{Request} Faith (Elrohir x Reader)

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"Am I really so low in your mind?" You shout at Elrohir.

"Y/N, you know that is not how I meant it." He speaks calmly with a voice of silk.

"Then how did you mean it? Did you mean to interrogate me about him because you think we are friends? Perhaps we are even family? Elrohir, it seems clear your faith in me dwindles with every passing day." You turn away but he takes your hand.

"You lie. I can hear it in your voice; you don't believe a word that you yourself are saying." He says a bit more passionately.

"But you do." In a blink, he is front of you, studying your eyes. You look at him, sincerely betrayed. He steps aside for you to leave, knowing that he cannot convince you on his own, if at all.


"Y/N, may I speak with you? Privately?" Asked Elladan from behind you as you walked through Imladris' gardens.

"This, I think, is as private as any place. What is the matter?" He walks beside you, head bowed.

"It is Elrohir." You give an almost shocked exhale as it was rare that Elladan would talk to you about his twin. "I fear his heart may be broken. He has begun fading. It truly scares me to think he may go. Now, I know it is hardly my place and you do not have to keep in conversation with me, but I believe you had a misunderstanding of some sort."

"Barely. Your brother accused me of galavanting with the young elf Lissier. Do you believe me when I say he is nothing more than a friend, as are the rest of the elves here?"

"Of course I do. I don't doubt that for a moment. But you see, Elrohir, I can see his point of view." You were about to defend yourself when Elladan went on, "Many years ago, I courted a beautiful elleth. She did in fact reciprocate my feelings, so much so that we were to be wed. This was only a few decades before you were born."

"I hadn't known. Do go on."

"Well, on the eve of our wedding, she confessed to me that she did not feel so strongly anymore. I like to think I graciously went about asking her what might be done to save our love, but she only told me that her heart belonged to another ellon. I wished her luck in pursuing him and we spoke not much else of it. I carried on for many months quite like I had before. Unfortunately, I happened to be in these very gardens when I heard her sweet voice singing. Still in love with her, I followed the sound but I stopped short of greeting her when I noticed the ellon she was with.

"It was the greatest rage I have ever known, to see her with my very closest friend, Lasemel. I was heartbroken and began to fade but my father consoled me. I recovered quite swiftly but to this day have not found another elleth as fair." You gaze at him sadly.

"That sounds awful." He gives a slight laugh.

"Indeed it was, but I have learned to carry on quite contently. But concerning Elrohir, if he does see similarity between my relationship and yours as Lissier is a very good friend of his, I do not think his heart may be so easily healed if he does doubt your loyalty." You stop by a seat in the gardens, beckoning Elladan to sit beside you as you continue to talk. He sits and stares out into the sky, "You see, as I have always been quite close with our father, Elrohir was closer with our mother. But, as you know, she sailed West many years ago. I don't know that I can bear to watch him fade which is why I have come to you. Do you still love him?" You think for a few moments.

"I'm not so sure. He is kind and caring and gentle but he hasn't as much faith in me as I do in him. Of course, I would not leave him for someone such as Lissier."

"Then I only ask that you quickly consider your feelings. Ultimately, it is up to you but he grows weaker by the hour. Father expects he may a have a month left if he fights at his strongest." He kisses your forehead as he gets up to leave. "Please, just think about it, Y/N. I can tell you confidently that you would be very much welcome to become a part of our family should you choose it." You sit in the garden for hours more before returning to your chambers.


Two weeks had passed. You had consulted both Elladan and Lord Elrond but you hadn't dared set eyes on your lover. You were scared that if you saw him in his sickly state, you would profess your love to him out of pity. You decided that, if you were to repair things with him, it would only be a help to you. And that is, infact, what you had decided.

"May I see him?" You ask Elladan, leaving his brother's chambers. He turns to you, slightly shocked.

"You have decided then." You nod. "Although, I must warn you, he has not resisted his fading. He barely clings to life." You nod once more and he opens the door for you, closing it once you are inside.

You set your eyes upon Elrohir, his normally perfect, shiny hair a whispy mess, his skin far paler than an elf ought to be. His chest slowly rises and falls beneath the bedcovers. His face contorts in pain and, every now and then, a scared whimper escapes his mouth. Even his fingers twitch as, you suppose, an instinct to protect himself. You walk over to a chair beside his bed and sit, taking hold of his cold hand.

"Elrohir?" You say quietly. His eyes partially open.

"Y/N? Is that really you?" He sounds perhaps the most excited he can given his state. You smile as you hold back tears from hearing him sound so lifeless.

"Yes, yes it's me."

"It is nice to see you." He says gazing tiredly at you.

"I have something I must tell you." You start. Then he slips his hand out if your grasp.

"Is it goodbye?" Even when he was dying, he could still lace his words with a stinging venom. Tears fell from your cheeks to the silk sheets.

"No, Elrohir. Don't you dare. Not while I still love you. I need nothing but you and I." He turns to look at you but even as you smile lovingly at him and take back his hand to hold, his eyes still close. His hand still goes limp and his chest still stops moving. And you still weep. And you still cry. And you still scream.

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