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"beomgyu, stop messing with my recorder."

"technically, it's mine."

"what kind of logic is that? you gave it to me so now it's mine. now put it aside."

"nah, maybe i'll listen to your recordings-"


"what's with that reaction? did you record something weird here?"

"nah, i barely even use that. haha."

"for some reason, you sound suspicious. and what? you barely use my gift? MY GIFT?"

"well, i don't write songs that often anymore..."


"i don't know... i just don't feel like writing these days.."

"and why is that? are you feeling okay? is it a writer's block or something?"

[ yeonjun chuckles ]

"nothing's wrong with me, stop overreacting. it doesn't suit you."

"wait a second.. maybe you need inspiration!"

"don't you have homework to do? just go home."

"na-ah. i think i'll sleep here today, i'm bored at home.."

"your mom's gonna be looking for you-"

"i already texted her, she knows i always hang out with you.. she trusts you more than me now.. anyways, back to our topic.. you need an inspiration, so i'm gonna search it for you!"

[ yeonjun laughs ]

"you watched too much anime. besides, how are you suppose to do that?"

"easy! i'll set you up on a date! you just need some love life.. you never even had a girlfriend.."

"wow, coming from you-"

"shut up."

[ silence ]

"as i was saying, i'm gonna find the perfect girl for you-"

"i'm not interested."

"wait what? so you're not into girls?"

[ beomgyu gasps ]

"that's not what i meant! i don't need a girl, or a boy, or anyone in particular."

"then what the hell do you need?"


[ silence ]


"you shutting your mouth. that's what i need. honestly your voice is so loud i can't even hear my own thoughts."

"excuse me?!"

"please, i just need some peace- OW! CHOI BEOMGYU YOU LITTLE RAT-"

[ sounds of hitting and screaming ]

[ end of rec_005 ]

𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 | 𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐮Where stories live. Discover now