Knock Knock? Who's There? Mommy Dearest!

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It had been sixteen days since her letter arrived. They had planned and strategized, but in the end, every plan they came up with was dismissed. Damon was all for killing her, so were Jasper and Emmett. Edward was currently on the borderline, wanting to kill her after what she'd done to Bella and her brothers but not wanting to make his wife unhappy in the process. After the letter had arrived, they were put into a situation where they either had to lie or tell the truth, and the truth prevailed. The families sat around the Boarding House living room listening to Bella, Damon and Stefan as they told the story of their mother, Lily Salvatore. The story was a long one with an unhappy ending, and after they had finished telling it, the Cullens understood why the letter discussing her upcoming arrival was so concerning for them, 


"Isabella, you need to come downstairs at once, I have something to tell you." Giuseppe Salvatore called up the stairs.

Isabella was fifteen years old, sitting in her twin brother's bedroom braiding her hair.

"Isa, father called for you." Stefan reminded her as she secured her braid with a small piece of ribbon.

"I know, Stefan," she replied, "he keeps on trying to pair me with a suitor and I don't want one. I'm fifteen years old." She cried, burying her head in her hands.

"Hey," Stefan murmured, cupping my cheeks with his hands, "I'm your brother, Isa, I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

"I second that, we won't let anyone take you, we promise." Damon said from the doorway.

"Mother won't say anything to him either, even though she knows that I don't want this." I muttered into Stefan's shoulder when he pulled me into a hug.

End of flashback

Bella had been just fifteen years old when her mother and father introduced her to the first suitor. He was a boy in a man's body, with crude manners and a barbaric lifestyle. He had been the first of many, so many that she had lost count over the years. It never mattered to Bella's mother how many times Bella had pleaded with her to stop her father, what she had wanted ultimately didn't matter. In the end, Bella had given up the hope that Stefan and Damon would be able to get her out of a marriage contract, that was until she was changed and forced to move away from Mystic Falls. After their mother died, their father wanted to get back to normal as soon as possible, which meant introducing Bella to another suitor two days after her mother's funeral. Giuseppe Salvatore was the most heartless man you could imagine, and the three Salvatore children were ashamed that they once called him father.

Now that their mother was on her way, Bella didn't know how Stefan and Damon were going to react when they saw her. Bella had met her before, granted it was 100 years ago, but she had said everything that she had ever wanted to say there and then. She had no intention of speaking to her whilst she was visiting. As for her rabble of Heretics, she needs to keep them on a leash to ensure they don't kill anyone during their brief passing. It said in her letter that she knew that the three siblings had found each other again, which meant she must have been keeping an eye on them, a fact that unnerved Bella greatly. She also knew that Stefan and Caroline were getting married, but they were still confused about why she cared, she hadn't cared during the other 170 years of their lives, so why start now?

However, even though they were heading for certain doom that came in the form of his mother, Stefan and Caroline continued to plan their wedding. Caroline had asked Bella, Alice and Rosalie to be bridesmaids along with Bonnie. Stefan had originally asked Damon to be the best man, but he asked Edward, Jasper and Emmett to be in the wedding party too so that they could walk down the aisle with the bridesmaids. Stefan was so excited, and Bella was so happy to see him so happy. Stefan wasn't going to let the best day of his life be ruined by their mother. Bella was questionable on the subject, she couldn't decide what was best. Damon on the other hand was all for killing her and her hoard of Heretics as soon as they walked across the town line. The Cullens were worried too, Alice was able to see them coming but nothing afterwards, and it was worrying her. Jasper and Emmett had taken the lead in training those who wanted to be trained. They had started to work with Damon and Stefan first as the rest of the Cullens still had training from preparing to fight the new-borns and the Volturi. Bella worked with Caroline and Alice worked with Bonnie, as her training was the 'best next to his' according to Jasper. Deep down, Bella was hoping that this wouldn't end in a fight, there had been enough bloodshed already over the years, and they didn't need any more. They were training in the daytime, as some of them actually had to sleep, and then Jasper was running strategies at night, trying to prioritise time as much as possible. The three weeks warning they simply had wasn't enough.

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