C H A P T E R 5 4

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Xiumin's POV.

It's only been 3 days since Seolhee left.
Baekhyun still doesn't want to show himself. He's just staying inside his room 24/7. Everyone is getting worried because he almost don't want to eat. Whenever we'll ask him to hang out with us on Kyungsoo's room he would refuse and say...
"I'm okay...I just need some time alone"

He kept on saying that he's okay even though he's obviously not. This is the first time we saw him this sad. Baekhyun's personality is bright and outgoing, but we can't see any traces of that right now.

He witnessed his own career on the edge of downfall...I know that impacted him a lot, but he told me last time that he already expected everything. He didn't cry during those days... because Seolhee was still here. He must love her so much.

It still saddens me how some people throw away money just to support that petition against Baekhyun. He's too good to receive hates, as well as Seolhee...they didn't do anything wrong. Those antis were deluded by too much fantasies. Relationship is
a stage in our lives, we cannot skip that. We are also humans who want to live a normal life.

Baekhyun loved our fans so much, but  it'll be hard for him to apologize just because he let his heart love.

"Is Baekhyun still sleeping?" Suho asked.

"I think so. I knocked a while ago, no one responded. It's still early though." I said.

Due to the SM's statement some of our fans calmed down, they're already satisfied upon learning that Seolhee is no longer here. The petition is still up. Our fans was seemed to be divided into half...those who wants Baekhyun to be removed and those who loves him enough to support him no matter what.

Paparazzi are still crowding the entrance of the building. They won't stop until Baekhyun say a word.
We don't want to pressure him but he needs to face the media as soon as possible.

No one knows where Seolhee is. We can't contact her either. All of her social media accounts were turned down, probably due to the fans' reports or maybe she herself wanted no traces of her to be seen.

I hope she's doing fine wherever she is. That girl and her bad habit of leaving.

"Is he still sleeping?" Sehun asked.
I went back to Baekhyun's room to check on him but apparently he is still sleeping. I nodded. We were about to enter Kyungsoo's room when Yeri approached us.

"Xiumin-oppa, how's Baekhyun-oppa?" She asked.

We invited Yeri to Kyungsoo's room to talk.

"Can you contact Seolhee?" I asked

"I can't." She sadly said.

"Did she say anything to you?" Suho hesitantly asked.

"She gave me a gift. We talked for a while. I asked her about the scandal. Seolhee-unnie loves Baekhyun-oppa, I guarantee that.
I remember her saying that...he won't let Baekhyun-oppa sink just like that. I knew that she's up to something, but I did not expect her to leave...again." she said as we all listen to her. "Seolhee-unnie must be really sad right now."


"Baekhyun?" I knocked. After 2 knocks he opened. I entered his room.
Me and the boys are taking turns on checking and talking to him, but no one was able to encourage him to go out of his room. He stopped crying since his eyes were not that puffy anymore.

"Have you contacted her?" He asked

"We can't" I honestly said.

"She was right hyung. She once told me that... One day, this industry will turn my own dream into nightmare." He said, almost a whisper.


"I missed her so much."

"We all do."

"We were together that night before she left. She said, I should move forward no matter what. She said that I should follow whatever they'll order me to do. She told me to deny her if they'll ask me to...
She told me to smile like I used to do." He said as if he clearly remembered every words Seolhee said to him

"That's what you should do Byun Baekhyun. Please don't let Seolhee's sacrifice be wasted."
He didn't answer, he avoided my gaze.
"I know there's nothing we could tell you to make you feel alright but
Let's trust Seolhee. She always leave...but she always come back."
I hesitantly said. He looked at me.
I don't want to give him false hope but I don't want him to be like this either.
I will trust Seolhee.

I was pleasantly surprised when Baekhyun let out a sad smile. He looked passed me and his sad expression came back.

I stayed there for a couple of minutes before I decided to leave him.

"How is he?" The boys immediately asked upon my arrival.

"Still the same, but I think he stopped crying" I said and took a sit beside Suho.

We were interrupted when Manager-nim entered the room.
"How is he?" He asked.

"He's still not okay" I said.

"He needs to face the media as soon as possible. Soo Man ordered him to appear and apologize in public. That's the only thing fans want to hear. The petition is gradually falling down. His apology can possibly pull some fans back and that will outnumber the sasaengs and antis." He said.

"Maybe let's give him some more time... Let's trust Baekhyun. He will not let us down." I said. I looked at the boys, they all nodded in agreement.

"I contacted Seolhee's family, her adoptive family. They told me that she went there but left immediately. Even them didn't know where she is. She left no traces. I can't reach her either. I'm so worried. I don't have any idea where she could be this time. "
We all remained silent.

"I will try to talk to Baekhyun tomorrow." Manager-nim said before leaving the room. He must be really busy, he's the one who handles all the problems. I know he also want to try and search for his niece but his works will not allow him.

"Seolhee texted Baekhyun that morning. She apologized" Suho suddenly said.
"The message only contained 'I'm sorry'... That's all" he added.

"That sorry must have shattered his heart" Kyungsoo.

"Seolhee have done her part. Let's all do everything to encourage him.
Seolhee will be mad if she'll see him like this. Aaaah I can hear her shout. Ah jinjja " Suho said lifting up the mood.

I heard faint laugh, they're probably imagining Seolhee right now...

like we did when we were just about to meet her.


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