Hello To You Too Fluff Balls

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Every now and then Andrew Minyard becomes a completely different person. He didn't like talking about it, but he liked when it happened. He liked to be able to express his true feelings that he kept balled up down at the bottom of his soul... Sometimes. Today was one of these perfect yet annoying days.

The night before he had spent hours upon hours studying from his English exam that occurred in a couple of days. He usually didn't mind studying but yesterday he couldn't focus. Aaron and Neil were arguing over dumb shit which led to Aaron punching Neil in the jaw. Andrew has to pry his brother off of his boyfriend and drag him out and towards his and Matt's room. Andrew then had to clean Neil up because he knew the junkie wouldn't have done it. All in all he was up till 4 in the morning and was tired as hell. When he was finally done he practically fell on top of Neil not even caring about space.

He peeled his eyes open and was met with the soft fabric of Neil's shirt. He lifted his head to peer at the clock which read 12:28 in the afternoon. Why he wasn't up and at practice was beyond him.

He looked at Neil and immediately relaxed. Neil's hair was a mess in his face as it curled in it's cute locks. His freckles danced across his tanned skin bringing out the beauty in his features instead of the scarred areas. His pink lips were parted slightly and made Andrew want to kiss them with his own. Andrew look at the purple and blue bruise on Neil's jaw and glared at it. He bent his head down and placed a wet kiss on his mark. He then traced kisses all across Neil's face from his cheek, to his nose, to his lips. He heard Neil hum a little as Andrew kissed his lips and he lazily kissed back.

Neil opened his bright blue eyes to meet Andrews golden ones. He smiled up at the blonde and Andrew rest his forehead against Neil's.

"Good morning." Neil murmured and placed and small kiss on the corner of Andrews mouth. Andrew leaned into Neil more and nuzzled the good side of his jaw.

"It's afternoon actually." Andrew replied. Neil hummed once more and brought his arms up to wrap around Andrews waist. It had taken some time for them to get to this state. Days would have happened where one woke up forgetting who they were in bed with and would jerk out at them. Other times would have happened where one would have to retreat back to their own bed because they needed the extra space.

Andrew shifted and curled himself on his boyfriend who huffed at laugh and pulled the smaller man closer. "You are a terrible cuddle buddy." Neil commented and Andrew let out the smallest whine burying his face in Neil's neck. "You never want to cuddle with me so I'm out of practice." Andrew mumbled

"I never want to because you would rip my arms off most of the time."

Andrew whined again causing Neil to plant a kiss on his cheek. Neil carted his fingers through Andrews blonde hair. He felt Andrew lean into the touch which made him smile. Neil removed Andrews face from his neck and held his chin.

"Yes or No?" Neil smiled at Andrews slightly annoyed face. They hadn't used 'Yes or No?' For a year, but Neil liked to tease Andrew with it. Andrew huffed and let a smile of his own creep up onto his face.

"Yes asshole." Neil connected their lips and Andrew wanted to melt.

He wanted

He kissed back with a little more force and adjusted himself so that he was straddling Neil's waist. He bit down on Neil's bottom lip and earned a small groan. Andrew smiled into the kiss making it difficult for Neil to grab Andrews lip with his own teeth. Neil's hands moved to Andrews hair once more moving the long strands back. Andrew hummed at the feeling and touched his tongue to Neil lips, asking to enter. Neil opened his mouth in response and Andrew slides his tongue against Neil's. The redhead lets out a sigh through his nose while adding more force to the kiss before breaking it. He looks into Andrews golden specks and down to his swollen pink lips and smiles.

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