We Have A Plan, Right?

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"What do you mean she's still here?" The first question Stefan asked when he walked through the door was about Lily.

Bella sighed before answering him. Everyone, minus Matt and Tyler, had been in the drawing-room of the boarding house when Stefan and Caroline had arrived home. His suitcase hadn't even touched the floor before he was asking about Lily, nobody had told them anything in the week they had been away from Mystic Falls.

"It means that she and those freaks are still here, in town. They won't leave, three people have been killed since you've been out of town. Donovan keeps naming them as animal attacks, we can't keep using the same excuse we have been using for years, people will start to see through the cracks." Damon stood up and approached Stefan.

"So, the five of them and Lily are still in town? I thought they were going to Europe?" Caroline stepped forward, dropping her bag to the ground.

"Actually, the four of them and Lily are still in town." Bella mumbled, Stefan and Caroline raised their eyebrows in her direction.

"I'm sorry, what?" Caroline crossed her arms across her chest.

"Emmett and I may have ripped a heart out accidentally whilst you've been gone." Jasper said quietly and Stefan looked even more surprised.

"What the hell have you guys been keeping from us since we've been away?" Caroline cried.

"Bastard came after Alice, so I ripped his heart out." Jasper said offhandedly. Neither Caroline or Stefan argued with the statement, knowing they would do the same for their each other.

"What else has happened?" Stefan crossed his arms across his chest and looked at the large group of people in the room.

"Lily took Elena." Damon said quickly, gauging Stefan and Caroline's reactions.

"What?" Both of them shouted simultaneously.

"We got her back. Alaric, Enzo and I took a road trip to get another one of her Heretics in exchange for Elena. Tyler Lockwood has her for safekeeping." Damon handed Stefan a glass of amber liquid, he drank it quickly.

"You trust Tyler Lockwood with this?" Stefan raised one eyebrow and Damon rolled his eyes.

"Thank you! At least I'm not the only one who doesn't think he's capable of such a task. He's a moronic pain in the ass." Bella cried, rolling her eyes in Damon's direction.

"Um, Bella. So is Edward and you married him." Emmett said, trying to keep a straight face but failing massively. Jasper burst out in laughter. Bella ducked her head, desperate not show how much she found it funny. Edward on the other hand, did not find it funny, he glared at Emmett and Jasper until they stopped laughing.

"Boys." Esme warned as she walked into the living room with Renesmee in tow.

As soon as Renesmee saw Stefan and Caroline she was running towards them, welcoming them home.

"So, how was it?" Bella asked as Stefan and Caroline sat down on a couch opposite her.

"How was what?" Stefan questioned, picking up Renesmee and putting her on his lap.

"Your honeymoon?" Bella rolled her eyes and Stefan looked up at her, Caroline ducked her head, blushing wildly.

"I am not saying anything to you, you are my sister." Stefan replied, Bella rolled her eyes a second time in response. 

"Stefan, come on." She whined playfully and he laughed.

"Are you going to tell me about your honeymoon?" Stefan raised his eyebrows expectantly and Bella closed her mouth immediately, glaring at Emmett and Jasper when they laughed.

"Guys, shush." Alice chastised them and they quietened down.

"So, what do we do about Lily and her heretics?" Carlisle questioned, he was always the voice of reason.

Stefan and Damon looked at Bella expectantly.

"Don't look at me, I met her once." She leant back into the couch and grimaced at the thought of ever talking to Valerie again.

"That's not what we meant. If this does end up in a fight, you are one of the best fighters we have. Besides, it's you and Jasper who have been working strategy this whole time." Stefan summarised and Bella shook her head.

"She won't have the chance to fight. As soon as I see the bitch I'll rip her heart out. By doing what she did, what they did, she could have killed my family, my brothers, my husband and my daughter. Bitch is dead." Bella replied offhandedly and everyone looked at her surprised.

"Okay, what about Bonnie?" Caroline asked. Everyone turned to look at where Bonnie was sitting with Enzo.

"I can set them on fire, only if I am close enough to them though. That trick I love to do on Damon would be helpful too." Bonnie smirked at Damon who glared back at her.

"Trick?" Bella questioned, Damon continued to glare at Bonnie.

"Because you heal so quickly, I can cause multiple aneurysms in your brain, one after the other. I've practised on Damon a few times, Katherine too." Bonnie told Bella, who covered her mouth with her hand to hide her smile.

"So, what's our next step?" Emmett grinned, always eager for a fight. Rosalie rolled her eyes at his antics.

"We keep training. We've all fought other vampires before. They're just like us, but if their witch power is rendered useless we will have an advantage. As long as we are shielded by Bella's shield, they won't be able to siphon or perform magic on us. We will have to split up into groups to fight. Split the strongest between the groups, so Emmett, Edward, Damon, Stefan and myself would be split between the five groups. Each group would take out one of them." Jasper explained to the group, everyone nodded.

"Wait. Lily didn't know about the attack. I say we give her an option. Fight with her heretics and die, or leave and never come back." Stefan reasoned, and he was right. This shouldn't have to end with death.

"I agree." Carlisle spoke. 

"So where will it happen?" Enzo asked, sitting forward and resting his elbows on his knees.

"The quarry?" Bonnie suggested and Damon nodded.

"It's big enough and far enough away." Damon agreed and Bonnie smiled at him, the satisfaction showed on her face.

"Alice?" Bella said, looking towards her pixie sister-in-law.

"They don't want to fight us. Something will happen, a trigger, that leads to the fight. I can't see what it is though, whoever the trigger is haven't decided what they are doing yet." Alice answered, obviously frustrated. 

"So, what do we do now?" Bella looked around the room and nearly everyone sighed.

"Now, we have to train. The heretics may be witches but they have the strengths of vampires too. Then we have to wait for the trigger, until then there isn't much we can do." Jasper replied strategically.

Bella nodded, looking around the room at her vast family before her eyes settled on her brothers. She had just found them, surely, they can't be taken away from her now?

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