Just this once (Aragorn x reader)

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Aragorn lets an arrow fly straight past your face. You stick your sword into the belly of an orc then turn to him,

"Hey! Watch where you're shooting!" He punches a goblin in the face and, as it staggers back, fires an arrow in between its eyes.

"What do you mean?" An uruk comes between the two of you and you both lodge a dagger, one in its back, the other in its chest. It falls to its knees and you scowl at your fellow ranger, 

"You know what I mean." You both take on separate targets again as your exchange continues.

"Did I hit you?" He says more matter-of-factly than as a question. You kick away an orc and spin to cut off the head of another. You face the first and call back to Aragorn as you sever its arms,

"No." You groan, rolling your eyes, knowing the exact words about to leave his mouth.

"Then stop complaining. I might just have saved your..." He stops and stares at you, eyes wide to match yours.

Quivering with shock, you look down at the jagged blade going through your stomach. You try to scream but time slows down as the sword gets pulled out from behind you. The uruk goes off to fight another group of Dúnedain leaving you flat on your back, staring at the smokey sky.

You feel your upper body lift with two shaky hands. A voice full of tears makes your heart sting,

"Y/N, no, no, no, no. Come on, Y/N, hold on. I'm sorry, I... I'm sorry. I'll never do it again. I'll never risk hurting you ever again. I... I... I promise. Please, just... just hang in there." You use your waning strength to focus your vision and place a cold hand on his cheek.

"Ara... Aragorn," he listens intently, "sh... shut up, you g... great f... fool." He smiles,

"Yeah, I'll shut up when you're safe. So be safe, Y/N. Come on, you be safe. I'll not shut up until you're safe. Y/N?" Your eyes grow tired and your hand begins to fall. Aragorn's voice becomes even more frantic, "Y/N? Y/N, don't you dare," he cradles your head, shaking your shoulder, "don't you dare let go. Don't you want me to shut up for once? Hey? Doesn't that sound nice? Don't let go. Be safe, come on, be safe." You see darkness and hear only the muffled cries of your friend.


You start to wake up to the bright morning light that creeps through your eyelids. Then you hear a familiar voice,

"... And then he came chasing after us with the bucket. We hid in the woods for the rest of the day for fear of your parents finding out. Oh, I remember it fondly. I hope you remember that..."

You know it's Aragorn speaking softly to you. You try to open your eyes but fail. You try to move your hand to hold his. You try to make a sound to show him you are awake. You don't move an inch.

"That was the day I realised I love you with all of my heart."

You never thought he would ever say that. You push yourself to sit up. You try with all of your might to turn your head.

"Awful timing, I know. And I suppose you might never know now. I just wish you would wake up. I'd give anything to see you smile again. You have the most beautiful smile."

You become desperate, trying everything. You try to writhe and scream. You try moving a finger. You try twitching your nose. Nothing works. So you cry. All you can do is cry. You feel your cheeks get wet with rage and sadness. You just want Aragorn to know you heard him. Anything to let him know.


You bolt upright. You pant heavily, sweat drenching you from head to toe.

"Hey, hey, hey! Y/N, it's okay. Whatever it was, it's gone now." Aragorn says sweetly.

You look around at your chambers, the moon beaming through the window; the only source of light. Aragorn kneels beside your bed. You assume he had been sleeping in a chair planted a few feet away. You look back at the sad, worried eyes of the little boy you had grown up with now in the face of a man.

"It's okay, it was only a dream." He wipes away a tear sliding down your cheek with his finger.

"I wish it wasn't." You mutter, looking away. Unfortunately, Aragorn seems to have perfect hearing.

"Why is that?" You cringe at your foolishness. You know he will persist until you answer and he can tell when you are lying. You sound absolutely unconvincing when you stammer,

"I- I dreamt that- that all the o- orcs had been slain and- and we were having a c- celebration." Aragorn smiles clearly stifling a laugh.

"That was appalling. Not only were you obviously lying but you looked like you'd had your chest ripped open a moment ago."

"Not far off." Dammit. Curse your sarcasm.

"Oh? Would you like to talk about it?" You barely let him finish when you begin,

"No. All good. Wouldn't want to trouble you. It's silly anyways. I'll be going back to sleep now. Goodnight." You lie down, facing away from him, eyes shut tight. You hear a chuckle. Then you feel something.

The bed creaks a little and the covers rustle. An arm, about as muscular as yours, wraps around your middle. A gentle hand caresses your face.

"I can see it in yours eyes, your glimmering eyes, you like me. And I want you to know that I like you too." You smile,

"Are we talking like or like like?" You can practically feel him roll his eyes.

"We're talking like like, like love like." You burst out laughing and look back over your shoulder at him. He waits until you finish. "Is it alright? Us together?" You answer in an exaggerated voice,

"I suppose it's alright. Just this once," you smirk to yourself, "peasant ranger." He scoffs.

"Oh, oh peasant am I? What would that make you? A horse?" You feign hurt. "I didn't mean it, I promise." You turn to him,

"Aww that's okay, Aragorn. I did." He opens his mouth in shock,

"Why you little-" you gently touch your lips to his. You break away and smile.

"If you want any more of that, you better not finish that sentence." He pouts and buries himself in your neck, squeezing your waist. You seethe in pain.

"Oh no! I forgot. I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry."

"Aragorn," he quietens, "shut up you great fool." He smiles.

"Okay, Y/N." You chuckle and before long, you are both sound asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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