"Two lovely young ladies"

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Wendy POV

I awoke to the sensation of feeling my cat Carla's soft head rub against my face as she nuzzled up against me as to say "wake up I'm hungry".

I sat up in bed and was in the process of tying my long blue hair into a ponytail before heading downstairs to feed Carla when I heard my phone ding.

It was Romeo

<Romeo <3>

Good morning beautiful :)
Hope you slept well last night. Also by any chance are you free tonight? My oldest brother is in town (miraculously) and he wants to meet you so he told me to invite you over for dinner. Natsu is bringing Lucy too. Let me know if you can, I'll walk over to your place and I'll pick you up so we can walk back to my house together.

I love you <3

Received, 10:45am

His oldest brother?! He'd told me about Natsu's older brother Zeref who Romeo only grew up with for about a few years since his dad married Zeref and natsu's mom since zeref was so much older and he'd move away from home upon finishing high school. Romeo had also mentioned how he basically didn't keep in contact with any of them since he'd left. Well I guess it's at least nice of him to pop back into Magnolia now. I suppose it'd be nice to meet him.


Good morning to you too handsome <3
I would love to come to dinner tonight and meet your older brother. And I'll get to see Lucy too! Should I bring anything?
I love you too :)

Sent, 10:46am

<Romeo <3>
         Great! I'll be by to pick you up around 4:30. I can't wait! I love you <3

                              Received, 10:47am

I responded with an "I love you" of my own and locked my phone and set it back down on my bed before heading downstairs to feed Carla and prepare my own breakfast.

What I saw when I walked down the stairs into the living room astonished me.

Gray was laying on the couch, the way he was sitting looked like he's been watching TV before he fell asleep. But that's not the part the got me. Laying in his lap was his girlfriend Juvia. What was she doing here? Did she spend the night? Or did she just come over super early? I was so confused.

My mom came into the kitchen just as I was pondering those thoughts.

"Oh Wendy you're up honey, good morning." She smiled

She must've noticed that I'd been staring at Gray and Juvia.

"Oh right you went to bed pretty early last night. Remember how we had Juvia over for family movie night? Well after we finished the movie and you sent to bed gray and Juvia decided to continue and have a movie marathon of their own and they both ended up falling asleep on the couch. Dad and I didn't want to wake them so we decided to just leave them be. They're just SO ADORABLE aren't they?! Gosh both you and your brother have lovers now you're growing up so fast!"

Oh no my mom was starting to fan girl again.

To stop her I decided to change the subject and tel her about my dinner with Romeo and his family tonight.

Naturally she got overly excited in the way she always does when I go on dates with Romeo, and she told me I needed to look my best since I'd be going over to his home so she told me she was going to do my hair.

Of course I let her be, since I know how she is when she gets like this. Plus it allows us some much needed mother daughter time which we both genuinely enjoy.

My mother Grandine was indeed a saint. And I'm glad she found happiness marrying Gray's dad. We were a mixed family, and a happy one at that.

Romeo POV

Apparently during his world travels Zeref had become quite the chef.

It was about an hour until it was time for me to pick up Wendy and he'd been in the kitchen pretty much all day.

He also was quite particular about his whole cooking process because he wouldn't let me, Natsu or our parents so much as come into the kitchen while he was in there cooking out of fear that we would "disrupt his vibe" while he was cooking.

We may have all grown up since the last time Zeref was home, but he was still the same old perfectionist i remember him being growing up.

Before I knew it it was time for me to head over to pick up Wendy.

It was around 5:30 when I arrived at her place and found my beautiful girlfriend sitting on the porch playing with her cat Carla waiting for me.

She looked up at me and smiled before running over to me and giving me a quick peck on the check, causing me to blush.

"So, you ready?" She asked

"Yep. Be prepared though. It You thought Natsu and my parents were weird when you first met them. Zeref is a whole new level of weird." I warned

She giggled.

"Oh I'm sure you're overreacting, I'm sure he's great. I'm excited to meet him my love"

We got back to the house just in time as Zeref was putting the finishing touches on supper, and Lucy has already arrived as well much to Wendy's delight.

We got started on dinner and Wendy and Lucy got to familiarize themselves with Natsu and I's mysterious older brother.

Being the jack hole he is of course he had to share all of the embarrassing stories he had of Natsu and I growing up. Dick.

Overall though, despite the utter embarrassment it was a very fun evening. And it made me happy to see Wendy getting along with my family.

Zeref smiled at Natsu and I.

"Well little brothers, I am so glad that you two have grown up and found two lovely young ladies such as these two. Don't screw it up now" he winked at the two of us, once again warranting giggles from Wendy and Lucy.

You know, maybe it won't be so bad having Zeref around for a couple of weeks.

It felt kinda good to have the Dragneel/Conbolt family back  together again.

And I'm glad I could introduce him to my amazing girlfriend.

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