Babysitter, Part 5

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That huge fake grin reappeared on the host's face as the cameras began rolling.

"Good evening, folks! I'm Tom Tungsten, and tonight we have a very special guest! Please welcome Mettaton, the monster race's most beloved star!"

The audience applauded, and I blew a kiss at the camera while holding a shaking (Y/N).

"Well, I did have a certain direction I wanted to go in tonight's show..." Tom said, leaning on his arm over the desk. "But our guest here surprised us all by bringing in a guest of their own! Tell us, what exactly compelled you to bring this unexpected plus-one?"

I gave (Y/N) a pat on the head, which seemed to calm them a little. "Long story short, Tom, I'm on babysitting duty for my friend. This is her ward, (Y/N)."

Tom's facade was starting to break down. "Fascinating! I haven't met many monsters myself, but I didn't know they came in that sort of... variety."

"This is a special little darling. One of a kind." (That much was true.)

Tom gave a fake laugh. "Well, enough on that! We're here to talk about you. Now, I don't mean to be blunt, but I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I ask... if it's not too personal, your gender?"

I wasn't surprised. Most humans know next to nothing about me anyway. Tragic, for sure.

"Oh, it's quite alright!" I laughed, waving a hand in dismissal. "I know my look is rather unique. But I use male pronouns if that's what you're asking. That's as far as it goes, though, I have no physical sex characteristics to speak of. Yet. Maybe in a future upgrade~!"

The audience laughed, but Tom was clearly uncomfortable. He took a sip of water from a glass on his desk.

(Y/N) started to whine, apparently restless. I patted them on the head, but they responded by growling and gurgling. That wasn't normal (by their standards, anyway).

"Ah, sorry, (Y/N)'s not used to public appearances," I said, holding them closer as they were beginning to squirm.

"Right..." Tom was getting fidgety as well. "Uh, so tell us, Mettaton, when did y—"


(Y/N)'s face opened up to a disturbing extent, and from the hole spewed a thick stream of sludge.

The room went dead silent for several moments.

"I guess... Papyrus' cooking will do that to the weak of stomach..." I mumbled.

Finally, Tom snapped. He stood up, nearly overturning his desk in the process.

"Get out!" He screeched. "Get the fuck out of here you walking tin drag race! And take that disgusting pile of slime with eyes with you! Out!"

I stood up, cradling (Y/N). "Fine! We don't need your fake friendliness and tacky outfits anyway!"

"The only fake thing around here is you! You pair of freaks!"

Alphys barged into the living room. "YOU BROUGHT (Y/N) ONTO LIVE TELEVISION?!"

I sat on the sofa with (Y/N) snoozing next to me. "I take it you saw the show."

"I've seen social media going crazy over the incident!" Alphys yelled, waving her arms around wildly. "There are already memes based around them barfing in front of Tom Tungsten!"

"...So what did Asgore need help with?"

"Do not! Change! The subject!"

(Y/N) lifted their head, yawning. They smiled uncannily wide at the sight of Alphys.

The monster scientist sighed. "Look. I know you're really bent on building up your popularity with the humans. But you could have cancelled the appearance!"

I crossed one leg over the other. "In hindsight, yes, that would have been best. But the past is in the past, and quite frankly, I'll never achieve stardom amongst the humans after this. So now I'll have all the time in the world to babysit!"

"Promise?" Alphys crosses her arms.

"Absolutely, darling."

My creator took out her phone, and, after a few taps, her eyes went wide. "Uh, Met? Maybe you will get popular."


"People... are applauding you!" She scrolled through something on the screen. "They're saying people have been trying to get Tungsten off the air for bigotry for years, and his outburst tonight may just be the damning evidence they need to shut him down! And... whoa..."

"What? Whoa what?"

"Everyone loves (Y/N)!"

I looked over at the little monster, beaming. "Did you hear that, beauty? You're going to be a star just like me! You're red carpet material!"

(Y/N) clearly didn't know what that meant, but they waved their (tail/tendrils/whatever) in excitement anyway.

I picked them up and hugged them close. "Oh, darling, you and I will be everyone's favorite duo! But of course you'll be the fan favorite! This is the beginning of something wonderful!"

I heard a click, and saw Alphys holding her phone up.

"Did you just take a picture of us?"

She smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, you guys are just really cute."

"Correction; fabulous."

"Okay, Mr. Fabulous. It's way past (Y/N)'s bedtime, so say goodnight."

I placed them back on the sofa. "Of course. Stars need their beauty rest, after all! Goodnight."

"Ggg... guh... gggggoniiii..." (Y/N) gargled.

I gasped. "Did you hear that, Alphys?! They're trying to say their first word! Can you say 'goodnight', darling? Good–night?"


"Aaaaaaaaah! Did you hear it?!"

Alphys was holding up her phone and giving a thumbs-up. "Got it on video."

"Okay, now can you say Mettaton? Met-a-ton?"

Alphys frowned. "Ton... go to bed."

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