Chapter 8

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This chapter will have a major time skip from the previous one. It will also be around the same length as Chapter 7.

Three years later...

Oh, there is so much to say. Leighton and Amelia are now three years old. Leighton has Ellie's blonde hair and Amelia's got Nick's dark hair. The one thing they share are their parent's brown eyes. As for Ellie and Nick, they are perfect together. But something will go wrong...

At the office the team was heading up a new case, a serial killer similar to Jonas Cobb, the Port-to-Port killer. 

"What do we got?" Gibbs asked as he strode into the cubicle. The ream scattered to pull up the information. They had nothing. Gibbs was nonetheless surprised. 

"Torres, head up to MTAC. Vance is already there. Bishop and McGee, you are with me."

"Where to, Gibbs?" Ellie asked. 

"Bethesda. The victim's house, and then to talk to his C.O." McGee and Ellie nodded, and walked to the elevator with their boss. 

As the three arrived to the victim's house, someone had gotten there before them. Walking up to the door, all three noticed it was open, lock broken. Guns cocked, the team cleared a few rooms when they began to search. 

"Shots fired!" Gibbs yelled, as four shots rang out. The team continued their search quickly. McGee and Bishop took the left, Gibbs took the right. They met up as their eyes landed on the shooter. Three more shots. 

"Ahh!" Bishop groaned as one bullet hit her shoulder, another her collar bone, and the last one her vest. Gibbs rushed over to her, catching the special agent as she began to fall backwards. 

Once Ellie was on the ground, she looked over to McGee flashing handcuffs as he slapped them on the wrists of the shooter. He quickly brought the man out to one of the Metro Police cars that had joined them prior, which soon departed from the house.

McGee walked back into the house, and his boss began to tell him what to do.

"McGee, I need your help here. Now!" Gibbs yelled. The senior field agent knelt down and applied pressure to one of the wounds. 

"Gibbs," Ellie breathed. Gibbs looked at her with tears brimming his eyes. He nodded his head and spoke. 

"Yeah, El?"

"Don't let me die, please. I don't want to die."

"I won't," Gibbs said and looked over at McGee, "Call and ambulance, and have it rushed. Tell them it is an NCIS special agent. I won't  let her die." Gibbs looked down at her as she began to bleed out. After a few minutes, Ellie's face was pale, her body was getting cold. 

"On it boss." McGee made the call, and an ambulance arrived ten minutes later. 

"She's unconscious, barely breathing. GSW to left shoulder, collarbone, and one to the vest which didn't go through." Gibbs said as the paramedics as they placed Ellie on the stretcher and began to wheel her out. 

"You have to save her. She's my daughter. She has a husband and two little girls who need her. Special Agent McGee will follow you." Gibbs began to cry. The paramedics nodded, and closed the rear doors.

"Tim, escort the ambulance to Walter Reed, and don't turn off your lights or sirens. Make yourself known." Gibbs looked at Tim, and his senior field agent nodded. After a couple of long moments, the silver haired boss let out a shaky breath. He reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone.

"Vance, Bishop is headed to Walter Reed. She was shot." The call Gibbs made to the director was painful.

"On my way." Vance replied, "I'll tell Torres."

"No, I'll tell him. He needs to hear it from me." Gibbs hung up and dialed Nick's number, pausing to breathe. He never thought he'd make a call like the one he was about to.

......     ......     ......

Nick was at the office when his phone rang. As he read the caller ID, he expected his boss to need an update. He answered.

"Torres, head to Water Reed. Tim is escorting the ambulance, and Vance is on his way." He heard Gibbs's voice over the phone.

"What happened, Gibbs?" Nick was becoming nervous by the second.

"El was shot." Then everything went silent.

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