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Hello everyone! I know what you're thinking

"What? The end? Already?"


I'm sorry it's just that I'm just on a roll with happy hour and have decided to end this story to be able to focus more on writing that one. But I really hope you guys enjoyed this story because I enjoyed writing it! I also want to thank you for supporting this story as well as happy hour and I hope you continue to read happy hour as well as all of the other future rowen and other anime couple stories I will be writing in the future!
Y'all are so awesome and I love y'all!

Also big shoutout to my friend
Wendy_Conbolt  For the amazing idea for this chapter :)

Now onto the chapter!

This story takes place about 10 years down the road.

Romeo and Wendy are now in their mid twenties, and are married with twins

Wendy POV

I woke up to what sounded like a ruckus down the hall.

All I could hear was playful laughter from my husband and the precious giggles of our sweet little babies, who weren't so little anymore for they had just turned four a couple of months ago.

I smiled to myself before getting out of bed, wrapping my robe around myself, slipping on my house shoes and heading out into the living room to scope out the source of the noise

What I saw just melted my heart

Romeo had the blanket that we used to drape over the couch wrapped around himself to resemble some sort of cloak, our daughter Ventus, who had her little toy tiara on was standing behind our son Rowen who had his toy sword and shield raised at Romeo. It looked as if he was protecting her

"MUAHAHAHAHA! It is I! The evil wizard Romeo! I have come to steal the princess Ventus! And take her back to our kingdom! You dare to stand in my way Sir Rowen?! King of Magnolia?" Romeo over dramatized

"Stay away from my sister you meanie head wizard! Hiya!" Rowen then thrusted his foam sword into Romeo's belly

Romeo flung himself back dramatically

"UGGGGH! It appears you have overwhelmed me Sir Rowen! Victory surely is yours!" Romeo shouted before "dying"

Ventus then adorably hugged her big brother

"Hooray! The castle is saved! Yay Rowen!"

I then started clapping while leaned up against the door frame of the living room

My goofball husband and adorable children then faced me, smiled and bowed, acknowledging my love for their performance, before running over to hug me.

"You are all just too precious" I said, kissing my children in the forehead before giving Romeo a peck on the cheek.

"Now, waddya day for the next quest, we all go and help mommy with breakfast?" I said with the same enthusiasm they had during their role play

"I'm in! Race you all to the kitchen!!!" Romeo exclaimed before racing into the kitchen with the same excitement as a little kid on Christmas

Rowen and Ventus both looked at each other and giggled at their daddy's silliness before following him into the kitchen

I smiled to myself

"These crazy Conbolts"

I looked down at my wedding ring

"And boy am I lucky to be one."

I then headed toward the kitchen to join my family



I really hope you guys enjoyed! Thank you so much again! A new chapter of happy hour is also up! Thank you all for the support on both stories and make sure y'all stick around for the remainder of happy hour and future stories

Love y'all :)


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