"We're brothers"

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It is currently Saturday. The day of the school festival, and the day of Wendy and Romeo's first date.

Romeo POV

I was awoken by the sound of two annoying voices bickering. I looked over to my clock on my night stand. It was 9:30am. What the hell could anyone be arguing about at this hour? It was then that I started to recognize the two voices. 'I should've known. God it's everyday that those two are together' I thought to myself while I made my bed and walked through to door to follow the sound of the commotion that robbed me of at least another half hour of sleep.

As I exited my room and walked closer to my step brother Natsu's door all of my suspicions about the source of the racket were immediately confirmed. Natsu's best friend Gajeel was over and they were playing Smash bros, which of course always included them cursing and yelling at each other or claiming the other is cheating to some effect. What the heck was he doing over this early anyway? God I can't stand when these two bicker, they're like teenage girls.

I made my way into Natsu's room and approached the two senior boys.

"Hey dickwads, I guess I have you two to thank for waking me up. Gajeel why are you over so early anyway? It's a Saturday don't you two sleep in ever?" I glared at the two, still upset about my rude awakening.

"Salamander here invited me over to play video games of course. He said your parents left last night and will be gone for the weekend so we're having a weekend long smash bro's competition." Gajeel said in between stuffing his face with cool ranch Doritos.

I sighed "why am I not surprised. Why don't you two spend a Saturday like normal high school seniors? Are you guys even going to the school festival?"

Natsu looked at me puzzled "the festival? That's today?! NO WAY! SHIT." My idiot step brother seemed to have an epiphany as he scrambled to unlock his phone and send what must have been a very important text message.

"Change of plans Gajeel, we're going to the festival tonight! We can resume our competition afterward." Natsu exclaimed.

"Ehhhhhhh?! You want to go to that dumb school festival we've been skipping out on every year of high school? You always talk about how pointless it is. Why all of a sudden?" Gajeel asked puzzled. I was confused also. It was true, Natsu hated the idea of the school festival. He's never gone once in all of his years of high school so far.

"Eh-well it's just that...last year I promise Luce that since it's our senior year and cuz I always refused to go the last 3 years....that I'd go this year since it'll be the last one we ever get to go to." Natsu said, his tone completely changing...God he is never going to tell her is he.

Gajeel then took the words straight from my mind "So thats what this is about...I should've known. So does that mean you're finally gonna tell her how you feel dumbass?"

"Ehhhh?! Waddya talkin about?! I don't feel anything. You, Lucy and I have all been best friends since freshman year. That's all." God he's so dense. But to be fair so Is she.

"God Natsu how dense can you be?" I sighed. "You and Luce have liked each other for years! It's obvious . C'mon dude you gotta tell her." As much as my step brother pisses me off daily, him and Lucy seemed genuinely happy with each other's company. And they both deserve that.

"Oh so just cuz you got a girlfriend now you gonna start givin' me dating advice huh Conbolt?"

I face palmed. "Look I know you piss me off, and I've wanted to murder you since the day our parents got married, but just because you're my step brother doesn't mean there isn't some part of me somewhere that wants you to be happy. And Lucy obviously makes you happy. So just tell her dude. You owe it to yourself." Wow. I've never had a heart to heart before, let alone any civil conversation. What I said was true. Some part of me does want my step brother to be happy.

Gajeel nodded "Your step bro has a point you know. Levy and I would've never gotten together if I hadn't just grew a pair and told her the way I did. Plus it's our first and last school festival, it's the perfect time to tell her."

Natsu sighed in defeat. Then started to slowly form a smile. "Yeah yeah, you two are right I suppose. I guess it's as good a time as any to tell Luce everything. Thanks Gajeel...." he paused and looked my way.

"And Romeo. You know when you wanna be, you're a pretty good step brother." Natsu said with a warm smile.

I smiled. "Brother. We're brothers Natsu."

A/N: Character development!!!! :D
Romeo finally acknowledged Natsu as his brother, not step brother 🤧

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