The Elf Who Fell Twice in Love (Thranduil x Reader)

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"So have all your staff at my disposal tomorrow." You say to Thranduil, excited beyond compare as you leave his chambers. He frowns still.

"How do you know it will change my mood at all, young elfling?" You pop your head back in the door, your hair flicking into your face.

"I don't. That's why I'm doing it. Wether it lifts your spirits or not, there'll be fun and laughter in your kingdom once more."

"There has never been fun nor laughter in my kingdom. Not while you were alive." He responds sternly. You point furiously in his direction.

"Aha! Not that you know of. Legolas and I used to throw the biggest... oh. I'm so sorry. I didn't think." You walk back over to a forlorn Thranduil and take his hands that hang by his sides. "This is why I want to have it. Maybe to take your mind off of him or else to help you see that he is still at the heart of your kingdom. Please?" He sighs,

"Yes... Yes, of course. I apologise, Y/N. I grew so cold once his mother died. But before he left for the Undying Lands, he asked that I try to find happiness once more. It took the coming of a new age to realise just how much I loved him and now he is gone. I don't know how, but I will do my best to honour his request."

"And I can help you. For tomorrow, keep yourself confined to this room. I give you no guarantee, but I hope that this will bring you joy." You leave. Thranduil smiles to himself at the effort you're putting in.


Just before dawn two days later, you step into Thranduil's chambers in a golden outfit and coo,

"My Lord, may I come in?" Oddly, no response follows. You debate wether to search for him or simply leave but quickly decide to enter. "Thranduil?" You call once more. You look around his untidy bed and wardrobe. You frown, confused, at the sight of some robes ripped and torn. You turn to enter the adjoining room. But you stop and stare at the King.

"Y/N, please leave." He says quietly. You can hear his voice close to breaking and feel the tears in his eyes even though he is faced away from you. You notice he is holding something small close to his chest.

"Thra-" You start but are cut off by an aggressive roar,

"I said leave!" He turns to you, not bothering to conceal the scar on his face. "Get out!" You don't flinch. As scared as you are, you still gaze at him with kind eyes.

"What are you holding?" You ask softly. His scar fades into perfect flesh. He shrinks back, holding up what looks to be a child's toy in his shaky hands. Sticks are bound by long grasses to make the figure of an elf and leaves form it's clothes.

"Legolas gave this to me when he was just a few years old. He spent hours making it. He didn't even know that I kept it. I miss him. I miss the days before we drew apart. I was a fool." You place a hand on Thranduil's face.

"You were broken, not a fool. Elven hearts are never easily mended." His eyes meet yours with a half smile. "Come with me." You take his hand in yours and start to wander away, him following close behind.

You reach his throne, covered in yellow flowers. As too is the rest of his castle. Every elf in the kingdom wears amber robes and dresses. You all wait in the darkness of the morning for a few moments.

"Soon, your home will be flooded with golden light and we will dance and sing like the times of old." You whisper to Thranduil. And with the rising of the sun, what you say comes true. The elves cheer like men or hobbits and music fills the halls.

"Thank you, Y/N" He whispers, gently kissing your cheek. You beam and lead him to where many an elf already dances.

"I'm surprised you know how to dance." You laugh.

"I'm surprised that I remember. It has been far too long." As the song ends, he lifts you into the air and you give a little squeal before he sets you back down. But he does not let go of you. "I believe it is common knowledge that we elves only marry once, isn't it, Y/N?" Your smile begins to fade as you process the question.

"Yes?" You gaze deep into his glowing eyes as he responds,

"Then I suppose I am not a common elf." Your heart flutters as your lips connect with his for a moment before he pulls away. You share a look of pure love with him as another song begins, "May I have this dance, my Queen?" He asks. You grin from pointed ear to pointed ear.

"Of course." The two of you soak in the golden air and laugh until the sun sets.

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