it, letting it fall down her shoulders.

"What about the nurse that lives across the hall from you? She seems kind of nice," Natasha asked, walking beside Steve.
"Secure the engine room, then find me a date."
"She's multitasking," Cassandra defended, hopping over the railing after Natasha.

Cassandra and Natasha ran up behind a man speaking into a radio. The man turned around, seeing Cassandra behind him.

"Hey sailor." She said, winking at the man.

Natasha slipped under his legs, shooting the other pirates. The man threw a kick at her face, she caught his foot, using it to hop up onto his shoulders, wrapping her legs around his neck. She used her weight to pull him onto his back, pulling a wire around his neck. The wire was attached to her suit as a repelling rope, and she jumped back, being lowered down while choking the man, hopefully to death.

She meant to shoot at the other pirates, but they were already dead. She pursed her lips, and noticed Natasha fighting a man. She unclipped herself, and took a thin pipe, whacking the man on the head with the pipe. He collapsed, and Natasha stood up, dusting off her hands.

"Come on I had him," Natasha said.
"You got to have all the fun."
"No I didn't. You get to do the real mission."
"That's fair," she said, dropping the pipe. "Engine room secure." Cassandra said into her radio.
"Go Nat."

Natasha ran on way, and Cassandra ran the other. She ran to the bridge, knowing Batroc would be to concentrated with Steve to notice her. She snuck in, shooting the man who had been in the bridge. Cassandra stuck a flash drive into the one of the computers facing the window.

S.H.I.E.L.D Intel was almost done downloading onto her drive, when the door burst down. She barely took notice until she saw the familiar shield out of the corner of her eye.

"Well, this is awkward." Cassandra mumbled.
"What areyou doing?"
"Backing up the hard drive. It's a good habit to get into.
"Rumlow needed your help. What the heck are you doing here?"

Steve walked over to Cassandra, looking over her shoulder. He sighed, and Cassandra looked up at him.

"You're saving S.H.I.E.L.D Intel."
"Whatever I can get my hands on," Cassandra defended.
"Our mission is to rescue hostages."
"No. That's your mission."

Cassandra pulled the drive out, and looked at Steve, smiling with mock appreciation.

"And you've done it beautifully," she said, turning to leave. Steve grabbed her arm forcing her to look at him.
"You just jeopardized this whole operation." Steve scolded
"I think that's overstating things."

Suddenly, Batroc stood, throwing a grenade in their direction. Steve hit it away with his shield. He grabbed Cassandra around the waist, picking her up and leaping between rows. She shot once at a glass panel, before the grenade exploded, blasting them through the window. Blinds, glass, and wall fell down on the pair. Cassandra groaned, pushing herself further up on the wall.
"Okay. That one's on me." Cassandra mumbled, stretching her now sore neck.
"You're darn right."

Steve got up, storming away in anger. Cassandra looked up, closing her eyes and sighing. There was a whole other problem she'd have to fix when she got back. Along with her shattered microwave. It's a long story, involving Cassandra, grapes, Natasha and a microwave. Oh and a knife. She would never forget the knife.


"So, what have you been up to Peg?" Cassandra asked.

The elderly woman shrugged, slowly scooting farther up in her bed. Pictures were pinned to the wall behind her, a tray of pills and medicene on the nightstand.

Cassandra sat next to her friend, holding her hand. Peggy had aged, while Cassandra had not. She was now in her nineties, and Cassandra would be too, but unfortunately for her, she was still twenty-seven.

Steve did know that Peggy was still alive, Cassandra had thought it a good idea to tell him when he came out of the ice. Fury strongly disagreed, saying it would only make it harder on Steve. But Cassandra insisted, knowing if she were in Steve's position, she would want to know her friends were still alive. And besides, Peggy deserved to know as well, and she cared about Peggy more than she cared about Steve.

"How's your job?" Peggy asked.
"Good, yeah, we caught some pirates yesterday, Steve isn't too happy with me right now, but," she smiled. "It's nothing I can't live with."

Peggy coughed, and Cassandra reacted quickly, picking a glass of water from the nightstand.

"Peg are you ok?" Cassandra asked, worry in her voice.
"I," another cough. "I'm fine," she insisted.
"Do you want some water?"

Peggy responded by taking the glass, and swallowing the water. Cassandra let out the breath she was holding, and looked at her watch. Five minutes until Steve came in. Her time was up.

"Well, I gotta go Peg."
"Have a good day Cassandra."
"Love ya Peg."
"Love you Lucy."

Cassandra hugged her friend, and stood up. She waved once more as she opened the door, and left. When she got outside, she put her sunglasses on, getting into her car.

Her phone vibrated, and she picked it up.

"What does Nat have to say this time?" She said to herself.

There's an exhibit at the Smithsonian, it's about Steve, but you're in there too. You should check it out. : )

She shrugged, dropping her phone into the cupholder, and putting her keys into the ignition.

i don't know why these chapters keep taking so long to make.
and i love this movie, but that isn't important.
i love you guys 3000-

 i love you guys 3000-

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