"A fresh start"

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Wendy's POV

Gosh, it's our first day in our new town and at our new school, which mind you we haven't even set foot in yet and my step-brother is already trying to pick a fight?! He's hopeless I swear. This would be my step-brother Gray and I's first day at Fairy tail high, our new school. We'd just moved to Magnolia a week ago, just before the start of the school year. Neither of us have any friends in this town, so this is going to be a fresh start for the both of us. Gray may only be my step-brother, but we're close as if we were real siblings. My mom married his dad when I was 6 and he was 8, so we've basically grown up together like real brother and sister. He's always done his best to protect me, which is why him getting into a shouting match over someone bumping into me at a bus stop doesn't surprise me, but now that we're older I'd wish he'd let me handle myself more.

"Hey Wen, you alright?" My brother asked looking a tad concerned, I'd noticed I'd hardly said anything since the bus stop incident and kind of zoned out into my own thoughts.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine big bro don't worry about me. You know I always appreciate you sticking up for me, but I'm 15 now, I can handle myself a little more yeh know?" I said as calmly as possible.

"I know Wen, but you know I'll always be protective of you, like you're my real sister."

"I know Gray, and I'm thankful for that" I said shooting my brother a warm smile.

Before I knew it we were standing at the entrance to our new school.

Here goes nothing....

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