"Well to tell you the truth..."

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Romeo POV

I still found it really hard to believe. All through out middle school, and even through my whole first year of high school I'd never had any interactions with girls, unless they were my teammates girlfriends, and that was really only the occasional "hi" or "(insert boyfriends name)? Nope haven't seen him sorry". But even though Wendy and I had only met earlier today, it felt like the connection we had was like that of lifetime friends. And it was...nice...nice to finally have a real friend.

Before I knew it we had arrived at my favorite small diner. I enjoyed coming here to unwind after practice, or even just after school before going home to my chaotic mixed family.

"Romeo! Back again I see!" A white-haired waitress called at me upon me entering the diner.

"Hey Mira! It's been a while." I replied cordially. I'd been coming here for the past year or so. So everyone who worked here, especially Mirajane who was here more often than not was pretty familiar with me.

Mira's eyes shifted from greeting me over to my new blue haired friend.

"And who is this Romeo? First day of Sophomore year and you've got yourself a girlfriend already?! Props bud!" She said in a teasing, yet somewhat genuinely happy for me and overly excited way.

I felt my cheeks become warm and flush with a red tint. "N-no it's not like that Mira! This is Wendy Marvell. She's new to Magnolia, and today was her first day at my school. So I've been showing her around to her classes and we decided it'd be cool if we came here for a milkshake before we headed back home."

I looked over to see Wendy blushing as well. Oh no. I hope Mira didn't embarrass her. To my relief, she smiled it off and replied "That much is true. Romeo has been my first and only friend so far at fairy tail high, and he's made my first day a lot easier and more fun that I'd imagined. He's very kind and I've appreciated his help very much."

Mira just gave a mischievous smile back at the both of us. "Well alright if you two say so. I'm just saying, you guys look cute together!"

This comment made the both of us blush even more.

"Well, what can I get for you two cuties today?" Mira asked as Wendy and I took our sets across from each other at the nearest booth.

"Hmm. I'll have my usual Mira, just a chocolate shake for me. What about you Wen? What looks good to you?

"I'll take a chocolate milkshake as well, thank you very much Mira" the bluenette replied with a smile.

"You like chocolate too?" I asked

"It's my favorite!" Wendy replied enthusiastically.

That brought a small grin to my face. "Well chalk up another thing we have in common."

"That's right, we do have quite a bit in common don't we Romeo?" Wendy replied fiddling with her hair. I though that was very cute.

"Hey Romeo?" Wendy asked

"What's up Wen?"

"I know we only met today, b-but. You consider me your friend right?" The bluenette asked a bit nervously.

"Of course Wen, heck id even consider you a good friend. I've never connected with anyone the way we have, especially not on the first day of meeting them." I reassured her. "Why do you ask?"

"W-well. I was just thinking, maybe since I'm your friend now, and you're my only friend at school...maybe you could introduce me to some of your friends?"

I paused for a moment.

"Trust me Wen. You don't wanna meet any of them. You're better off not really knowing em." I sighed.

"What do you mean Romeo?" The bluenette questioned, looking puzzled. "They're your friends aren't they?"

"Well to tell you the truth...I really used to wish they'd be my friends but really all I've been is their whipping boy. They're all upper classmen on the baseball team, and naturally I looked up to them so I wanted to be close to them. And really since I've been in high school all they've done is make me their errand boy, haze me and make me do dumb initiation things in order to be able to call myself one of their friends. So...some friends they are. That's why I really just wanted to hang out with you today. And that's why I guess I feel such a connection with you. Because you actually want to be my friend. Unlike those jerks. So trust me Wen. It's best if we just avoid those guys."

The bluenette's reaction turned suddenly somber upon hearing my story.

"Romeo I-I'm sorry that they've been that way to you. That's not right and its certainly not what friends do. And I can assure you I'd never treat you they way. I promise" Wendy's words made my stomach turn, in the best way possible. Her smile gave me such warmth.

I smiled back. "I know Wen. I trust you. And I'd never do that to you either".

Just as we wrapped up that conversation, Mira had arrived at our table with our milkshakes.

Wendy and I sat, talked and enjoyed our dairy treats for what seemed like hours. I don't really know how long it was. Time just didn't feel real when I was with her. What was this feeling? It certainly wasn't significant was it? It can't be. I just met this girl. We're good friends, that's all it can be chalked up to...right?

Just as I was wrapping up that thought I was interrupted by the front door of the diner swinging open suddenly.

In stepped two males that Romeo recognized all too well.

One, a slender but muscular blonde with spiky hair. The other, which had a similar build as the first boy, but with longer black hair that draped over one side of his face.

"Conbolt! What's up buddy. Missed you at our spot today! You think we're gonna let you get pulled up to varsity do you keep playin hooky with us?" The blonde boy barked at me.

"Shove it Sting. I was busy alright? And besides, coach decides who gets pulled up, not you." I spat back.

The blonde just smirked. "You hear that Rogue? Conbolt was busy today. I smell a load of shit."

"It looks like to me that he's gotten himself a new girlfriend, and apparently thinks he's too cool for his friends now" Rogue teased. This was starting to annoy tf out of me. Wendy and I were just trying to enjoy ourselves dammit. Now these clowns show up.

"I-it's not like that dammit! Anyway, Wendy is more of a friend to me than either of you assholes have ever been. You're my teammates and nothing more. You've never tried to be a real friend to me, and don't bother ever trying again after the shit I had to go through last year. C'mom Wen lets go. I don't want you to have to be around these clowns." I said as I got up, pulling Wendy by her wrist leaving the money for the tab and a tip for Mira as well.

"R-romeo..." Wendy was concerned and I could tell. We were Definitley going to be talking about this while I walked her home.

"Catch ya later Conbolt! You'll start to miss us soon enough, as soon as you get bored if your little girlfriend, you'll be crawling back to the boys." Sting teased once more, angering me further. But I just paid no mind and walked out.

God that did not go as planned

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