"What are we?"

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Time skip to the day before the school festival

Wendy POV

School finished about 15 minutes ago and Romeo was walking me home like he always had. Tomorrow was the school festival, and it would be Romeo and I's first date as well.

Hey...come to think of it....what are we? He asked me to be his date to the festival and we confessed how we felt about each other earlier this week, and ever since we never really even discussed what we actually are as of right now. Should I ask him? Is that too much? I mean surely it can't be, we both know how we feel now, we're going on a date tomorrow for Mavis sake. The least we could do is sort out where we stand in our current relationship. I'm gonna do it.

"Hey Romeo."

The raven-haired boy looked up from his phone to answer me. "What's up Wen?"

I took a deep breathe to calm my nerves.
"So...we know how we feel about each other now."

"Y-yeah. I think it's awesome. It's a huge relief for sure" He smiled.

"I think so too. But...what exactly are we now?" I asked shyly, averting his gaze.

I was shocked to feel a warm hand grasp mine and intertwine it's fingers with mine.

The hand belonged to Romeo

I felt a blush start to gather across my cheeks.

"Well if you're on board with it. I'd like you to be my girlfriend Wen." Romeo said, sporting that toothy grin of his that I've grown to love.

I flashed a warm smile.

"I would love nothing more than to be your girlfriend Romeo Conbolt."

Romeo's grin intensified

"There you have it, we are officially going steady Wendy Marvell."

"Going steady? You're an old soul aren't you Conbolt?" I giggled as I teased my new boyfriend. Wow that seemed to have a good ring to it.

Before we knew it we were at the entrance to my house.

"So what's the plan for tomorrow?" I asked.

"Well the festival starts at 6. Waddya say I swing by and pick you up at around 5:30?" Romeo replied, sounding quite excited. It was cute.

I flashed him a smile. "That sounds perfect Romeo. I can't wait. Promise me you'll text me when you get home like you always do 'kay?"

Romeo took my hand and laid a soft peck on it, causing me to blush uncontrollably

"As you wish m'lady. I will see you tomorrow at 5:30, and yes I will let you know I got home safe, as always I promise." And with that, my smiley, raven-haired boyfriend turned and made his way toward his own house.

Mavis what did I ever do to deserve this boy.

As I walked up to the front door I was startled by the sight of my older brother leaning up against the front of the house. How did I not notice him there?! How long has he been there?! WHAT DID HE SEE?!

"G-Gray. How long have you been standing there?! Mavis you about gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry Wen. Didn't mean to scare ya. I see you and Conbolt finally told each other huh? So you guys a thing now or what?" My older brother asked, a smug expression on his face.

I could feel my blush coming on once more.
"Uh-um. Yeah....we are actually....we decided that we're officially together as of about 10 minutes ago. Actually we're going on our first date tomorrow at the school festival."

"See Wen? I told you I knew what I saw. Big brother knows best. And school festival? Cool. I'll be there too. A friend and I are meeting up there. Maybe you'll get to meet her."

Her?! Could it be....IT HAS TO BE THE GIRL I SAW HIM WITH AT SCHOOL. This is the perfect opportunity. I am so flipping this around on him.

"Her? Hmmm could this friend be the blue haired cutie I saw you holding hands down the hall with at school earlier this week?" I asked, to tease him but also because I was genuinely was curious.

It was now my big brothers turn to turn tomato red.
"Uh-I mean-waddya mean you—" my big brother just couldn't seem to spit it out. He was Definitley in LOOOOOOOOOOOVE.

"IT IS ISN'T IT! GRAY PLEASEEEEE CAN I MEET HER PLEASEEEEE. I want to meet your girlfriend!"

Gray became flustered. "Gahhh-okay okay Wen you can meet her geeeeeez. Just don't tell mom and dad yer okay? I'll tell them soon. I just don't want them making a big deal out of it like you just did. I just know they're gonna bombard me with questions and I do not feel like dealing with that yet."

"You can count on me big bro" I said, giving a playful salute.

"Good. Now, when Conbolt comes to pick you up tomorrow, I'm gonna need to give him the big brother talk about dating my kid sister, and the consequences that he will Face If he ever hurts you or tries to pull anything." Gray's tone shifted almost instantaneously.

"GRAY! What did we say about working on the overprotective older brother thing?! Romeo has been a gentleman to me since the day we met, long before we started dating. And I doubt he'll change just because we're boyfriend and girlfriend now."

Gray didn't seem to budge. "That's all fine and dandy, but I'm still talkin to the kid Wen."

God my brother has such a thick skull sometimes I swear.....

Well....buckle up Romeo. Guess you're getting the "big brother talk" tomorrow.

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