The End

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It had been less than forty-eight hours since Stefan and Caroline had returned from their honeymoon. Like they had agreed, they had given Lily the choice of whether she would leave or stand with the people she claimed to be her family. As they had anticipated, she had chosen to remain in Mystic Falls and fight alongside the Heretics. Although it was the response that Bella had been expecting, she was still saddened that it had come to this. If Lily had just stayed away from the Salvatore children as she had done for years, none of it would be happening. Stefan and Caroline could have gotten married happily without having to change their plans, and Bella's reunion with her brothers could have been a happy one, without it being plagued with bad memories of their mother and their childhood.

Alice had said that she thought something triggered the fight to begin, but they hadn't heard from Lily or her Heretics, except for when Lily had informed them that she would be standing with her family, of course.


It was a quiet Sunday afternoon when they figured out what the trigger was. It was a spell, and a strong one. It hadn't been cast yet, but it was pure luck that Alice had been looking into the future and she'd seen the spell cast and how it would affect the traditional vampires residing in Mystic Falls. Apparently, it was only Bella, her brothers, Caroline, and Enzo that would be affected by the spell, as well as Renesmee because she was half cold one and half traditional vampire. Alice had written down the spell she had seen the Heretics chanting and she handed it to Bonnie who stared at it warily.

"I know what the spell does." Bonnie stood slowly, walking over to the window.

"What are they trying to do to us?" Bella asked, not really wanting to hear the answer to her own question.

Bonnie turned and addressed Stefan, Damon, Enzo and Caroline.

"You remember the spell that the Travellers used to keep us out of Mystic Falls? The boundary spell?" Bonnie asked, each of them nodded worriedly. 

"It's like that, only modified for their use. They are going to use the same spell but instead of using it to suck the magic from the town, they'll just suck the magic from the vampires instead. If they succeed we don't have a way to break the boundary spell like we did last time." Bonnie explained.

"You've seen magic like this before?" Jasper questioned, Bonnie nodded.

"Yeah, a few years ago. A group of travellers came and wanted to reside in our town, so they took the magic away so that they could, but no magic means no vampires. The travellers are the reason Damon and I ended up in a prison world in the first place." Jasper nodded, understanding the severity of the situation.

"So, you guys can't come back here if they succeed with the spell. What happens to you?" Emmett asked.

"Last time it happened as the magic was taken, the magic keeping us alive was too. Obviously, we are vampires, we're dead, so we started to die from our original cause of death. I wasn't in town, but Damon started to die from the gunshot wound he was initially killed with. We had no choice but to leave last time, but we're not doing that this time. We need to fight for our town, we need to fight for our home." Caroline spoke passionately, clutching Stefan's hand as she spoke.

"Blondie's right. Besides, they'll have to do the spell out of town anyway, they may be powerful, but they are still alive because they're vampires. If they did the spell in town they would be affected by it too, did you see where they were, Pixie?" Damon addressed Alice.

"Yeah, here." Alice handed Damon an image she had drawn when she first had the vision.

"Exactly where we wanted the fight in the first place, the quarry. I'm sure that's not a coincidence." Damon huffed, shifting on the couch and putting the drawn image onto the coffee table.

"When exactly are they doing the spell?" Caroline asked.

"The next full moon, they'll need the power from the moon to bind their magic. It's also a way for them to make sure that we can't undo the spell until the next full moon." Bonnie walked away from the window and took her seat on the couch.

"We have to stop them, there's no way we can know whether this will affect Renesmee either and I'm not going to let them hurt her." Bella spoke trying to remain calm, this was the second time these women were putting her child in danger.

"Bella's right. We have to do something about this, now." Stefan imputed, and everyone was in agreement.


The only thing that Alice was able to determine from the visions was that the Heretics would do the spell after dark, so they gathered at the quarry together to wait for them.

It was past midnight when they finally showed up, with Lily and the only surviving male heretic, Beau, in tow.

The Cullens and the Salvatores, along with Bonnie and Enzo, were all behind the tree-line waiting for the Heretics to get into position. They had to stop them before the spell began or they may not have the chance to stop them at all.

"Now?" Emmett whispered, he was bubbling with anticipation for a fight, Esme rolled her eyes good-naturedly from where she was crouched behind a fallen tree stump with Carlisle.

"Now." Damon confirmed before speeding off towards the blonde Heretic, Mary-Louise.

By the surprised look on their faces, it appeared that they had been taken by total surprise. Apparently, they had no idea that people had been able to access details of their plan, the thought caused a small smile to cross Bella's face as Valerie walked towards her, a sinister smile plastered on her face.

"Why are you doing this?" Bella asked.

"We have literally been stuck in a prison world for over a century, it's about time my family started getting some payback and retribution." Valerie raised her hand ready to use her magic on Bella, not realising that Emmett was behind her preparing to incapacitate her. Emmett raised his hands and gripped the sides of her head, snapping it before she even thought about using her magic to stop him. Emmett smirked and unceremoniously dropped her comatose body to the ground, a ring of fire that Bonnie produced surrounding her to keep her in place.

Whilst one Heretic was down, there were still three Heretics and Lily to deal with. Whilst Emmett and Bella had dealt with Valerie; Stefan and Damon were currently dealing with their mother, Lily. Caroline was with Alice and Rosalie fighting Mary-Louise, and Edward was fighting the powers of Nora with Jasper. Since Emmett had helped Bella with Valerie, he had quickly moved on to helping Carlisle and Esme with the only male Heretic.

As each Heretic and Lily was down, Bonnie lit a ring of fire around them and Bella injected them with a syringe of Vervain to ensure that their magic wouldn't work if they woke.

When it was over, they ran home to the boarding house, carrying the incapacitated vampires with them to go in the cells until they could be dealt with. For now, they would continue on as a family, and Bella could finally enjoy the reunion with her brothers now that there were no obstacles for them to deal with. No vampire leaders or annoying mothers, just the Salvatore siblings, reunited at last.

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