"Its him..."

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Wendy POV

The building was huge, it lived up to its name of being one of the most extravagant lookin schools in all of Fiore. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. Like I said, a fresh start.

With classes starting soon my brother and I went our separate ways for the day, although we did plan to meet up for lunch later.

I began looking for classroom 4-D, which would be my home room according to my schedule. After pacing a few long hallways I finally came across my desired room. Upon entering, I was almost floored by what I saw.

"It's him....." I thought

Sitting at the desk at the very front, was the cute guy that had knocked me down on accident this morning on the way to school. My emotions began running amuck, I didn't know how to react properly.

Inner Wendy thoughts:
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I didn't think he'd go to THIS school"
"Of course he would Wendy this is the only high school in Magnolia you big dummy!!"
"Well excuuuuuuuuse me"
"It's okay it's okay just act cool. Be you. Your old friends loved you, why wont he? He will right? RIGHT?!

My little internal monologue was interrupted by the raven haired boy walking over to me and greeting me with a toothy, yet warm and welcoming grin.

"Hey! Glad to see you made it here alright. Sorry again for what happened at the bus stop earlier. I'll be sure to be more careful, I promise" he said with a warm, genuine smile.

"It wasn't your fault I promise. But I do apologize for my brother, he may have escalated the situation a bit." I responded a bit meekly.

"Nah it's no problem, my idiot step brother wasn't much help either. The name's Romeo by the way. Romeo Conbolt. And yourself?"

"Wendy. Wendy Marvell. I just moved to Magnolia last week, and this is my first day at Fairy tail high, so I don't really know anyone"

The boys grin intensified.

"Well Wendy Marvell. First off, welcome to Magnolia! And second off, that second statement is a lie, because you know me! And I'll show you around anywhere you please, in or out of school, and I'll help you out with anything you need." The boy kindly offered. Wow, cute and chivalrous. What did I do to warrant this kind of attention on my first day?

"Th-that's very kind of you. I would love that if it wouldn't trouble you too much." I responded shyly.

"Of course it wouldn't trouble me. It's the least I could do for knocking you down earlier. Plus, if I was brand new to a town and school, I know I'd want someone to show me around, so I wanna help you out as much as I can" Romeo said with that grin of his that could just melt one's heart. I know it did mine.

Romeo was kind enough to show me where all my classes are, he even took a screenshot of my schedule on his phone so he could meet me and walk me to them to make sure I found them without any trouble. He then showed me all the different facilities such as the library, gymnasium, cafeteria, etc. this school was far larger than what Gray and I were used to, and it would take some getting used to.


I totally forgot I have to meet Gray for lunch.

"Hey Romeo, I really appreciate you showing me around so far today, you're too sweet. Are you sure you wouldn't rather spend time with some of the friends you already have here?"

"Hmm? Nah it's okay I'll catch up with them all eventually it's no big deal. Say you wanna go grab some lunch?"

"Actually...I was supposed to meet my brother for lunch...hey. How'd you like to meet him? I'm sure he'd be excited that I've already made a friend here"

"I'm assuming he was the one with you at the bus stop this morning? Sure I wouldn't mind meeting him, but are you sure that's okay? He didn't seem to fond of me."

"I know he might have seemed a little rough around the edges at first, but he was just being protective. Gray is actually really kind, I promise. And he'd love to meet you especially since you're the first friend I've met here Romeo."

"Then why the heck not, sure let's go find him!"

And with that Romeo and I were off to find my brother

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