Time For A Wedding! Right?

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"Isabella, it has been such a long time." She said as she waited patiently for her daughter to invite her in, she looked straight past Rosalie when she saw Bella standing there.

"Lily, I am sure that I made my feelings quite clear when I saw you in 1903." Bella said coldly, crossing her arms across her chest, hoping the boys would hurry home.

"Yes, but Isabella I am not here for you. I am here for my son's wedding." She said, matching her daughters'  tone.

"I don't recall Stefan saying that he'd invited you, last I checked Stefan and Damon didn't even know you were alive." Bella said snarkily.

"Isabella, my family and I have been trapped in a barbaric prison world for the last century, how was I to inform them?" She asked, clasping her hands in front of her and furrowing her eyebrows.

"Lily, you and your family have been out of that prison world for nearly fifteen years. Didn't your little heretic Valerie tell you that I met her back in 2003?" Bella questioned her mother further.

Lily's furrowed eyebrows raised in shock.

"I take from your reaction that she didn't, well no such thing as a family with no drama, right?"

Now Bella was getting angry with her, how dare this woman walk up to the front door and knock after almost 160 years?

Finally, Lily took her attention from Bella and looked at Rosalie.

"And who is this?" She asked, looking at Rosalie from head to toe.

"This is my sister, Rosalie." Bella told her.

Again, Lily's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Sister?" She asked, obviously confused.


Lily's face was confused for a moment until she realised that her daughter had in fact, gotten married.

"You got married? After all of those years, you threw a fit every time you met a suitor? Who did your father choose?" She asked happily, thinking that Bella had gotten married back before she was changed. Apparently Lily had been snooping on their lives for years, but she really didn't know that Bella had married?

"My father didn't choose, I did. And I got married three years ago, if you gave a damn about your real family you would have known. I chose of my own accord who I married, because I fell in love, mother." Bella told her incredulously, almost shouting at her. Bella sighed when she heard Renesmee's footsteps walking across the floorboards above her.

"Love? You know nothing of it. Even after all of these years you are still the naïve little girl that wouldn't get married to help her family." That struck a chord, all of those years they made it Bella's duty to marry for money, but she ended up marrying Edward because he loved her. How dare she insult her marriage.

"How dare you insult my marriage, you know..." Bella started to shout but calmed when she felt his familiar hand on her waist.


Bella sighed and leaned into his touch. Of course, Lily noticed and looked up to see who was standing there. She was surprised, based on the emotions showing on her face. Bella let herself be calm for another five seconds before she opened her mouth.

"Could you take a look at that little thing upstairs when you have a second, darling." Bella said to her husband in a hushed tone, a grateful look crossing her face when he nodded. He kissed her forehead and walked in the direction of the stairs, Lily watched his every move, staring after him.

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