Oh, That Was A Vision?

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"Alice! Alice! Snap out of it!" Bella yelled, shaking her shoulders, trying to get her out of the vision. A pained expression crossed her face and she gasped before opening her eyes and wrapping her arms around Bella.

"Alice, what did you see?" She pulled back from her enough to see tears that would never be shed brimming her eyes.

Alice didn't speak, she just kept on shaking her head. She was in denial about what she saw in her vision. So, Bella turned to Edward for an explanation, of course he would have seen what Alice saw.

"Edward?" She murmured quietly.

"Three women: a blonde, a dirty blonde and a brunette. They were walking away from such carnage. Matt Donovan and Tyler Lockwood were dead, as well as Matt's fiancé and every other guest at the wedding, they torched the whole thing. Everyone was dead, everyone but us. We all survive, I'm not sure why or what the crux is, but we all lived. Bonnie was alive too, she was trying to use magic to stop the fire, but they were too strong for her." He spoke quietly, the same pained expression that Alice was wearing crossing his face.

"They crashed our wedding? Why?" Caroline asked in sheer disbelief that someone she hadn't even met would do such a thing.

"Who was it?" Esme asked, Bella hadn't even seen Esme come back down the stairs. When we couldn't pull Alice from the vision, Esme and Carlisle had taken Renesmee upstairs.

"No idea, can someone get me some paper and a pen?" she asked quietly.

Damon raced out of the room and into the library, and he was soon back, handing a white sheet of paper and a pen to Alice. He walked to stand besides Stefan, who was holding a distraught Caroline in his arms. Bella followed, taking Caroline from Stefan and hugging her herself.

"Nothing's going to happen, Care, I promise. Nothing will happen to anyone, we will just have a small wedding here, so they don't know about it?" Bella suggested and she nodded, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"What exactly is she doing?" Damon asked, gesturing to Alice who was scribbling wildly on the paper.

"She's drawing out the scene. I've only seen her do it once before though, when we were on the run." Bella said without thinking, she winced as soon as she realised what she had admitted. 

"You were on the run?" Both Stefan and Damon asked at the same time.

"Yes, years ago, when I first met the Cullens. You remember I told you about James, Victoria and Laurent? Well James was way too interested in me so he chased us across the country until he caught up with us." Bella told them quietly, not wanting to interrupt Alice.

"And he is where?" Damon asked though his teeth, Bella knew he would want to kill him. She rolled my eyes at his protectiveness.

"Dead. Alice took his head off." Bella told him.

Damon raised his eyebrows in obvious surprise and glanced at Alice with a look containing the same amount of surprise.

"She's kind of scary for a pixie." Damon murmured to Stefan. Stefan just smiled and nodded, agreeing with his statement. Both of them had seen how well Alice could fight.

"There." Alice said, putting the finished drawing in the centre of the coffee table.

"Knew it." Bella said, leaning over the image. In the centre of the fires Alice had drawn there were three women, one that Bella immediately recognised as Valerie.

"Valerie." Stefan said once, looking at his sister for confirmation. She nodded and a frown appeared on his face.

"But what did we do to warrant that?" Enzo questioned, Bella hadn't even realised that he had come in.

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