Chapter 7

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This will be a short chapter - just warning you ahead of time. The next one will be as well.

Going home. Leaving the hospital. It felt like forever before Ellie and Nick could take the twins home. Even though it was two days after their birth. As Ellie began to pack her bags, she changed into comfortable clothes, while Nick changed the girls into their going-home outfits.

"Why are they so perfect?" Nick asked his wife. She turned to him and replied in a sweet tone.

"Because they're ours." Nick chuckled and kissed Ellie's cheek softly.

"Do you have the car seats and their special blankets?" The new mom asked.

"The ones that are soft, and have pink and gray? The one's Abby bought?"

"Yeah, those."

"Here." Nick handed Ellie the two blankets, and she put them in the seats with the twins buckled in.

The two babies quickly fell asleep, which made Ellie happy. The two parents headed out to the car, Ellie being wheeled with one twin, while Nick held the other baby in her seat.

"You ready?" He asked the beautiful woman he was married to.

"Yeah. Let's do this." They kissed, placed the twins in the car, and headed to the office for visit with the team.

As the two new parents walked into the elevator, and headed up, Ellie smiled. She felt happy to have the support of the team, and her husband. Especially when her family and Nick's weren't there with them.

The two walked out onto the office floor when the elevator stopped. As they took a few steps towards the bullpen, Gibbs walked up to them. With a smile on his face, he hugged the new parents and took Amelia. Lia smiled at him, while in a somewhat deep sleep.

"She likes her Grandpa," Ellie said, as she rocked Leighton back and forth in her carrier. Gibbs smiled widely and walked with the two to the cubicle, where the team was working.

A new case came in the day after the twins were born. It had the team pulling all-nighters. The workload was tiring, as McGee had explained during one hospital visit to see the babies. 

"How's the case coming?" Nick asked. He received tired looks and groans from the team members. That gave him his answer.

"You help the team. I'm going to go see Abby," Ellie said, and Nick looked at her. 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes, the team needs all hands on deck. I'll take the twins with me, so you guys can work." Nick kissed Ellie, and the new mom headed to the lab. 

As soon as she walked in, Abby sprang from her computer and grabbed Amelia from her mother. 

"What do you got, Abbs?" Ellie asked.

"Jimmy sent some samples down and Major Mass Spec is running them now." Abby looked at the machine then back at Ellie, "So, how are you?"

"I'm getting better. It's taking a while." Abby hugged her once again. The new mom then set the twins up near Abby's desk in the attached room. After the twins fell asleep, she began to help Abby.

"Major Mass Spec is done. Let's see what comes up." Abby pulled up the results, and called Gibbs.

A young Petty Officer was found in the national park, and had appeared to have been stabbed. When the team took on the case, they were thrown various curve balls.

As Gibbs strode into the lab, Abby began to ramble off her findings. Fibers found on the victim's clothes, DNA under his fingernails. He put up a fight, and Major Mass Spec got a match on the DNA.

"Carsen Ross. 29, married, no kids. Lives in Bethesda. Go get 'em, Gibbs." The silver haired boss did what Abby said.

As he sat in the interrogation room, the nervous energy lingered as he studied the suspect.

Soon after the intense interrogation, he confessed his actions. He killed the Petty Officer because of something stupid. The money the Petty officer owed him was never given. It is always something stupid.

Once the case had closed, everyone went home. Everyone accept for Ellie. Nick had taken the twins home, so Ellie could have time to herself.

The time to herself took place at the office, which she would soon leave. As the young woman sat at her desk, she decided to do something. Write an email to someone from her past.

As she typed the words in the space, she regretted it instantly. She didn't want to know about what they were doing, how they were, or even say anything about her family. But ultimately decided to, and deep down she was curious about their life without her.

"I went back and forth with my feelings, and decided to write this email to you. I hope you are well, and happy. I know I am. I just want you to know that although you hurt me, I am no longer broken. That broken feeling was repaired by my amazing husband, and two girls. Everything is great, life is great. How is everything with you? I don't expect you to respond, for old wounds may be reopened. I hope to hear from you soon.

     ~ Ellie Bishop"

Before hitting the send button, she stopped to think. Then Gibbs walked by, and sat at his desk. As he looked at his "daughter", she smiled at him.

"What are you doing here, Bishop?" Gibbs asked, though it was in a somewhat rhetorical tone.

"I was getting some time to myself. Nick took the twins home."

Gibbs nodded, and then came the long moment of silence. Ellie broke the silence, and explained why she was really at the office. She read the email to Gibbs, one to a person who broke her, Jake Malloy.

"You contacted Jake? Why?"

"I've been meaning to for months. I finally worked up the guts to write it. What'll Nick say?"

"Maybe he'll understand why you did. Let's just hope that is true." Gibbs stood up and walked over to Ellie's desk. Then he planted a light kiss on her head. 

"Did you send it to Jake?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Any response?"

"Not yet." Ellie said. 

"Go home, Bishop. Be with you family." Ellie nodded and hugged Gibbs. As she grabbed her belongings, she strode to the elevator and as it descended to the parking garage, she smiled once again. 

Upon returning home, she received a response. It happened quicker than the special agent expected. Jake had gotten married again to the woman he had cheated with. They had a son, named Russell, and adopted a little girl, named Rosie. He seemed to be happy, and therefore, Bishop was reluctantly happy for him, too. 

Nick greeted Ellie as she walked into the living room, and sat on the couch.

"Thank you for letting me stay at the office. I got what I needed to get done."

"What was it?"

"I needed to send an email. To... Jake." Nick looked at her. 

"Jake, your ex-husband?"

"Yeah. When he cheated it broke me, and I am no longer broken, because of you and the twins." Nick chuckled, and hugged Ellie. 

"I'm glad you did it."

"And I got a response, as I walked in the door. He married the woman he cheated with, has a son and adopted a daughter. He says they are happy, and happy for us, too. I agreed." 

"Well, I for one am glad you married me, and left that man. I would have never thought I could love someone so much." Nick added. The two kissed, and soon fell asleep on the couch, hand in hand. 

I am very sorry for keeping everyone waiting. I have had a tough summer, and needed time. I recently finished Driver's Ed, and got a job, but also began my sophomore year of high school. I am excited that this chapter is published now, but also sorry that it is a bit shorter than the other ones. I have been working on this for about two months. The next one I will be starting next week, and should be publishing in a couple of weeks. Thank you for the support, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you all soon!

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