Your idiot

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Solely inspired by this tweet lmao

Also, like, i know nothing about road rash and first aid so just don't consider this accurate medical info or sum like that.


If you asked Kairi, Mattia went a little overboard sometimes. He never backed down from a challenge, which meant that he will find himself in the stickiest of situations, but even this was just a tad much for him. They were joking around in an abandoned parking lot, when someone had the brilliant idea to ride shopping carts around the lot. It was fun at first, but when they decided to take it to the dark road, Kairi had to draw a line. Riding down a busy street in the middle of the night just seemed a little too suicidal for him, so enduring mocking about being a chicken, he took a seat in the curb and just stared and laughed along from a safe distance. 

"C'mon Kai, let's ride together!" Mattia insisted, but he just shook his head. He gave him puppy eyes and made grabby hands, looking like a whole ass tall toddler, nevertheless Kairi remained unconvinced. "Fine... Boring" He snapped and Kairi just rolled his eyes. 

"Boring but alive, thank you very much." He watched Mattia climb into a cart, while Robert and Alejandro prepared to push him as far as they could. Kairi felt oddly nervous about it, but he tried to push the feeling away as Mattia started whooping and laughing while everyone recorded his journey down the street. Everything seemed to be going alright, and Kairi was actually enjoying himself until the cart met a bump, and there went Mattia, flying off the cart and crashing against the dirty concrete with a loud thud and even louder curse. 

"Fuck! Jesus fuck Mattia, please tell me you're okay..." Kairi didn't bother looking for incoming traffic as he ran down the street and rushed to Mattia's side. Judging by the loud groans, Kairi could only cringe in second-hand pain as Mattia held his own arm away from everyone. He tried reaching out, but Mattia just kept flinching.

"Mattia, stop! Where are you hurt?" Robert asked, which was probably much more helpful than what Kairi was doing, and he couldn't help but feel embarrassed about not asking the important questions. Mattia just huffed while trying and failing to stop the tears from flowing. 

"Okay, we are going to get you to stand up and get you to the curb cause in any moment we're gonna get run over..." Ale and Robert helped Mattia up, letting him lean onto them and take most of the weight off his banged-up legs. Kairi lingered, feeling useless, until he remembered the first aid kit him mom made him keep in his car.

"Guys! Wait, I have a first aid kit. Lemme get it and I can patch you up." Mattia just gave him a watery smile, and Kairi ran back to the car, looking desperately until he found the little, red box. He whooped, and then went back to the curb. "Alright listen, Imma be honest, baby, this gonna hurt." Kairi was gentle with his words and his actions as he gingerly gripped Mattia's arm and gave it a look. The road rash left patches an angry red and deep purple with droplets of blood clinging to the broken skin. "It's not broken... That's good, I guess. You can still jerk off all you want." Kairi giggled and gave Mattia a soft smile, trying to take his mind away from the pain and while Mattia couldn't say it worked on taking the pain away, seeing Kairi smile was always worth it. 

As Kairi prepared the alcohol and the cotton, Ale and Robert slowly made their way back into the car, feeling as if they were interrupting something intimate. It was obvious Kairi and Mattia were having a little moment, and they were not going to stay around and watch. 

"Okay... I'm going to clean up the blood, dirt and pebbles. It's gonna hurt. If I could offer you my hand to hold, I would, but I need both to do this so..." Mattia chuckled lightly, and then gripped Kairi's closest knee and squeezed it, never letting go. Damp cotton pressed along his damaged arm, causing Mattia to flinch and hiss in pain. Kairi looked at his squirming best friend, and tried to make the process as painless as possible. "Honestly, I said no for a reason, Tia. It's just so idiotic, what if something worse happened?" Kairi rambled on, concern making him angry but sympathy making him caring.  Periodically, his knee will be tightly squeezed, and he will stop the dabbing and the nagging for a few seconds to let the pain, both mental and physical, fade a little.  

Mattia watched his best friend so carefully clean up his wounds, with tender movements that warmed him up and made him fuzzy. He felt breathless and paralyzed, oddly charmed by how loving it all was, the scolding and everything else. So entranced he was, he didn't even notice Kairi stopping his rant and looking at him to see how he was holding up. Of course, Kairi wasn't blind, and he noticed immediately the adoring gaze Mattia had. With red cheeks, he grabbed Mattia's hand in his knee and squeezed it, finally regaining his attention. 

"I was saying... I'm gonna wrap it up with some gauze." Mattia nodded and Kairi continued, now quiet. After finishing, he kissed the wounded arm and with a goofy smile said, "There! Is gonna heal all nice now." They laughed, Mattia's deep timbre against Kairi's high-pitched giggles. As Kairi was standing up, Mattia dragged him closer and muttered against his lips a soft "Thanks." Then kissed his best friend sweetly, letting their cold lips press and gently move against it each other. Just a few seconds of a simple, warm and slightly wet kiss was enough for Mattia to know that Kairi was the best painkiller drug, and he voiced it as such. 

"You're such an idiot, Matti..." Kairi fondly ran his hands down Mattia's sides as he laughed. Mattia grinned and planted a kiss in his best friend's forehead. Then his cheeks, and finally,

"Yeah... Your idiot, Kai. Yours..." A chaste kiss on the lips.

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